Chapter 25: Fenris

On her entire left arm, in Annabelle's beautiful green eye color, was Fenris' mate mark. It was a wide and spaced out tribal design, giving the effect that it wasn't connected even though it was. Usually only alphas had marks this big, so it's very strange that her mark is as big as it is. Yes Fenris is an alpha wolf, but she doesn't have a pack, so the size is unusual.

Grinning up at Annabelle Fenris couldn't hold in her joy and picked the girl up and started to spin around the room, Annabelle wrapping her feet around her waist to keep herself up.

Fenris kept spinning them around, "I told you, I told you, I told you!!" she repeated, Annabelle's laughter echoing in her ear.

Annabelle pulled back and Fenris stopped spinning, but continued to grin like the Cheshire cat. Cupping Fenris' cheeks Annabelle whispered "I know you did." and gave Fenris a quick kiss before pulling back and hugging her tight. They stayed in that position for what felt like hours until Annabelle dropped her legs from around Fenris' waist so she could stand up.

Annabelle looked down at Fenris' arm and traced over the markings with her fingers, making Fenris shiver at the touch. "I wonder why we only now got our markings?"

"Actually while I was away I found out somethings, and that's one of them. Apparently your wolf side had to accept my wolf and demon side, and vice versa, so we had to acknowledge each side with a touch and kiss. Only once we did that would we get our marks." Fenris explained.

Annabelle looked up at her baffled, "How did you figure that out?"

"Turns out the first Demon King and first Wolf Queen had a child who was a hybrid like me. He left a journal that basically went over a bunch of big events in his life, and this was one of the events." Fenris said, deciding to keep the explanation short and not tell Annabelle about the prophecy until later.

"Wow, that's, unexpected. I didn't know that they had a kid that was a hybrid, and the same type of hybrid as you, wow what are the odds."

"Ha, ha, uh yeah, what are the odds." Fenris chuckled nervously. [I need to change the subject.] Fenris' eyes widened, "Wait, Annabelle what about your mark?"

"Oh, I-I have it on my side and stomach." Annabelle whispered, a pink blush rising to her cheeks.

Fenris looked down at Annabelle's stomach, and could feel her lust rise. For some reason the fact that her mark was on her mate in a place only she could see was a bigger turn on then Annabelle having the mark in general. "Let me see." Fenris said, her voice lower than usual and her pupils dilated.

Seeing the change in Fenris seemed to have scared Annabelle because she wrapped her arms around her stomach and backed away from her. "N-no."

Fenris' eyes snapped up to Annabelle's, and she could see the evident fear in them. Whimpering at the look Fenris backed away from Annabelle. "Baby you know I wouldn't hurt you, right? I just want to see it."

"I know you won't hurt me, that, that isn't why I'm scared." Annabelle said, looking down at her feet.

"Then why are you scared of me?"

"I'm not scared of you!" Annabelle practically yelled immediately. Blushing at her sudden outburst Annabelle looked back down. "I'm not scared of you, I promise. I, I love kissing you and hugging you. I can't wait for the first time we say I love you to each other, I can't wait to have a life with you. But, I'm scared of getting intimate. When I saw that look in your eyes it reminded me of Johnny. He would always touch me or try to make me touch him and he had a similar look. I've had so many nightmares that he went further then he actually has." Annabelle had silent tears escaping her eyes. "I'm scared that when we make love for the first time I'll freak out. You deserve a mate who can give you everything, and what if I n-neve-er ca-an and then you w-won't wa-ant me." Annabelle sobbed.

In all honesty Fenris had had dirty thoughts when Annabelle told her where her mark was, and now Fenris felt like a jerk. Annabelle had just told her everything that happened with Johnny not even two hours ago, and she was already thinking about fucking her mate.

Walking up to Annabelle Fenris wrapped her arms and wings around her little mate. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm sorry. I want all of that with you, I want a life with you, and maybe even kids. A life together isn't built around having sex. I can and will wait for you, and even if you never feel ready I will always love you more than I did the minute before. I will never want anyone in my life the way I want you, so please never think that you aren't enough for me, okay?"

Annabelle nodded her head against Fenris chest and cuddled into her. "I love it when you hold me like this, it feels like you're wrapping your love around me."

"I love holding you like this."

"I-I want to show you my mark."

Looking down at Annabelle Fenris could see the worry and determination in her eyes. "Only if you want to." she said, kissing Annabelle on the cheek.

"I want to, but promise you won't try to do anything."

"I promise."

Pulling away Annabelle stood back from Fenris with a dark blush on her cheeks, her hands playing with the hem of her shirt. Taking a deep breath Annabelle slowly pulled her shirt up.

There on Annabelle's side was Fenris's mark. It went from just under Annabelle's left boob and down to her hip, twisting so it just brushed her stomach and went down to her panty line. It almost seemed to shimmer in the red and gold of Fenris' eye color, and it was beautiful. It too was a tribal design but it was sharper and held a more feminine appeal.

"It's beautiful, just like you. Can I touch it?" Fenris asked. Annabelle slowly nodded.

Walking forwards Fenris placed her hand in the middle of the mark and stroked it lightly with her thumb. She could feel the goosebumps rise on Annabelle's warm skin as she continued to stroke the mark.

"Thank you." Fenris whispered, taking her hand off Annabelle's side and grabbing her shirt, pulling it back down. "Let's go to sleep."

Annabelle smiled up at Fenris and nodded. Grabbing Annabelle's hand Fenris pulled her towards the bedroom. "I'll give you some of my clothes to wear and later we can go grab your things or just get you new clothes." she said, going to the dresser and rummaging through it. Eventually she pulled out two t-shirts and two pairs of shorts. "I'll change in the bathroom and you can change in here, okay?" she asked, giving Annabelle the blue shirt and grey shorts. Annabelle simply nodded.

Walking out of her room Fenris closed the door and walked into the bathroom. She quickly pulled on the white shirt and black shorts she had grabbed for herself. In her nervousness Fenris had somehow managed to get the shirt wrapped around her wings and head, but quickly untangled herself.

Taking a quick breath Fenris opened the bathroom door and walked to her bedroom. Knocking on the door Fenris silently walked in, only to be meet by an amazing sight. There in her bed Annabelle was all curled up on the right side, already almost fast asleep.

Slowly walking over Fenris got under the covers on the left side, her wings hanging off the side of the bed, and pulled Annabelle to her. She could feel Annabelle snuggle into her side as she drifted further off to sleep.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Fenris said, closing her eyes.

"Goodnight." came a muffled reply.