
In the large and beautiful hotel room, the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the figure lying on the king-size bed. Skylar Xia, with her tousled hair covering half of her face, was in deep slumber, completely unaware of the world outside her dreamland.

However, her peaceful sleep was suddenly interrupted by the insistent ringing of her phone. "Ring, ring," the sound seemed to pierce through her dreams, pulling her back to reality. With a groggy voice, she reached for her phone and answered it, still half-asleep. "What?" she mumbled, her voice laced with laziness.

On the other end of the line, Lila Xia's voice sounded amused. "I think you should wake up now, Sky. It's almost 9:30 am."

Skylar's eyes shot open, and her grogginess vanished in an instant. "What the f*ck, I always wake up early, and I... I..." Before she could finish her sentence, Lila playfully cut her off.

"Enough, Sky. Just get dressed and come to the cafeteria on the grand floor. Make it snappy, okay? Oh, and yes, I have a lot to tell you, so bye!" Without waiting for Skylar's response, Lila ended the call.

Skylar was left wide awake and slightly flustered by her sister's energetic wake-up call. "My head hurts," she murmured to herself as she caressed her forehead, feeling the lingering effects of last night's revelry. Lazily, she got out of the bed and headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

As she stood in front of the mirror, Skylar couldn't help but notice her reflection—her slightly disheveled hair and her tired eyes. "I really need to get dressed before Lila starts her nagging," she thought, turning on the tap to splash some cold water on her face.

After a refreshing shower, Skylar emerged from the bathroom, feeling more awake and ready to face the day. She picked out a cute polka dot white and ocean blue knee-length dress and a loose belt, deciding to add a touch of the ocean blue band to her wavy hair. She knew the little details mattered, especially today. With a quick spritz of the latest Xia Empire perfume 'Depth,' she felt a surge of confidence as she glanced at her reflection once more. "I'm ready to face whatever Lila has to say," she said to herself with a determined smile.

However, before she could leave the room, Skylar remembered something important. "Oh, the contact lens!" she exclaimed, reaching for the golden box with the lenses inside. She carefully put in the brown contact lenses, altering her blue eye color, and admired the effect in the mirror. "Now I'm ready," she thought, taking her phone and purse, and finally heading out of the room.

As she walked towards the cafeteria, Skylar's mind was buzzing with curiosity. "What does Lila have to tell me?" she wondered, eager to hear the details of the previous night's escapades. She couldn't help but chuckle at her own antics from the night before, thankful that Lila was always there to look out for her.

As she approached the cafeteria, Skylar spotted her sister, Lila, sitting at one of the coffee tables near the window. Lila wore a simple black pencil jeans with a pink shirt and had her hair neatly tied in a bun. She looked up and smiled as Skylar approached.


As Skylar Xia approached the coffee table where Lila was sitting, her sister's expression seemed to alternate between annoyance and relief. Lila was tapping away on her phone, and when she finally looked up and saw Skylar, her relief was evident.

"Oh, thank God you are here. Do you know I was about to call you? And do you even know what time it is now? You're such a pain in the ass," Lila said with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

Skylar chuckled at her sister's reaction. "Okay, Lil, I'm sorry. At least I came here on time. It's 10:30; let's just call it a late breakfast instead," she replied in a playful tone, trying to lighten the mood.

Lila rolled her eyes playfully. "Whatever, Sky. You always have a way of making everything sound so casual," she said, shaking her head at her sister's carefree attitude.

With that, they both settled down to order breakfast. Lila decided to go for a simple and classic option, opting for the French Italian bread with a cup of coffee. Skylar, on the other hand, had a sweet tooth and couldn't resist the allure of cream pancakes with hot chocolate.

As they placed their orders, the waiter, a polite and attentive young man, noted down their choices. "I will have the French Italian bread with a cup of coffee," Lila said, looking up at the waiter.

The waiter smiled and turned to Skylar. "And what about you, miss?"

Skylar grinned and replied, "I'll have the cream pancakes with hot chocolate, please." Her eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of indulging in her favorite sweet treat.

"Very well, misses. Your food will be ready in half an hour," the waiter said politely, bowing slightly before he walked away to place their orders.

As they waited for their food, Skylar couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort sitting here with her sister. The familiar ambiance of the hotel's cafeteria, the sound of chatter and laughter from other guests, and the gentle sunlight streaming in through the windows created a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

"Lil, did you know I almost forgot my contact lenses because I was in such a hurry this morning?" Skylar said, her tone turning more serious.

Lila looked at her with concern. "Oh no, Sky, that would have been a disaster. You know how you hate it when people touch your face, and the lenses are essential to maintain your disguise," Lila reminded her.

Skylar nodded in agreement. "You're right, Lil. I should be more careful. It's just that I was in such a rush to get dressed and didn't want to keep you waiting," she said, feeling grateful for her sister's watchful eye.

"It's okay, Sky. Just make sure you don't forget them next time. We can't afford any slip-ups, especially with Justin Mar around," Lila said, her expression becoming serious.

Skylar nodded again, realizing the importance of maintaining her disguise and staying cautious around the Mar brothers. She appreciated Lila's concern and knew that her sister had her back no matter what.

Skylar Xia's curiosity grew as Lila Xia hinted at what happened the night before. "Sky, you won't like what happened, trust me," Lila said, her voice filled with concern.

Skylar's anxiety increased. "Just tell me, Lil, did I do something really embarrassing? Did I embarrass myself in front of someone?" she asked, feeling a little embarrassed just thinking about it.

Lila reassured her, "No, Sky, it's not about embarrassing yourself in front of someone. It's more about what you said when you were drunk."

Skylar's eyes widened in surprise. "What did I say? Did I reveal some deep, dark secret or something?" she asked, her mind racing with possibilities.

Lila hesitated for a moment before responding in a low voice, "You confessed that Feng Ting was your high school crush."

Skylar's face turned bright red, and she immediately covered it with her palms in embarrassment. "Oh my God, I can't believe I said that out loud! I've been keeping that secret for so long, and now everyone knows?" she exclaimed, feeling mortified.

Lila tried to comfort her, saying, "It's okay, Sky. We were all just having fun, and you were drunk. I don't think anyone took it seriously."

"But what if Feng Ting heard it? What if he thinks I still have feelings for him?" Skylar said, her mind filled with worry.

Lila shook her head. "I don't think so. Feng Ting and Lily are together now, and he knows you're just friends. Besides, he's not the type to hold grudges or make a big deal out of things like this."

Skylar took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "You're right, Lil. I should just forget about it and move on. It was just a silly game, after all," she said, trying to convince herself that it wasn't a big deal.

Lila smiled and patted her sister's hand reassuringly. "Exactly, Sky. It was just a game, and we were all just having fun. Don't let it bother you too much."

Skylar nodded, feeling a little better. "Thanks, Lil. I appreciate your support," she said, grateful to have her sister by her side.

Skylar Xia's heart sank as she listened to Lila recount the events of the previous night. "Oh no, did I really do that in front of Justin Mar?" she whispered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and regret.

Lila nodded sympathetically. "Yes, you did, Sky. But don't worry too much about it. Like I said, we were all just having fun, and you were drunk. Justin Mar didn't seem upset or anything. In fact, he called you cute and he even help me carry you back to the hotel ," Lila said, trying to reassure her sister but didn't mention the fact that the two shared a kiss but she knows that Skylar will be very upset

Skylar sighed, still feeling uneasy about the whole situation. "I know he called me cute, but it's just... I don't like it when guys touch me, especially when I'm not in control of myself. I feel so vulnerable," she admitted, her voice filled with vulnerability.

Lila understood her sister's feelings and reached out to hold her hand. "I know, Sky. And I'm sorry for not being able to help you out of that situation last night. It's my fault for not taking care of you properly," Lila said, feeling guilty.