Chapter 7: Annabelle

Annabelle flopped on her bed and looked around her new room. There were boxes everywhere, the only thing she had unpacked was her bed so she could sleep.

At least the first day of school was finally over. Annabelle had had a pretty good first day of school though. The boy, Johnny, had walked her to all her classes. He had been nothing but sweet to her, constantly telling her jokes and making her laugh. Laying on her back she smiled at the ceiling glad that she seemed to have made a friend.

Lost in thought about what might happen the rest of the week she waited in the calming quiet for her sister to get home. That was until the loud slamming open of her bedroom door, which caused her to jump off her bed and fall on her face, told her her sister was home.

Groaning she got back on the bed and glared at Mary who had amusement in her eyes, "Did you have to come into my room so violently? And when did you get home?"

Mary ran over to her bed and jumped landing right beside Annabelle, "Yes", she said giggling at Annabelle, "and I just got home."

Annabelle raised her eyebrow, "I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah apparently all the rooms in this house are soundproof. I think Ray said it's one of the houses the alpha has for when they want to get away for quiet, but he gave it to us. How sweet is that!"

Flipping her long brown hair over her right shoulder Annabelle just rolled her eyes. "Cool. So how was your first day?"

Mary sat up on the bed and faced Annabelle sitting criss-crossed. Her eyes got big, "You will not believe what all happened to me today. First of all, Ray was so sweet this morning he brought me my favorite danish and coffee, and then walked me to all my classes. He was going to introduce me to his best friend this morning but we couldn't find her. We ended up having lunch with her and O.M.G. Annabelle, this girl is a hybrid." she said.

Annabelle lifted her eyebrow. That was interesting. Although it's not uncommon for mates to be of a different species, hybrids are very rare. Most of the time the offspring of those mate pairs are human or only one type of supernatural. Many born hybrids don't survive past the age of 3 and tend to be pretty weak if they do survive.

"What's her name? Do you know what she's a hybrid of? Did she tell you?" So many questions.

Mary shook her head. "Her name's Fenris and no I didn't ask. I was too afraid."

Annabelle cut her off, "Fenris that's a unique name. It sounds like Fenrir, the monstrous wolf." Annabelle liked the name, it sounded strong and mysterious. "Wait, what do you mean you were afraid? Hybrids are generally weak creatures."

"Huh it doe's. But as for the weak part about hybrids." Shaking her head Mary simply stated, "Not her, no way." She looked in Annabelle's eyes, "I could feel the power rolling off of her the minute she walked up to us in the cafeteria. It made me want to immediately shift into my wolf and submit to her. But when I looked into her eyes I felt like I saw my own death. I knew that with ease this girl could kill me and there wouldn't be a thing I could do to stop her."

"What were her eye's like?" Annabelle asked, fascinated.

"Thinking back they were sort of beautiful. They're a brilliant gold with red around her pupil. They looked like a fire glowing. But when you first look in them it's like you can see every horrifying thing she can do to you. It's like they're saying, 'I can kill you. The only thing stopping me is my own free will.' "

Annabelle's jaw hung open. Even after that description she badly wanted to see this girl's eyes.

"There's more." Mary said. "She also has fangs."

"Fangs? So is she half wolf?" Annabelle asked.

Mary shrugged her shoulders, "I have no idea. Yes she has fangs but these fangs looked like they came from a beast. Although they fit in her mouth and I didn't really see them till she fully smiled at me showing me her teeth. I think she smiled so wide on purpose, like she wanted me to see them. I'm surprised they were in the mouth of a human form. You could tell they were razor sharp and they were made for tearing through flesh." She said shivering at the thought.

"She sounds dangerous. Is she even someone we should be near?"

"That's the strange thing. Even though she gave off this vibe that she could kill everyone if she wanted to she didn't seem mean. Once I got over the primal fear I realized she was pretty nice, even if she dressed like the icon of lesbian players. I could even see her being friends with us."

Annabelle sat in thought. [Lesbian player. I wonder if it's the girl I saw this morning.] She shook her head at the thought. [Couldn't be. I didn't get this scary vibe from her and she had three girls hanging off her So they clearly weren't scared of her.]


Mary's loud scream had Annabelle snap out of her thoughts and almost fall on the floor, again.


"I was asking you about your day. Did you make any friends? OH MY GOD DID YOU MEET YOUR MATE?! WAIT! IS SOMEONE MESSING WITH YOU JUST TELL ME WHO! ME, RAY AND FENRIS WILL BEAT THEM UP! " Mary shrieked, standing up on the bed punching the air.

Forcing her sister to sit back down she shook her head. "No. No one's bullying me, at least not yet, and no I didn't find my mate. But, I did make a new friend. His name is Johnny." she said with a proud smile.

Mary sat back with a thoughtful expression before her eyes went wide. "There was a guy at lunch today named Johnny. He tried hitting on me and when Ray told him that I was his mate, Johnny just laughed at him. Johnny had even tried to touch me and so Ray grabbed his wrist. Then this Johnny guy said I would leave Ray and then Ray sort of snapped. He broke the guy's wrist. When The whole thing was over Fenris told me to take Ray and calm him down." she stated.

Annabelle's green eyes were wide open. "No way it could be the same Johnny I met. The Johnny I met walked me to every class and was constantly making jokes. No way it was the same guy."

Mary just had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Not wanting to talk about it anymore Annabelle got off the bed, "Mary I still need to unpack my room and stuff. I at least want my clothes done by tonight. So if you don't mind, leave." Mary simply got off the bed and left without a word.

Annabelle went to the box filled with her clothes and opened it. [No way that could be the same Johnny. Johnny's my friend. He's handsome, kind, and he's sweet to me. Goddess please don't let it be him.]