Dora and Mr lollipop

"Kevin, what are you doing here?" Justin Mar exclaimed, quickly pulling the blanket over Skylar Xia to shield her from view. Skylar Xia was not pleased and protested, her voice tinged with annoyance as her face disappeared beneath the blanket.

Kevin Mar, his surprise evident, stared at the two of them. "Hey, what are you doing?" His voice held a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Kevin, can we talk?" Justin Mar asked, his tone indicating his need for privacy. Without waiting for an answer, Kevin Mar left the room with a nonchalant expression.

"Sweetheart, please keep calm. I'll talk to him," Justin Mar whispered to Skylar Xia, brushing a hand over her face to wipe off some lipstick that had transferred during their intense kiss.

"Justin, I hope this won't get you into trouble because of me," Skylar Xia said, her concern evident.

"Sky, trust me, Kenia is more understanding than you think. I'm sure this won't be a problem," Justin Mar assured her before getting up, grabbing his shirt from the floor, and leaving the room.


Kevin Mar's confusion spilled out in a torrent of questions. "What the hell are you doing with that girl? Do you even know who she is? Wait, I thought you were gay! What the heck is going on, Justin?"

The revelation that his brother, whom he had always thought was gay, was involved with a girl left Kevin utterly perplexed.

"Wait, bro, you thought I was gay?" Justin Mar's voice held a hint of both amusement and exasperation.

"What else was I supposed to think when you're always acting like a freak?" Kevin Mar retorted.

Skylar Xia, her patience apparently running thin, chimed in with an eerie tone, "How dare you call my boyfriend gay and also a weirdo?"

"Babe, listen, I think you should calm down..." Justin Mar attempted to soothe her, only to be interrupted by Kevin's continued questioning.

"What is she even doing here?" Kevin Mar's irritation was palpable as he voiced his inquiries. But amidst his thoughts, a suspicion grew: 'Why him? Why is she acting differently today? Why are her eyes different? Something seems wrong.'

"Bro, she's my girl, and this is my place. I don't see a reason for such interrogation," Justin Mar retorted.

"Are you telling me you went all the way to Canberra just to get a girl?" Kevin Mar's disbelief was clear.

"Listen, Mr. Mar, I don't understandd why you're so concerned about me and your brother being together," Skylar Xia interjected, her arms crossed defiantly over her chest.

"Darn it, Justin, haven't you told her that Mom will kill you if she found out you're fooling around with a girl? Aren't you even worried about getting her pregnant or something?" Kevin Mar voiced his concerns, his gaze locked on the couple before him.

Skylar Xia, not one to be outdone, muttered under her breath, "Says the one who got Lila pregnant in the past."

"What?" Kevin Mar couldn't believe what he just heard. He also couldn't believe he was dealing with someone who could read lips, a skill he and Justin both possessed.

Drawing closer to her, Justin Mar whispered into Skylar's ear, "Babe, Kevin can read lips."

"What?!" Skylar Xia's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Yes, he can. So, don't say anything incriminating," Justin Mar cautioned.

"But Justin, it wasn't incriminating. Why are you—"

"Enough, you two," Kevin Mar interjected. "Miss, just know that I've never impregnated anyone, so please stop making those kinds of claims. And you, Justin, I can't believe you're dating such a peculiar girl."

Before they could continue, Kevin Mar waved them off, adding, "You know what, forget it. I came here to talk to you about a matter, but since you're busy, we'll do it tomorrow when Mom and Dad are present. Bye, and miss, be careful."

With that, Kevin Mar left the condo.

"Wow, Kevin is like the modern version of Kenia," Skylar Xia mused as she watched him leave.

"Yeah, I know. Babe, I think we should rest. Tomorrow, I need you to meet my parents before Kevin forms any more opinions about you," Justin Mar suggested, pulling her closer.

"Justin, let's not kiss. Let's just sleep tonight. I have a feeling that if we kiss again, things might escalate," Skylar Xia warned.

Justin Mar chuckled at her words. "Alright, fine. Let's go get something to eat then."


The next day at the Mar Mansion (MM)...

"Oh my goodness, sweetheart, you're absolutely stunning! Your eyes are so captivating and beautiful," Mrs. Mar exclaimed, hugging Lila Xia warmly.

"Mom, didn't I tell you she was great? Just wait until you meet her twin. She might just be your future daughter-in-law," Lily Mar bubbled with excitement.

"Wait, she has a twin?" Mrs. Mar's eyes widened with interest. "In that case, I won't mind having lots of grandchildren. Rare beauty like this is hard to find."

"Mrs. Mar, my sister is actually dating one of your sons, so I'm sure you'll have adorable grandchildren soon," Lila Xia explained politely.

Before Mrs. Mar could respond, a butler arrived. "Madam Mar, the first young master is here."

"Alright, tell him to come in," she replied, and the butler bowed before leaving.

"Mom, I really want you to meet Skylar because—" Lily Mar began but was interrupted as Kevin entered the room, drawing everyone's attention.

Lila Xia, caught off guard, couldn't believe she was facing him again. Unaware of her slip, she exclaimed, "Mr. Lollipop!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Kevin, who had been focused on his phone, dropped it, letting it shatter on the floor. He looked up, locking eyes with Lila Xia. "Dora!"

....(Two years ago in country M...)

Lila Xia, a twenty-one-year-old CEO, sat in a sprawling conference hall among a sea of fellow business tycoons. Each individual present represented their respective companies. This annual conference rotated around the globe, and every year, CEOs were invited to participate on behalf of their organizations.

Resting with a disinterested expression, Lila, representing XT, awaited the conference's conclusion. She felt a sense of boredom engulfing her and found herself craving something sweet due to her ongoing menstrual cycle.

As thoughts of satisfying her sweet tooth occupied her mind, Lila considered how to obtain a treat. However, the conference hall's strict rules prohibited outside food or beverages. Despite this constraint, Lila couldn't resist her desire for a sugary indulgence. She abruptly stood up, excusing herself from the hall, and headed out to find something sweet.

The conference was hosted at the grand Malia Galaxy Hall, located a bit away from the city center. This remote location posed a challenge in finding any establishment offering sweet delicacies. Still, Lila was undeterred and began to explore her options.

"Stupid Skylar, if it weren't for her, I'd have a stash of sweets in my bag," Lila muttered under her breath, casting a bit of blame on her sister, Skylar Xia. Lila's penchant for sweets had led to her being reported by Skylar to their father, resulting in a month-long ban on consuming sugary treats. However, it had only been a week since the embargo had started.

Walking around the vicinity, Lila's search for a sugary fix yielded no results. Yet, she continued her quest. Eventually, she found herself at the elevator and pressed the button for the tenth floor—the rooftop.

Reaching the rooftop's tenth floor, Lila Xia felt a sense of calm as she found herself alone. She walked to the edge of the rooftop, taking a seat on one of the plastic chairs thoughtfully placed there for visitors to relax and enjoy the panoramic views of the sky and the surroundings.

Engrossed in the beauty of the scene above her, Lila's thoughts drifted to her recent clash with Skylar over her sugary cravings. "I can't beliieve she could do such a thing to me. How will I survive the rest of the month without sweets?" she murmured to herself, her annoyance palpable. However, her contemplation was interrupted by sounds emerging from the elevator. Panic set in momentarily as she remembered the rooftop was reserved for the Mar family. Despite her inner turmoil, Lila managed to keep her wits about her.

"I'm so stupid! Why did I even come up here? I know only the Mar family is allowed on the roof," Lila chided herself, unsure of how to handle the situation. Feeling flustered, she grabbed her purse, intent on leaving the rooftop to avoid any potential awkwardness.


Meanwhile, Kevin Mar, who was feeling thoroughly bored by the conference despite the fact that his family owned the grand Malia Galaxy Hall, decided to excuse himself. The twenty-five-year-old CEO had delivered his welcome speech and now sought solitude.

As he reached the rooftop's tenth floor, Kevin withdrew a lollipop and contemplated taking a moment to enjoy it. However, his attention was drawn to a young woman in corporate attire, sporting short brown hair held in place by a black hairband. Her standout feature was her striking, doll-like, big brown eyes.

Captivated by her unique appearance, Kevin's thoughts wandered. "Why is she so different from the rest? And that hairband seems a bit childish," he pondered. On the other side, Lila Xia, who was preparing to exit the rooftop, was taken by surprise when the young man suddenly entered. She tried to avoid eye contact by keeping her head down, but her attention was caught by the lollipop in his mouth. "Oh my God, a lollipop! I wish I could ask for it," she thought to herself.

The two continued to gaze at each other in silence until the interruption of a sound—Kevin's phone notifying him of a company-related matter. He addressed the young woman, his tone professional yet curious. When she remained quiet, he began to wonder if she was mute or simply didn't understand his language. "Miss, are you mute, or do you not understand me?" he queried, his confusion evident.

Lila's thoughts, meanwhile, were consummed by her newfound nickname for him. "'Mr. Lollipop'... he's so cute. And his voice! I wish I could marry you, Mr. Lollipop," she mused while still looking at him. When Kevin received no response, he assumed she was mute, but then he noticed her attention on the lollipop he held.

"Miss, do you understand me?" Kevin asked again, his professional demeanor somewhat replaced by curiosity. "Listen, Miss, I don't know if you're aiming for a 'Dora the Explorer' adventure, but this section of the Galaxy Hall is private. We should probably leave."

"Mr. Lollipop, can I have your lollipop?" Lila suddenly inquired in a whimsical, childlike manner.

Kevin was taken aback by her request. "Wait, what?" he thought, astounded by the unexpected question. "I don't mean to be rude, but Mr. Lollipop, I really need this lollipop," Lila earnestly stated, inching closer.

Concerned by her proximity, Kevin began to step back, albeit captivated by her charm. "Miss, what are you doing?" he asked cautiously.

"Mr. Lollipop, please," Lila pleaded, her large brown eyes wide with longing.

Unable to resist her request, Kevin pulled a stick of candy from his pocket and handed it to her. To his surprise, she hugged him in appreciation before abruptly realizing her actions and stepping away. Flustered by her sudden embrace, Lila stammered an apology.

Kevin found her embarassment endearing and remarked, "Dora, you must really love sweet things."

Blushing, Lila nodded, feeling self-conscious. With a quick bow, she hurriedly fled the scene, leaving a perplexed Kevin behind.

"Dora, wait! Where are you going? I don't even know your real name!" Kevin called after her, pursuiing her. However, by the time he reached her, she had vanished.

"Damn it, I lost her. But I promise to find her, no matter what," Kevin vowed in frustration, realizing he had developed a strong interest in her. Despite her abrupt exit, he was determined to reconnect with the intriguing young woman.