
Chapter 14


I should thank Luna Rachel for arranging my class schedule to match with Alexa's. She made sure I have every subject Alexa has.


Also, I think the intent and scrutinizing gazes I'm getting from everyone, even from some professors, need a getting used to.


And there's that pack which reeks of blood, of death. One of the members even harbors a killing intent towards me.


"Woah, I'm surprise you're still breathing with all the stares of daggers the majority has been throwing at you Louchiechie," Maggie stated once I settled down with them in the school cafeteria.

"It takes more than a dagger to kill me Maggie," I boasted, curving up a smirk.

"Can I punch you one time?" She scowled with sarcasm and I pouted in reply.

"So what's his deal?" I gestured to the guy who's eying me with killing intent ever since I stepped foot on the school ground. He's with his pack, the pack that reeks of blood.

"That's Kareem, your mate's younger brother's fiancee," Leonne nonchalantly answered.

That made Maggi and Marc's breathing stopped a moment, then their hearts pounded, skipping a bit every second. I clearly noticed it and both bore holes glaring at Leonne at the same time making the girl to crouch down on her seat.

My vision darkened by then, that I had to blink a couple of times to clear my sight. The words caused a bitter taste in my palate, irritated my ears and pang a jealousy in my heart.


Adolphus let out a menacing growl that I did not voice out.

"I think I'm missing something here," I said in a tone that made Maggie and Marc to shiver.

"Better ask Alexa for details Louchiechie or the Alpha and Luna," Maggie suggested and I could sense frustration in her voice for Leonne.

My gum bleed as my canine protruded due to my emotion. I then brought my left hand under the table, crumpling the fork like a piece of shit— I mean a piece of paper as I channel my rage in it.

'poor fork'

The information was just a surprise to me— a surprise asking for bloodshed.


The day went on, with me, suppressing the rage I was feeling deep within. I had to wait for hours to get details from Alpha Hanz about the fiancee thing.

I didn't bother Alexa for inquiry as she was already bothered with all the gossip about us around.


And I sulked in the passenger seat of Marc's car on our way home, with my patience at its tiniest to get my answers and with Alexa's indifference, who didn't even take a glance at me even though we are in the same class.


Just who would not sulk?


My dad stared up at the moon outside by the window while I leaned my back on a shelf, nibbling my nails at the Alpha's office as we listen about Alexa's fiancee matter.

The three of us were the only ones in the room.

"An arranged marriage," my dad uttered, almost to himself in a very icy tone.

"Alfonso, you know the House of Rohan," Alpha Hanz tried to explain, sensing my father's tone.

"Father already decided that if Alexa's mate turns out to be—," he paused and glanced at me apologetically then sighed with a heavy heart.

"... to be weak, none commendable then Alexa's marriage with Kurt, of the House of Daniels, will commence."

"You know how father rules the house Alfonso, there's no place for the weak."

There I saw my father's eyes flicker—reflected by the moonlight as he turned to face the Alpha.

"And who is he to defy what's fated?" He growled.

"Who is he to defy the will of the Moon Goddess?"

"Well, he is a werewolf who's been into the greatest of wars in history," Alpha Hanz pointed, his voice sounded as 'a matter of fact'.

"He's a werewolf who's been through so much that he doesn't believe in fate."

"For him, destiny, fate are just some crappy ideology."

"He's been instilling to all his bloodline for generations that everything in life is a result of one's choice and not some fated crap."

"And he's been ruling the family with a rod of iron for years."

"That is just who he is Alfonso."

There I heard a chuckle from my father then his eyes found mine.

"Do you have what it takes to claim what's rightfully yours Louchiechie?"

He then tilted his head and curved up a smile of mockery, "... considering you're up against a formidable foe that is."

'oh father'

That made me to smirk of arrogance.

I kicked my foot on the shelf, twirl around and slumped my weight on the nearby couch. I then lifted up my arms to the ceiling, spun my hand spinner and stared at it in amusement.

"She's my mate," I spoke with so much warmth as I am overflowing with it everytime I think of Alexa.

"How a little of a choice I have with my feelings for her."

"Mate pull or love, I just know that it's real— I just know that she is the one for me," a smile tugged upon my lips as butterflies swirled around.

"I'd been wondering of my purpose and that is definitely not just to merely exist in this world. I want to live— not just to live but to live well."

"That includes flourishing and stumbling, and I want Alexa with me through all of it— as I will with hers."

"So I will fight to the death to whosoever gets between us, even if that means fighting her grandpa," I then flashed a grin in my father's way, visible enough from the Alpha's view.

My action made Alpha Hanz to massage his brows while my dad smiled in approval, and his eyes sparkled with pride.

"Just as I thought sweety," he winked making the Alpha to groan aloud.
