Frisk's POV
Frisk and Ace woke up for breakfast, french toast topped with butterscotch, and spent the morning watching Christmas movies with Toriel. Ace's choice was Polar Express and Frisk's choice was Nightmare Before Christmas. While they watched them, Toriel went back and forth up the stairs, carrying armfuls of wrapped boxes and putting them under the Christmas tree.
"Are those our presents?" Frisk whispered to Ace.
"Probably," he replied with a shrug before looking back at the TV. Frisk sat up and pulled one of the presents into their lap. Ace's name was written on it. Glancing at one of the other presents, Frisk noticed their name on the side. Footsteps echoed down the stairs. Tensing, Frisk dashed back onto the couch, gripping their pounding heart as they gazed at the TV. Toriel walked past them and sat back in the chair. The movie ended right around noon when the three decided to eat lunch: classic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. In the middle of their sandwiches, the doorbell rang.
"I will get it," Toriel offered, standing up. Frisk and Ace stood up, sandwiches in hand, and watched as their mother pulled open the door. Three figures stood there.
"Poppy! Ray! Teri!" Toriel ushered them all inside with her paw. "Come on in!"
"Hey Frisk!" Teri greeted, clutching a wrapped box in her arms. Poppy and Ray each held a pile of presents in their arms, and the three had backpacks on as well.
"What's all this?" Frisk asked, pointing at the tower of presents in Ray's arms.
"Christmas presents!" he exclaimed, jumping up. A few of the boxes toppled onto the ground. He quickly scooped them up.
"Some are for us," Poppy repiled, making her way toward the Christmas tree. "But the others are gifts we got for everyone else. Can we put them under the tree for now?"
"Sure," Toriel replied with a nod. Poppy and Ray let out sighs of relief. Falling to their knees, they allowed the presents to tumbled out of their arms. Teri simply put her few presents down. Then all three unzipped their backpacks to reveal even more presents, which they stashed beneath the tree.
"Oh, also!" Teri jumped to her feet, her backpack still open in front of her. She pulled out two containers of sugar cookies. They were topped with red or green icing and white snowflake shaped sprinkles "I brought these for the party tomorrow!"
"Ooh! I like those!" Frisk replied, their mouth watering at the sight.
"Really?" Ray asked, raising an eyebrow. "Those things are gross." Teri shrugged, putting the cookies down on the table. Poppy also grabbed a tall bag of potato chips from her bag, placing them on the table beside the cookies.
"So when are we heading for Mount Ebbot?" Poppy murmured to Frisk.
"When everyone's here," They answered in a similarly low voice. "I want everyone to be there when we do it."
"Why?" Poppy asked, pushing open the fridge door to hide them from Toriel and the others. "We already have all the soul pieces. Let's just go before it gets dark."
"We will go before it's dark," Frisk muttered, pushing the door closed. "Kat and Clover won't take long to get here. We're waiting for them and that's final." Poppy let out a sigh though she did not object further.
"Oh, would any of you like anything to eat?" Toriel asked, gesturing to Teri, Ray, and Poppy.
"Nah," Poppy answered with a shrug. "We ate before we got here." Teri and Ray nodded.
"Alright," Toriel replied with a nod. Frisk and Ace finished up their sandwiches and the five friends played Apples to Apples for a while until there was another knock on the door. Toriel pushed the door open to reveal Kat.
"I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, clutching the boxes in her hands. "Am I late? I would've been here earlier but we stopped to buy food for the party tomorrow." She put the wrapped boxes under the Christmas tree, keeping a fruit platter in both hands. "Is this okay?" Frisk glanced at the platter. There were grapes, strawberries, slices of pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, and those weird green slices that come in every fruit platter. Blueberries were also scattered among the top.
"Looks good, Kat," Toriel replied with a nod. She made her way back upstairs.
"What are those called?" Frisk asked, pointing at the green slices.
"It's honeydew," Kat answered, putting the tray down beside the swarm of Apples to Apples cards. "It's not my favourite, but it comes in every fruit tray." She looked around. "Hey, where's Clover?"
"He's not here yet," Teri replied, stepping closer. "He said he was going to stay to light the Menorah before he comes over."
"Fair enough," Kat replied with a shrug. Everyone sat back down in front of their decks of cards. "Ooh! I like this game, can I play?"
"Sure." Frisk grabbed seven red cards and passed them to Kat. They played for hours more until Toriel came back downstairs.
"Do you have a suggestion for dinner?" she asked, pulling the cabinet door open. Frisk shot a glance at the microwave. The time displayed was four o' three, and the sun was just above the houses around them.
"You guys got pizza?" Ray asked, slamming his fists on the table.
"We could order one I suppose," Toriel replied, placing a paw on her chin. "What do you like on your pizzas?"
"Pepperoni," Poppy answered, raising her hand. Ray raised his hand as well, nodding to Toriel.
"I like spinach and tomatoes," Kat replied. Frisk nodded at her.
"Just cheese, please," Ace answered, clasping his hands at his waist.
"Alright." Toriel grabbed her phone off the counter. "I'll order three pizzas, one for Ray and Poppy, one for Frisk and Kat, and one for Ace." She pointed at each of them accordingly. "Ace, when Clover comes, do you mind sharing your pizza with him?"
"No, that's fine," he replied, with a nod. Frisk pulled out their phone and sent a text to Clover.
When are you coming? Mom is already getting us dinner.
Frisk waited for what felt like an eternity to them before getting a response.
I just finished eating dinner. Mom and Madre are going to light the Menorah when they're done eating. Then they'll drop me off.
Frisk let out a sigh.
There was a knock on the door. Toriel went to answer it, pulling it open to reveal a blonde haired woman holding boxes of pizza. Frisk's eyes widened.
"Hi, are these yours?" she asked, holding them out.
"They are," Toriel replied, taking the boxes in her paws.
"Spade?!" Ace gasped, his eyes wide. The delivery woman glanced at him, taking a step back.
"Ace!" The two dashed toward each other, wrapping their arms around each other and gasping cheerfully.
"My child, who is this?" Toriel asked, pointing at Spade.
"Oh." Ace backed out of the hug. "This is Spade, my older sister."
"I was at the…" Spade cringed as she said the word: "Trial." She cleared her throat. Ace looked away, pulling his arms into his chest. "Anyways, Ace. I haven't seen you since then. How has living with Toriel been?"
"It's been good!" Ace exclaimed, running up to hug Toriel. "Me and Frisk go to her school, and we have a bunk bed in our room!"
"Very cool," Spade replied with a nod. "I'm glad it worked out. I don't know what the court was thinking when they initially asked ME to take care of you."
"Oh yeah!" Ace replied, looking away. "I mean, I would've loved to live with you, but you're busy with work and college."
"Yeah." Spade glanced out the door. "Well, I'd stay longer but I have more deliveries to do."
"Can you come to our Christmas party tomorrow?" Ace asked, his eyes bright. "It's here at the house, there'll be food and games!"
"Sure! Should I bring something?"
"If you can," Toriel cut in, nodding. Spade nodded back before closing the door, making her way back toward the car on the side of the road. The kids sat down at the table and ate their pizza. Frisk's gaze was intent on the window. The sun remained in the sky, though pink and orange hues began to paint the sky. Meanwhile, Toriel wandered around the kitchen muttering something to herself. She grabbed various ingredients from the cabinet and counter, mixing them together as she hummed to herself. It was probably a pie… Finally, the doorbell rang, making Frisk jump out of their seat and rush toward the door.
"I will get it!" Toriel called, putting the bowl aside on the unlit stove. She pulled the door open.
"Clover!" Frisk exclaimed, ushering them inside. "Oh, thank goodness you're here!"
"Um… yeah." Clover put his food, a bag of popcorn, on the table beside the chips, cookies, and food platter. Everyone's gaze was intent on Frisk.
"It's time," Chara muttered, slouching beside Frisk. "Let's go save Asriel." Frisk nodded. They glanced out the window. The sun was just sinking below the line of houses, painting the sky orange.
"Mom, can we go outside?" Frisk asked, stepping into the kitchen with their hands clasped. Toriel glanced out the window.
"I suppose…" Frisk's heart skipped a beat. "Just be back soon, and take a light with you in case it gets dark while you are outside."
"I have a flashlight," Kat replied, pulling one of her pocket.
"Great!" Frisk dashed toward the stairs. "I'll go get my jacket." Rushing up the stairs and toward their room, Frisk flung the door open and slipped their coat on. Opening one of the drawers, Frisk carefully put the jar of soul fragments into their bag along with a rope. Then they made their way carefully down the stairs. Everyone was already standing in the living room, suited up in their winter gear.
"Are we all ready?" Frisk asked, stopping at the foot of the stairs. Everyone nodded. "Alright, let's go." Pushing the front door open, Frisk ushered everyone outside before stepping out behind them. The door slammed shut behind them from the wind.
"Do you actually know how to get to Mount Ebbot?" Poppy murmured to Frisk.
They nodded. "It's not far from the school…"
"It'll take forever to walk there from here!" Teri exclaimed, her eyes wide.
"Then we can't waste any time." Frisk marched to the front of the group, ushering them forward. "Come on." The group nodded to them.
Chara's POV
Frisk made their way through the snowy neighborhoods, their friends trailing after them and Chara floating at their side like a balloon. They weren't even really trying to follow them anymore. However, even as they stood perfectly still, some force pulled Chara along after them. Chara allowed their feet to float above the snow. They watched it pass beneath them as they were pulled along, their mind buzzing with thoughts of Asriel. There's no way this is going to work...
Don't be so negative, Chara, Frisk thought.
Chara shrugged, gazing at the school ahead of them. The sun was well behind the mountains now, casting only a sliver of light in the now dark blue sky.
"There's no way we can make it home before dark," Kat sighed, turning her flashlight on and pointing it ahead.
"We'll be lucky to make it to Mount Ebbot before it gets dark," Chara grunted. Frisk shrugged in agreement, though they said nothing. Finally, the group made their way up the mountain. Frisk was in the lead, Poppy at their side with Kat, Teri, and Ray close behind. Clover and Ace however struggled. They walked slowly, struggling up the steep slope and around bigger rocks. How did they hike up here the first time?
We helped them. They're actually doing pretty well this time.
"Clover, Ace, you doing alright?!" Frisk called, glancing over their shoulder at them.
"Yeah!" Ace called back, stomping through the layer of snow. After some more hiking, the group stopped in front of the cave where they had first fell.
It looks so weird in the Winter, Frisk thought. Chara gazed at the cave. They had only seen this place two other times, once when they first fell underground and once a few days ago when Frisk went to visit Flowey. The former time it had been much warmer. Now snow adorned the top of the cave, lumps of it occasionally dripping off to join the snow below. Chara shrugged. It doesn't look that different...
"Alright." Frisk put their backpack down in the snow, like a genius, and zipped it open. "Let's get down there." They pulled out the jar and the rope. Frisk looked at the others. "Can one of you hold the jar?" they asked, picking it up.
"I got it," Kat replied, taking it in her hands.
"Okay…" Frisk murmured, standing up with the rope in hand. They tied it to the same rock they did last time, angling it so it would allow them to simply walk down the wall. "Alright we'll go one at a time." Frisk took the jar back, putting it in their backpack and zipping it up. They grabbed the rope just before the hole. "I'll go first. Everyone, follow my lead." Frisk walked their way down the wall, allowing Chara to just slowly descend to the ground beside them. Jumping down, Frisk walked aside and looked up. The others were walking down the wall, the rope shaking as they did before they jumped down beside Frisk.
"Woo!" Ray jumped down from the height of a tree, landing on his feet. "That was fun!" Chara rolled their eyes. Frisk continued forward, the others at their heels before stopping in front of a patch of golden flowers. Flowey stood in the middle, his eyes empty as he gazed at them.
"So you did end up keeping your promise," the flower grunted, though he still smiled brightly. "And you brought your human friends…"
"We brought something else too." Kneeling down, Frisk unzipped their backpack and pulled the jar out. The seven soul pieces floated inside, glowing off the glass like a rainbow. Flowey's eyes widened.
"What did you do?" Frisk twisted lid off the jar, allowing the pieces to float out the top. Grabbing them, Frisk took a few steps forward. They let go of the pieces right in front of Flowey, taking a few steps back. Flowey stared at the pieces for a moment. Then glanced at Frisk. "Did you…?" Frisk nodded, resting their hand on their chest and allowing their broken soul to appear in front of their chest. The others followed their lead. Chara and Flowey both gazed at the split souls, the former still finding it dull. Flowey gazed at Frisk. His once empty eyes now watered. Vines sprouted out of the ground, stretching toward the seven soul pieces. The second they touched, a burst of light flooded the cave, forcing Chara to squint. Flowey was trembling behind the soul. Within the light, Chara could only see his silhouette stretching and morphing. Something blazed within Chara. The light faded to reveal Asriel standing in the flowers, the seven souls pieces moving closer together to form one rainbow coloured heart. It receded into his chest as he gripped his arm. Asriel's eyes widened. Raising his paw, he gazed at it curiously, flexing his claws and running his paw across his arm.
"It worked!" Kat gasped, putting her hand over her mouth. Chara stayed as far back as they could even as Frisk dashed toward Asriel, throwing their arms around him. Shaking, Asriel returned the gesture. Chara sighed. Frisk's thoughts were swelling with so much joy, causing tears to run down their cheeks. However, Chara looked away. They couldn't help but smile at everyone's happiness, Asriel's included, but it did them no good.
"Chara…?" They looked up. Asriel was looking right at them, his green eyes wide. Chara raised an eyebrow.
"Asriel?" They took a few steps closer, yet Asriel still kept their teary gaze fixed on Chara. "Can you… see me?" Asriel nodded. Chara's eyes widened, and they were glued to their spot. Asriel stepped forward.
"Chara!" He flung himself toward them, arms open only to flop to the ground with a gasp. Chara looked down at him, snorting with laughter.
"Sorry," they replied, stepping aside as Asriel pushed himself to his feet. "I'm a little incorporeal now."
"Well, I have a soul made of pieces from seven different humans now so I guess we're even," Asriel replied with a shrug. Chara giggled into their hand.
"How can you see Chara?" Frisk asked, pointing at Asriel.
"I'm attached to your soul, remember?" Chara replied with a shrug. "And now Asriel has part of it."
"Chara, how did you end up attaching to Frisk's soul?" Asriel asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know,��� Chara admitted, looking away and gripping their elbow. Their heart sank as a memory hit them square in the face. They gazed at Asriel. "I've been with them since they fell Underground… I know you think I'm a bad person."
"Bad person…?" Asriel was silent for a moment before his eyes widened. "Chara, I never said you were a bad person, just that you weren't the greatest person… but nobody is." He let out a sigh, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry. You are still my best friend it's just…"
"My plan was terrible, I know," Chara grunted, folding their arms. "Trust me, if I could go back and fix it, I would." They let out a sigh. "Now look at us."
"What do you mean?" Asriel asked, tilting their head to the side. Chara raised an eyebrow. "I know it wasn't the best plan and yeah, you wanting to kill humans… scared me-"
"I don't want to kill humans," Chara interrupted, taking a step closed with their head hung low. "I mean, I did, but only because they were hurting you… and yeah, I kinda hated the human race… but I don't… anymore… Um…" Chara pointed at Frisk and the others, who stood far behind them silently. "Frisk and their friends are great."
Asriel cracked a smile. "They are… Anyways, your plan wasn't perfect… in fact it was terrible-"
"You did the right thing by refusing to kill those humans," Chara cut in.
"But look at us now," Asriel replied, holding his arms out. "Everyone is free and we're reunited… It's not ideal but, at least we have each other, right?"
Chara smiled. "Yeah… we do…" Asriel and Chara simply gazed at each other in silence before Ray cleared his throat.
"Should we get going?" he asked, pointing at the exit to the cave.
"Yes…" And the group made their way out.
Frisk's POV
"Mom is gonna kill us for being out this late," Frisk grunted, turning the final curb to get to their house. Ace and the others nodded.
"I just hope she doesn't send us home," Poppy sighed, her shoulders hunched. "It took a lot of convincing for our parents to let us come."
"Um… where will I go?" Asriel asked, his paws fidgeting with themselves. "If… If we're all going to Toriel's house."
"What do you mean?" Frisk asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're coming with us, aren't you?"
"And… live with Toriel?" Frisk nodded. "But… won't she question how I'm alive? Where I've been all this time?" Asriel skidded to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk, gripping his chest. "What if she finds out I was Flowey? Everything I did?!" He put his paw over his mouth, eyes watering.
"I'm sure she'll forgive you," Frisk insisted, resting their hand on Asriel's shoulder. "She is your mother, after all."
"But what if I haven't really changed?" Asriel asked, turning away from Frisk and the others. "I can feel it in this soul… There's still capacity to hurt."
"Er…" Everyone glared at Poppy, who was raising her shaking hand. "That would be my LV…"
"Right…" Asriel murmured, looking away. "But… does it affect me?"
"Only if you let it," Poppy replied, gesturing everyone forward. Frisk walked forward, the others following them. Asriel walked beside them.
"Seriously, Asriel, you're not Flowey anymore," Frisk insisted, gazing at them sympathetically.
"Yeah," Kat cut in, "The fact that you're even scared of that is proof that you can feel love for others."
"You're a good person, Asriel." Asriel shivered as Chara stepped right through them. "Don't ever doubt that." Everyone nodded, gazing at Asriel with smiles.
"Okay," Asriel sighed, gripping his arms. "Just… don't tell Toriel that I was Flowey…"
"We won't," Frisk replied with a nod. "We promise." Everyone nodded. Eventually, the group stopped in front of the house.
"Asriel." The young monster gazed at Frisk. "If you don't want Toriel to see you yet, we can sneak you inside. I know a way to get you from the backyard straight to me and Ace's room."
"You do?" Ace asked, gazing at them with wide eyes.
"Yes," Frisk replied with a nod before looking back at Asriel. "Go through the gate to the backyard. We'll meet you there." Asriel nodded. Twisting the lock, Asriel pushed the gate open and slunk down into the backyard. Frisk pushed it shut. The group made their way to the front door, easily pushing it open.
"My children?!" Toriel gasped, immediately booking it toward the door. "Where have you been?! It is past seven o' clock."
Frisk cringed. "We got a bit turned around…" Frisk looked away, itching at their scalp. "Sorry, we really should've called you now that I think about it."
Toriel let out an exasperated sigh. "It is alright, just go upstairs now and behave."
"Yes, Toriel." The group chanted together. They made their way up the stairs single file and shut the door behind them once they were in the room.
"Asriel!" Kat exclaimed, pointing at the window. Frisk nodded. They made their way toward the window, pulling it open and gazing at the dark backyard.
"Azzy!" Chara called. Frisk looked around the yard and spotted a flash of white fur among the grass. Asriel was in front of the unlit kitchen window. Putting their backpack on the floor, Frisk unzipped it and pulled out the rope.
"Can you help me hold this?" Frisk asked, gesturing the rope to everyone. They all nodded. Frisk threw one end of the rope out the window, keeping a firm grip on the other end. The others helped them. Asriel grabbed the rope in his paws, clinging to it as the others pulled him up. It took forever but they finally pulled him through the window. Asriel flopped op the floor. Putting the rope aside, Frisk pulled the window shut.
"Thanks," Asriel muttered, fidgeting with his paws.
"No problem," Frisk replied with a nod. They turned to the others. "Did everyone bring their sleeping bags?" The group nodded, pulling out their sleeping bags.
"What about me?" Asriel asked, clasping his paws together. "Should I… sleep on the floor?"
"Oh!" Kat held her sleeping bag out to him. "You can use mine. I'll go sleep on the couch in the loft."
"Thanks!" Asriel took the sleeping bag and laid it out of the floor. Then he buried himself within the covers. "Goodnight everyone!"
"Goodnight?" Ray asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's barely eight o' clock."
"Just let him sleep," Frisk replied, glaring at Ray. "He's probably exhausted."
"He always was an early bird," Chara added. The kids stayed up for much longer, though they kept their voices low around the sleeping Asriel before falling asleep themselves.