The past era 6

After Purmel had finally settled on the red dress and prepared herself for the day's significant event, a guard entered her chamber with a bow and announced that King iKenia had returned to the kingdom. His arrival was imminent, and he would soon be within the palace grounds. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Purmel and Skalia, adorned with their respective crowns, made their way to the entrance of the palace to welcome the returning king.

As the royal cart arrived, a sense of anticipation rippled through the gathering. The palace guards stood at attention, and the onlookers bowed in respect. Kenia emerged from the cart, his demeanor exuding elegance and authority. Every eye was drawn to him, and silent admiration swept through the crowd.

Amid this air of anticipation, Kenia walked gracefully toward the queen and the princess of Bron, Purmel. With a courteous bow, he paid his respects to both, his gaze lingering on Purmel. In a hushed voice that carried through the expectant silence, he expressed, "I'm sorry I took so long, Your Majesty."

Skalia, ever composed and regal, responded with a reassuring smile, "No need for apologies, my Lord. Your return is a joyous occasion, and you are always welcome in your kingdom."

Although Skalia couldn't help but notice Kenia's lingering gaze on Purmel, she remained composed and played her part as the queen. The intricate dance of their roles was in motion, with secrets and emotions carefully veiled beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves.

Turning towards the assembled crowd, Kenia's voice rang out with authority, "You may all return to your various duties now." With his dismissal, the people began to disperse, each returning to their designated tasks and positions within the palace.

In the midst of this, Dentinia's enthusiastic voice broke through, "There he is, my one and only king!" As the prime minister approached, he pulled Kenia into a friendly embrace, displaying a familial warmth.

Kenia reciprocated the smile and addressed Dentinia, "Prime Minister Dentinia, it's a pleasure to see you today."

Dentinia's demeanor shifted as he insisted, "No, son, call me Uncle Dentinia."

Kenia's smile remained as he agreed, "Of course, Uncle Dentinia. But for now, I must apologize, I need to rest before engaging in further conversations."

Understanding the potential exhaustion from the journey, Dentinia nodded sympathetically, acknowledging, "It must have been a tiring journey, indeed."

With a brief exchange, the king retired to his chambers, leaving Dentinia to ponder the events to come and the role he hoped his son would play in them. The wheels of intrigue and dynamics within the palace continued to turn, each player contributing their part to the unfolding drama.

He gestured for Skalia and Purmel to accompany him as they entered the palace together, guards following closely. Upon reaching the hallway, Kenia turned to the guards and requested privacy, prompting Skalia to nod in understanding and leave the two alone.

With Skalia's departure, Kenia locked the door behind him, creating an air of seclusion. He then turned his attention to Purmel, his tone seemingly detached as he spoke, "Your Highness, I asked you to join me because there is something I need to discuss."

Purmel regarded him with curiosity, her expression a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. As he stepped closer and gently held her waist, she could sense an unspoken tension in the air. When he finally spoke, his words caught her off guard, "Because you look beautiful and attractive, my love."

Her heartbeat quickened, his unexpected compliment making her blush. She had not anticipated such words, especially in this serious context. Trying to regain her composure, she managed to respond, "Thank you, Your Highness. But may I know the reason for this private conversation?"

"Purmel," Kenia began, his voice filled with a mix of seriousness and tenderness, "I've missed you so much during this time away."

Purmel looked into his eyes, her heart fluttering at his words. "And I've missed you too, Kenia. It felt like a lifetime without you."

He held both of her hands and looked deeply into her eyes. "Purmel, these past few weeks have made me realize how much you mean to me. I've come to a decision."

Purmel's curiosity was piqued. "What decision, Kenia?"

"I want us to be together, officially," he said, his gaze unwavering. "Purmel, will you marry me?"

Purmel's eyes widened in surprise, her heart racing with joy. She never expected him to propose right then and there. She felt a rush of emotions as tears welled up in her eyes.


"Yes, Kenia," she said, her voice trembling with happiness. "Yes, a thousand times yes."

Kenia's face broke into a radiant smile as he pulled her into a tight embrace. They shared a passionate kiss, sealing their commitment to each other.

As they pulled away, Purmel looked at him with playful eyes. "You know, you could have waited for a more extravagant proposal after you get divorce with my sister "

Kenia chuckled. "I know, but this felt right, and I couldn't wait any longer after all your sister has a lover too"

Just then, Purmel's face lit up with excitement as she remembered something important. "Kenia, there's something I need to tell you."

He looked at her with a mix of curiosity and concern. "What is it, Purmel?"

Taking a deep breath, she placed his hand on her abdomen, her eyes shining with joy. "Kenia, we're going to have a baby."

Kenia's eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat as he registered her words. He looked down at her abdomen and then back into her eyes, his expression a mix of astonishment and overwhelming happiness.

"A baby?" he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Purmel nodded, her smile radiant. "Yes, a baby. Our baby."

Emotions flooded Kenia as he pulled Purmel into his arms, holding her close. "Purmel, you've given me the most incredible news. I can't believe we're going to be parents."

As they basked in the beauty of the gazebo, Kenia's surprise at Skalia's involvement was evident on his face. "Wait, you told Skalia about our baby?"

Purmel nodded, her expression confident. "Yes, I did. I trust her completely, and she assured me that she has a plan to handle everything discreetly."

Kenia's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to process this new information. "But what kind of plan? Is it safe for you and the baby?"

Purmel smiled reassuringly, her hand resting on her abdomen. "Don't worry, Kenia. Skalia is resourceful and clever. She understands the importance of keeping our secret, especially considering how much she values her own privacy."

He let out a sigh, still feeling a bit uneasy. "I know Skalia is smart, but this is a delicate matter. What if something goes wrong?"

Purmel moved closer to him, looking into his eyes with affection. "Kenia, we're in this together. Skalia will make sure that our secret is safe, and we'll take every precaution to ensure the well-being of our baby."

He took a deep breath, his concern gradually subsiding as he saw the determination in Purmel's eyes. "You're right, Purmel. Our child's safety is our top priority."

Purmel placed a gentle hand on his cheek, her touch soothinig. "We've waited for this moment, Kenia. Let's focus on the joy and happiness our baby will bring to our lives."

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he looked at her, his heart swelling with love and anticipation. "You're absolutely right, my love."

"Wait, Ken, my love, you mentioned something earlier," Purmel said as she hugged Kenia, resting her head on his chest. But his words from before had left her curious, and she looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"No, why are you always so perceptive? I just wanted to know if my sister is really in a relationship," Kenia responded, looking into her beautiful, doll-like eyes. He couldn't bring himself to lie to her, especially when she looked at him with such earnestness.

"Why are you asking me, Purmy? I thought you two don't hide secrets from each other anymore," he remarked, gently cupping her cute face in his hands, his thumb caressing her cheek.

"I did ask her, but she always changes the topic. Please, can you tell me who he is?" Purmel pleaded, her eyes still locked onto his. She had always felt that her sister's behavior was enigmatic, almost otherworldly, and she hoped that Kenia might have some insight.

Kenia choked slightly, taken aback by her reaction, and said, "What will you pay me in return for telling you the truth, Purmy?"

She frowned at his sudden shift and even broke free from his embrace, crossing her arms around her chest. "Would you tell me or not?" she demanded, her annoyance evident.

Looking at her annoyed face, he fell even more in love with her because of her fiery spirit. "Ok, fine, I will tell you, but in return, you have to give me a passionate kiss, agreed?" he proposed, trying to add a bit of playful teasing to the conversation.

Purmel nodded, thinking about it. It was just a kiss, and she was curious to hear the truth. "Alright, I'll agree to the deal," she said, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Your sister is in love with my cousin, Justilia, and they have been together since Horse Riding High," Kenia revealed, watching her closely for her reaction.

"What?!" Purmel was taken aback, her eyes widening in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you serious, or am I just in some weird dream? Please tell me this is not true," she pleaded, her mind racing with a flurry of emotions.

Kenia paused, realizing the impact of his revelation. He had hoped to spare her this surprise, but the truth had to come out eventually. He spoke softly, trying to reassure her, "I'm sorry, Purmel. I should have told you earlier. I learned about it quite recently, and I didn't want to add to your worries."

Purmel's mind was racing, trying to process the iinformation. She felt a whirlwind of emotions, from shock to confusion to a bit of sadness. "But how did you find out about this, and why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked, her voice tinged with frustration and hurt.

"I wanted to tell you, but they begged me not to disclose it to anyone. I found out about it during our last tournament of graduation when I saw them alone in the store room, getting intimate," Kenia said in a low voice, trying to calm Purmel's nerves by holding her hands.

"What!!! You mean they were together that early, and we were just sixteen? Oh no, why didn't she just tell me?" Purmel's anger was not directed at their relationship but at Skalia's lack of communication. She felt confused and sat on the ottoman beside her.

"Listen to me, Purmy. They had their reasons for keeping it a secret for so long, and besides, they split up about a year ago." Kenia knelt next to her, holding her hands, a hint of regret in his voice. "And it's because of this stupid wedding. I wish I hadn't listened to Uncle Dentinia; none of this could have happened." He felt guilty, thinking it was his fault.

She placed a hand on his cheek, looked him in the eyes, and said, "Ken, let's fix their relationship."

"But how?"

"I have a plan."