The Balcony

As the conversation continued, Skylar and Justin managed to keep up their act, behaving like a couple in love. However, as the day wore on, Skylar couldn't shake off the feeling of being suffocated by the lies. She wanted to be honest with her loved ones, but she feared the consequences.

aSkylar and Justin found themselves alone at rooftop balcony i. Skylar felt drained, both emotionally and physically, from maintaining the facade.

"Are you satisfied now?" Skylar snapped at Justin, her frustration boiling over.

He raised an eyebrow, seemingly unbothered by her outburst. "You're the one who wanted to play this game, remember? You could have walked away at any point."

Skylar clenched her fists, her anger flaring. "You know very well why I couldn't walk away. You're blackmailing me, and I have no choice but to go along with your ridiculous plan."

Justin stepped closer to her, his face inches away from hers. "You could have told your friends and family the truth. But you didn't, because deep down, you enjoy the attention and the drama."

His words stung, and Skylar wanted to deny it, but she knew there was a grain of truth in what he said. She had always lived in her sister's shadow, and now, for once, she was at the center of everyone's attention. It was intoxicating, and she hated herself for enjoying it.

"Just remember, Skylar," Justin continued, his voice low and dangerously alluring, "I can make all this go away if you choose to be with me willingly."

Skylar scoffed, trying to regain her composure. "And what if I refuse? What if I choose to face the consequences of that video being exposed?"

Justin's smile faded, and his eyes darkened. "You don't want to find out, trust me. I have ways of making sure you regret that decision."

Skylar swallowed hard, fear gripping her heart. She knew Justin was capable of doing anything to protect his reputation and get what he wanted. The thought of him ruining her life and reputation was too much to bear.

"Fine," Skylar whispered, defeated. "I'll play your game, but you better keep your end of the deal and delete that video."

Justin's smug grin returned, and he pulled her into a possessive embrace. "Don't worry, Skylar. As long as you're by my side, I have no reason to use that video against you."

Skylar found herself sinking deeper into the charade. Justin was surprisingly attentive and caring, and she couldn't deny the moments of genuine connection they shared. However, the under lying truth of their relationship weighed heavily on her.

it was in the evening, as they sat on the balcony of the hotel suite, Skylar finally mustered the courage to confront Justin about the video.

"I need you to promise me again," she said, her voice steady, "that once this week is over, you'll delete the video and never use it against me."

Justin turned to her, his expression softening. "Skylar, you have my word. Once the week is over, the video will be gone, and I won't use it against you. I care about you more than you know."

Skylar wanted to believe him, to trust that he wouldn't hurt her, but doubt still lingered in her heart. "Why are you doing all this? Why go through all this trouble just to be with me?"


...Back on the balcony, Lila pulled Skylar away from Justin, leaving him alone as she took her sister back to her hotel room. Once they were inside, Lila couldn't contain her curiosity and concern any longer.

"What is going on, Sky? Just tell me so that I can get you out of this complicated situation," Lila said, her voice filled with genuine care for her sister.

Skylar took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain everything without putting Justin in danger. "Lil, you can't understand what's really going on. I do care about Justin, and it's not just because of some dream. But I can't be with him because I'm involved in dangerous things, and he's innocent. I can't expose him to my world; it would put him in danger."

Lila's forehead creased in confusion. "You mean you've met him before? Sky, I still don't get it. Why would you fall in love with someone just because of a dream? And if he's not right for you, why are you in love with him now?"

Skylar sighed, realizing she had to explain more. "It's not just about the dream, Lil. Justin is the same guy from my dreams, and he's also the guy who saved me that night when I almost got kidnapped. He's kind, caring, and protective, and I can't help but feel drawn to him. But it's complicated, and I can't tell you everything right now."

Lila's eyes softened, and she put a comforting hand on Skylar's shoulder. "Sky, I just want to help you. You've been keeping so many secrets from me, and I hate seeing you go through this alone. Please, tell me something, anything that can help me understand."

Skylar hesitated, her mind drifting back to her painful past. "Lil, it's not that I don't trust you. It's just that the truth is dangerous. Before the fire accident that led to mother's death, there was a man involved, and I've been trying to find him ever since. But he's dangerous, Lil, and if I tell you his name, I don't know what you'll do."

Lila's determination flared, and she stepped closer to her sister. "I promise I won't do anything reckless, Sky. Just tell me who he is, and we can figure out a way to take him down together."

Skylar looked into her sister's eyes, seeing the fiery determination in them. "It's the current chairman of Man-in Foundation. He's one of our business partners, and it's all my fault that we collaborated with him on XT's last season's brand. But I have a plan to take him down, Lil, so you have to trust me."

Lila's shock was evident on her face. "That man is powerful, Sky. How can we take him down? We need a solid plan."

Skylar nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know it won't be easy, but I have a plan in mind. For now, we need to get Justin out of my life. I can't let him get hurt because of me."

Lila's concern for Skylar only deepened. "Sky, just tell me about your plan, and you know I can help you in so many ways. Together, we can take him down and protect you and everyone else."

Skylar smiled gratefully at her sister's unwavering support. "I'll tell you about the plan, but promise me you won't tell anyone, not even Dad, about it. It's too dangerous, and I don't want to put anyone else at risk."

Lila nodded solemnly. "I promise, Sky. Your secret is safe with me."

As Skylar explained her plan to Lila, they both felt a renewed sense of determine.***


The tension on the balcony was palpable as Lily and Feng Ting continued to question Justin about his relationship with Skylar. Justin was growing increasingly frustrated by their constant probing, and he knew he had to put a stop to it.

"Guys, listen," Justin fnally spoke up, his voice firm. "I care about Skylar, and no one can take her away from me. I understand your concerns, but I hope you can trust me to treat her well."

Lily still looked skeptical, crossing her arms in front of her. "Okay, fine, Justin ge, but I just want to make it clear that I'm not entirely okay with you dating my best friend."

Justin sighed, trying to reason with her. "Lily, you and Feng Ting are together even though you're different in many ways. Skylar and I might be different, but that doesn't mean we can't make it work. Sometimes, opposites attract."

Feng Ting chimed in, trying to mediate the situation. "Guys, let's not fight about this. We should give them a chance, just like they gave us a chance when we started dating."

Lily shot a glance at Feng Ting, feeling slightly defeated. "I just worry about Skylar, you know? She's been through a lot, and I don't want to see her hurt."

Justin's expression softened as he realized Lily's concerns were coming from a place of love and protectiveness. "I understand, Lily. I promise I won't do anything to hurt Skylar. She means a lot to me."

Feng Ting nodded in agreement. "Give them a chance to figure things out. If it doesn't work out, at least we can say we supported them."

Lily let out a sigh, relaxing her defensive posture. "Fine, but I'll be keeping an eye on you, Justin."

Justin chuckled, appreciating Lily's loyalty to her best friend. "That's fair. I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Xiao Lily."

Feng Ting smiled, glad that the tension was dissipating. "Great! Now that's settled, let's all have dinner together and celebrate our friendship."

Lily hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get to know Skylar better. But remember, Justin, I'll be watching you!"

Justin grinned, not at all bothered by Lily's warning. "I welcome the challenge, Xiao Lily. Skylar is worth it."

As Skylar and Lila walked onto the balcony, they continued their conversation about the plan to deal with the dangerous man behind their mother's deeath ...Skylar had finally agreed to Lila's idea, and they were both feeling more optimistic about their chances of success.

"I can't believe you actually agreed to my plan," Lila said with a hint of surprise in her voice.

Skylar smiled, feeling grateful for her sister's support. "Well, you did make some valid points, Lil. And I trust your judgment."

Lila grinned, happy that Skylar was finally opening up to her. "Thanks, Sky. I just want to help you through this and make sure that guy gets what he deserves."

Skylar nodded, feeling a sense of relief that she wasn't facing this alone anymore. "I know, Lil. And I appreciate it more than you know."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the balcony, Justin and Feng Ting were engaged in their own conversation.

"Man, your girl is something else," Feng Ting said with a chuckle.

Justin laughed, nodding in agreement. "Tell me about it. She's definitely not like anyone I've ever met."

Feng Ting raised an eyebrow. "So, are you really serious about her, Justin?"

Justin's expression turned serious, and he looked at Skylar, who was engrossed in her conversation with Lila. "Yes, I am. There's something about her that draws me to her. I can't explain it."

Feng Ting smiled knowingly. "Well, I've known Skylar for a long time, and she's not an easy person to get close to. If she's letting you in, then you must be something special to her."

Justin felt a warmth in his chest at Feng Ting's words. "I don't want to mess this up, Feng. I really care about her."

Feng Ting clapped him on the shoulder. "Then just be yourself, man. Skylar is a smart girl; she'll see your sincerity."