A night spent together with her love

Skylar's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their shared history. *"Justin, I know that a part of me is her because I can remember every single moment of love we shared in our past lives."

As she stepped closer to him, her trembling hand reached out to touch his face, filled with an overwhelming mixture of emotions. "Sky, I can't believe I'm seeing you again. I thought I lost you forever," Justin's voice quivered as tears streamed down his cheeks, his emotions laid bare.

Her heart ached at the sight of his tears. Skylar's own eyes glistened as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Justin, did you know that Purmel, I mean, Lila can't remember anything yet?"

He let out a heavy sigh, his embrace tightening as if seeking solace. "It's not that strange, considering Kevin doesn't remember either. They call me a freak because I keep talking about our past life, hoping he'd catch on," Justin Mar's voice wavered as he spoke.

Skylar managed a soft chuckle through her tears. "I know Lily always teases you about that, and Kevin, well, he has his own way of showing he cares."

Amid their shared laughter and tears, Skylar raised her gaze to meet Justin's eyes. "But, Justin, how did you recognize me as the real Skalet when I don't have her distinctive eyes?"

A warm smile played on his lips as he gently tapped the tip of her nose. "Technically, I knew you were the real Skalet because you have a twin sister who looks exactly like Queen Purmilia of Malia. And you, my lady, look exactly like Princess Skalet, and your actions, they're just like hers."

In that moment, the weight of their past lives seemed to melt away, replaced by the warmth of their present connection. Amidst the uncertainty and the echoes of their former selves, their love had found a way to transcend time, proving that some bonds are unbreakable, even across lifetimes.

"Really," she replied, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Justin grinned, his eyes locked on her. "And Sky, how did you figure out it was me?"

With a teasing glint in her eyes, Skylar let a finger graze the tip of his chin. "Well, let's see. I thought you couldn't be my Justilia because you were blackmailing me into being your girlfriend."

Justin Mar chuckled. "But Sky, that was the only way I could get you to be mine." He playfully added, "I must say, though, I really like your pajamas, sweetheart. They look cute on you." His gaze lingered on her Hello Kitty pink and white knee-length pajamas.

A genuine smile spread across Skylar's face. "Really?"

Justin Mar leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. "Oh yes, but tell me, aren't you going to share that chocolate with me, or..."

Swiftly, Skylar snatched the chocolate box away from his reach. "Hands off, Justin, or you might not like the consequences."

Chuckling, Justin Mar reclined on the bed, watching as she indulged in her beloved chocolate. He couldn't help but admire her with a fond expression.

Feeling his eyes on her, Skylar felt a mischievous impulse. She shifted closer, then boldly straddled his lap, her gaze meeting his with a mix of playfulness and affection.

This turn of events wasn't exactly what he had anticipated, but he embraced it wholeheartedly. After all, she was his love, and he wanted her to feel free to express herself.

As the hours slipped away, the two lovebirds found themsellves wrapped in each other's company. They chatted, laughed, and shared stories throughout the night. Skylar's head eventually found a comfortable spot against his chest, and Justin Mar's arms instinctively held her close.

As the world outside grew dimmer, their voices gradually faded into the quietude of the night, and they drifted off to sleep, still nestled in each other's embrace.

The following morning at Crowne Plaza Hotel...

Lily Mar and Lila Xia were on their way to Skylar's room, eager to help her get dressed for her upcoming date. The excitement was palpable, and they were determined to make sure Skylar looked her best.

"Hey, Lila, maybe I should text Justin and ask him about the color of his shirt. It'd be great if they both look coordinated and stylish for their first date," Lily Mar suggested, reaching for her phone to contact Justin Mar.

"You're absolutely right, Lily. I want them to have a memorable time together, and looking great is a part of it. Especially since this is Skylar's first date," Lila Xia agreed with enthusiasm.

However, Lily Mar's attempts to reach Justin Mar were in vain as his phone was switched off. A sense of unease crept over them. "That's unusual. Justin's phone is usually on. Lila, maybe we should check on him first," Lily Mar voiced her concern, her tone reflecting worry. Lila Xia nodded in agreement, sharing the sentiment.

Without further delay, they decided to head to Justin's room to ensure everything was alright.


Upon reaching Justin's room, Lily Mar and Lila Xia pressed the doorbell, hoping for a response. However, there was no answer. Concerned, they decided to seek assistance from a hotel butler. With the help of a master key card, they gained access to Justin's room.

Inside the room, Lila Xia and Lily Mar exchanged worried glances. "My brother always manages to stir things up. I can't believe he's not here. What should we do now, Lila?" Lily Mar's voice was laced with anxiety.

Lila Xia tried to reassure her friend, saying, "Calm down, Lily. Let's focus on helping Skylar get ready for her date. Knowing Justin, he might be planning something special for her."

A spark of hope ignited in Lily Mar's eyes as she nodded in agreement. "You're right, Lila. Let's head to Skylar's room and make sure she's all set for her date. Justin's surprises are always worth the wait." With that, they turned and made their way to Skylar Xia's room, ready to assist her in getting ready for her special day.

Skylar Xia and Justin Mar had spent the night cuddling in peaceful slumber, wrapped in each other's arms. However, their serene moment was abruptly interrupted by the persistent ringing of the doorbell.

"Ugh, seriously? What's going on?" Justin Mar grumbled, clearly annoyed by the intrusion that had disturbed his morning rest.

Skylar Xia rubbed her eyes, still feeling a bit disoriented from sleep. She suddenly realized she had spent the night with Justin, and her cheeks turned slightly pink. As if sensing her surprise, he gently planted a kiss on her cheek, causing her heart to skip a beat.

"Hey! You scared me," she playfully scolded him, trying to regain her composure.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Justin Mar greeted her with affection in his voice, his eyes filled with warmth.

"Good morning, Justin," Skylar Xia replied, returning his embrace. Just as they were about to bask in the morning coziness, the doorbell rang again, disrupting their moment once more.

"I'll go get the door," Justin Mar said, his smile fading slightly. In truth, he was contemplating how to politely handle the person responsible for shattering their peaceful morning embrace. With a determined expression, he made his way to the door, ready to address the situation.


As Justin Mar swung open the door, he was met with the shocked and wide-eyed gazes of Lila Xia and Lily Mar. The realization of what they might assume was written all over their faces.

"Justin ge, what are you doing in Skylar Xia's room?" Lily Mar's voice was filled with surprise and curiosity, her eyes practically sparkling.

"Mr. Mar, did you spend the night with my sister?" Lila Xia's tone was a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"What are you two doing here?" Justin Mar retorted, his annoyance palpable.

"We should be the ones asking you that," Lily Mar retorted with a mischievous grin.

Before Justin Mar could react further, Skylar Xia emerged from behind him, holding his arm for a moment before quickly letting go as she realized who was at the door. She greeted them nervously, "Hey, guys."

"Sky, what's going on here?" Lila Xia's eyebrows knitted together in a questioning expression.

"Lil, Justin came over last night, and we spent some time together," Skylar Xia explained confidently.

"What?!" Lily Mar's eyes widened in surprise.

"What?!" Lila Xia echoed her reaction.

"Yes," Skylar Xia affirmed with a calm assurance.

"You two just started dating yesterday, and you're already in bed together?" Lily Mar couldn't help but voice her immediate concern.

"Xiao Lily, Sky and I didn't have sex last night," Justin Mar interjected, wanting to dispel any incorrect assumptions.

"That's a relief," Lily Mar exhaled audibly, her expression shifting from concern to a more relaxed demeanor. "But, Sky, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole dating thing. It's a bit confusing to me."

Lila Xia nodded in agreement, her forehead slightly furowed with puzzlement. The situation was both amusing and bewildering for the sisters as they tried to understand the dynamics of their friend's new relationship.

Upon hearing Lily Mar mention their upcoming date, Justin Mar couldn't help but smile brightly. "Sweetheart, I'd love to see you in blue," he said with a voice full of affection.

"Okay, darling. Blue it is," Skylar Xia replied in a sweet tone, her eyes locked with his as she held his hands.

"I suppose I should let you get ready now," Justin Mar said, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. His departure left both Lily Mar and Lila Xia speechless and slightly bewildered.

"What the hell was that?" Lila Xia asked Lily Mar, her confusion evident.

"I have no idea, Lila, but I'm starting to think that both my brother and your sister might need professional help," Lily Mar responded, half-amused and half-concerned.

"Enough of that. Let's focus on making Skylar look amazing for her first date with her darling," Skylar Xia chimed in, redirecting the conversation as they all entered the room.

"Sky, please stop using that word. I can't take your lovey-dovey talk anymore," Lila Xia expressed, feeling like the odd one out.

"Come on, Lila. I'm sure your boyfriend will be wonderful," Skylar Xia reassured her.

"I hope he's the demanding type," Lily Mar teased Lila Xia, earning a playful glare from her.

"Lily!" Lila Xia exclaimed in response.

"Hey, it's not a bad thing if he's a bit demanding, right Skylar?" Lily Mar continued her teasing, trying her best not to burst into laughter.

"That's true, but I think Lila has a soft spot for confident guys," Skylar Xia joined in the banter.

"Alright, enough of this banter. Let's focus on helping Skylar get ready," Lila Xia urged, a hint of annoyance in her tone. After all, she just wanted to escape the teasing and have a productive time dressing up Skylar for her special day.