Chapter 28: Fenris

For Fenris waking up on her stomach with her wings spread out was normal, having wings meant she either woke up on her side or her stomach. What wasn't normal was the weight Fenris felt on her ass or the gentle caresses on her wings. Peeking over her shoulder she saw Annabelle sitting on her, still in her pajamas of a large grey shirt and black shorts, and a small smile on her face as she stroked her hands through Fenris' feathers. Relaxing at the touch Fenris snuggled deeper into her pillow and enjoyed the touch from her mate.

"I never knew feathers were this soft." Annabelle said, still running her hands down Fenris' wings.

Fenris hummed, "How did you know I was awake? I tried to be as still as possible."

"You tensed up and then relaxed suddenly. Also your breathing changed." Annabelle answered, now running her hands up and down Fenris' back, even through a t-shirt goosebumps rose at Annabelle's touch.

Annabelle started shifting around moving her weight back and forth in an almost slow grinding motion on Fenris' ass. The slow motion quickly got Fenris turned on, the mental image of Annabelle grinding on her had her growling and biting her pillow. She knew Annabelle wasn't ready for a sexual relationship, but never feeling sexual desire until Annabelle came along had Fenris' head spinning with desire. However Fenris would never push Annabelle into having sex, the decision on if they ever did was completely up to Annabelle.

Looking over her shoulder again Fenris saw that the action was innocent, Annabelle was leaning back and forth picking out Fenris' feathers that were ready to fall out. Groaning, Fenris dropped her head back on her pillow and tried to clear her mind of all her dirty thoughts.

"What's wrong?"

Sighing Fenris turned her head to the side, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Could you maybe not, do that motion. It, uh, it feels like you're grinding on me, and it's turning me on."

Annabelle turned a deep red and looked down at their position. Scrambling off of Fenris Annabelle crawled under her wing and up, so the wing was draped over her like a blanket and she was facing Fenris. Still blushing Annabelle glanced at Fenris from under her eyelashes. "Sorry."

"It's fine. It's not like you did it on purpose." Fenris said, leaning over and kissing Annabelle softly on the lips.

Annabelle smiled and scooched forward, hugging Fenris like her life depended on it. "Can Mary come over today? I haven't seen her since Thanksgiving." Annabelle asked, with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Of course baby, this is your house too, so if you want to invite your sister over you can. In fact, I have something to do today so why don't you make it a sister day or something." Fenris said, remembering yesterday. Finally getting a new phone Fenris was able to text her mother and get the address of the lady she would be meeting, someone name Katarina. Fenris had wanted to go find the lady that minute, but Annabelle was being needy and cute wanting to cuddle on the couch and watch movies. So they had watched four movies last night before Annabelle passed out and Fenris carried her to bed, but by that time it was to late.

"Where are you going?"

Fenris hesitated. She didn't want to lie to Annabelle about where she was going but then Annabelle would ask questions and Fenris didn't want to worry her about them possibly being part of a prophecy. Yes the prophecy is most definitely, probably, about them but reincarnation is weird so for all Fenris knew they are not the reincarnation of Cason and Sophia. So the best thing to do is tell a partial truth, "I'm going to see a friend of my mom's. When I was there she told me her friend lived near me and she has a book my mom wants, so I'm gonna go grab it."

"Oh ok." Annabelle simply said. "Don't stay out late we have school tomorrow."

"No you have school tomorrow, I'm suspended for two weeks. So I'll have suspension for two week, then winter break. Including this previous week I'll have a total of five weeks off from school." Fenris groaned and buried her head back in her pillow. "This whole thing is stupid all I did was protect you. I'm gonna be so bored." she said into the pillow which muffled her voice.

"I'm sorry." Annabelle said sadly.

Looking up Fenris could see Annabelle was guilty about the whole thing. Twisting over onto her side Fenris pulled Annabelle to her. "Don't be. I would fight that bastard over and over again to keep you safe, but I don't promise that I won't kill him next time. Now go text Mary and get ready for your sister day." Fenris said, kissing Annabelle on the forehead.

Annabelle squealed and started looking for her phone, eventually going to search the living room where it most likely was, giving Fenris time to change. Getting out of bed Fenris put on her favorite black ripped jeans and a large black hoodie that said 'Grrr' on it. Putting on her converse she glanced over at the time and couldn't believe it, it was 1pm, she had completely slept the morning away.

"Baby, I'm heading out now okay." Fenris called out, walking into the main part of the apartment.

Annabelle was in the kitchen gathering all the snacks they had together. There was an abnormal amount of junk food because Annabelle had a sweet tooth, and Fenris couldn't say 'no' or 'enough' when she pouted and wanted something. Looking at everything Fenris went wide eyed not realizing just how much they had. [I really need to put a limit on how many sweets we can get, otherwise Annabelle's gonna make herself sick on all this sugar. Or, she won't eat all of it and half will go bad and we wasted money.]

Annabelle grabbed all the snacks she could and took them to the living room, "Alright babe, Mary should be here in a few minutes." she said setting the snacks on the coffee table. Walking over to Fenris Annabelle wrapped her arms around Fenris' waist and nuzzled her neck. "Have a good day."

"You too." Kissing the top of the shorter girls head Fenris pulled away and then kissed her lightly on the lips. "I have to go now sweetheart, I'll see you tonight." she said , and then walked out the door to her car.


Turns out Katarina only lived about twenty minutes from Fenris. So Fenris had been fairly confident that she knew where the women lived, she proved herself wrong. The short drive had taken about an hour because Fenris had gotten lost multiple times, every time she felt she was back on track she found herself somewhere else. Giving up Fenris decided to just put the address into the map on her phone, thankfully at that point she was only five minutes away.

Pulling up Fenris saw that the house was large old Victorian style home, having three floors and a wrap around porch. It easily said that who owned the house had money, but with the scattered potted plants with flowers growing in them and the warm colors of the house it gave off a comforting tone.

Parking her car Fenris slowly walked up the porch steps. Before she could knock on the door it opened revealing Elisa in sweatpants and a hoodie.

"What the- Fenris? What are you doing here?" Elisa asked, adjusting her glasses and eyeing Fenris curiously.

"Uh, hey Elisa. Does a Katarina live here?"

"Yeah, she's my mom."

"Can I talk to her?" Fenris asked.

"Yeah follow me." Elisa said turning around and walking in the house not waiting for Fenris.

The inside of the house was much more modern than the homey outside, but it still had the markings of the Victorian style like the stairs and the dark hard wood floors. The room Elisa brought Fenris to seemed to be the parlor of the house, with large sofas and bookshelf's being the only furniture in the room. There on the couch farthest from sat a woman with long snow white hair and skin so pale she looked like a china doll, the only color on her skin was her blood red lips. The woman snapped her shinning silver eyes up at the two teenagers and stared at them for a second before grinning, her lips parting and showing off her long canines.

"Ah, Elisa my dear you brought a friend. Here I was thinking you were going out to a friends." The woman, Katarina, stated, she had a thick Russian accent but her voice was oddly soft. Setting her book down Katarina folded her hands in her lap, but made no move to get up. "Well Elisa, introduce your friend."

"Mom this is Fenris, she's the mate of the girl I'm going over to see."

Fenris snapped her head around to Elisa, "You're going to see Annabelle? She told me she was having a sister day with Mary."

Elisa shrugged her shoulders, "I got a text from her a few minutes ago asking if I wanted to come hang out with them and watch movies."


"Well if that's all I'm gonna head out. Bye mom!" Elisa yelled as she walked back to the front door.

"Bye Elisa dear!" Katarina yelled after her daughter. "So, Fenris, I was told you want to ask me some questions about the first royals offspring." Katarina stated, gesturing to the couch opposite her for Fenris to sit.

Sitting down Fenris took a deep breath and let it out. "I wanted to ask you about Cason. He was a hybrid like me," Fenris gestured to her wings which were tightly pressed to her back, "and as you might know there's no mention of him in the history books. I first want to know if you even knew him."

"I knew of him but I didn't know him personally. At the time I was friends with one of his older sisters." Katarina answered, not giving any more information on her relationship with the royal family.

"Around the time that Cason and his mate Sophia died did you know of anything that could have happened?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Anything. I found a prophecy about him and the last line was that 'Only the acts of repentance and forgiveness will break the cycle.' But, with no information on Cason and Sophia I have no idea who needs to repent, who needs to forgive and most importantly what happened." Fenris sighed.

"Why is this important to you? This event happened thousands of years ago." Katarina asked.

"Annabelle and I are most likely the reincarnations of Cason and Sophia. If that's true then something will happen that will tear us apart, I can't let that happen." Fenris said, knowing the only way to get answers was to be honest.

Katarina stared into Fenris' eyes, silver watching crimson gold. "I might know a starting place for you, but like I said I didn't know them personally so I don't have a lot of information." Katarina warned. "Now if you know about Cason you know that Sophia was pregnant and that people were trying to kill her and the baby. What isn't known is that a few days before they were killed I saw Sophia running away from the palace. She was only wearing a night gown, her hair was a mess and she looked awful. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and even from a distance I could smell the blood on her. She was only a few weeks pregnant, and I could tell the blood was hers, so I assumed she had a miscarriage and couldn't handle it. She always ran to clear her head no matter her physical state. It was the next day that I heard she left Cason and refused to come back, but I never learned why."

Fenris stared open mouth at Katarina, her mind reeling from this new information. "Thank you, you're right that wasn't a lot of information, but it did give me a place to start trying to find answers. If you'll excuse me I think I need to go think this new information over." Fenris said, standing up and walking out of the house.

Getting in her car she drove off, no destination in mind. [What did Sophia having a miscarriage have to do with the prophecy?]