The accident

Leaving Justin Mar's room, Lila walked as fast as she could, her tears flowing incessantly. She couldn't believe Skylar would betray her over a guy they had only known for a few weeks. The promise they had made to their Dad about not removing the lenses was now shattered, and the pain of Skylar breaking it hurt her deeply.*

Kevin Mar, walking behind her, was confused but remained silent, respecting her emotional moment. He followed her steps, wondering what was really going on, but refrained from asking questions.

Suddenly, Lila turned to Kevin, wiping her tears and managing a heartbroken smile. "I'm so sorry you had to witness all of this, Mr. Lollipop. I know you're not one for dramatic situations, and I didn't expect any of this. I don't think I can attend the event anymore because of all this mess."

Kevin, his demeanor changing entirely, quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a number. After a brief conversation, his tone became commanding, "I want your latest masterpiece for the new female collection, your hairstylist, and your makeup artist at my house in fifteen minutes."

Lila was taken aback by his sudden shift in attitude and actions. Before she could react, Kevin smiled at her and said, "Let's go, or we'll be even later. I know you enjoy adventures, Dora." He held out his hand, leading her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

They were already at the parking lot of the Mar Mansion before Lila could process the swift turn of events.


Meanwhile, back in the room, Skylar was left sobbing with Justin Mar. She hadn't anticipated Lila's anger and frustration, and the fact that she was now at odds with her only sister pained her deeply. "Justin, what should I do now? Lila is so angry with me."

Justin, who had been trying to console her, stopped and said, "I'm sorry, Sky. This is my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to take off the lens. This wouldn't have happened."

Amid her tears, Skylar wiped her face and said, "No, it's my fault for showing off my blue eyes to you."

Justin held her in his arms and suggested, "Maybe we should talk to Lila and tell her about our past lives. She might understand if she knows the whole story."

Skylar nodded, her tears still fllowing, and said, "You're right. We should talk to her before she leaves."

However, when Skylar rushed out to find Lila, it was already too late. Kevin and Lila had already left, leaving her in anguish over the strained relationship with her sister.


The Tang Mansion...

After conversing with her dubious friend in the woods, Anita returned home only to find Daniel Tang waiting for her, his presence oozing with his usual animosity.

"Where have you been, or should I ask how your lover Joel Gomez is doing?" Daniel's voice was dripping with contempt as he sneered at her.

Anita, accustomed to his spiteful demeanor, brushed off his question and retorted, ignoring his jibe, "Where's my son? Don't tell me you've really sent him to assassinate Kevin Mar. If that's the case, then Max might have to pay with his life, and that will be on you."

"Nonsense, Maxia will not perish; I trust him," Daniel responded, referring to his son Maxia in a tense tone.

"Enough, Daniel! I swear to God, if anything happens to my son, I'll kill you with my own hands. I'll expose your role in Luna's death, and Wang Xia will never forgive you," Anita warned, her voice heavy with a mix of anger and despair. With her declaration, she abruptly left for her room, locking the door behind her, as her tears flowed, haunted by memories of her friend's suffering.


Meanwhile, Kevin had taken Lila to his house. Lila, still annoyed by the earlier events, was completely taken aback. She never anticipated that Kevin would have arranged for a complete collection from her uncle's ICY clothing brand. She had been persistently trying to convince her uncle to collaborate with XT, but her efforts were always in vain.

Bewildered, Lila turned to Kevin and asked in surprise, "How on earth did you manage to convince Uncle Joel to do all of this?"

Kevin, slightly caught off guard by her sharp observation, replied, "Your uncle and I share a strong bond, that's how I got him to cooperate. However, I haven't informed him it's for you. Now, go get dressed so we won't be late, Dora."

Lila nodded obediently, heading into the dressing room to get ready. She was astonished by how effortlessly Kevin had managed to lift her spirits and erase her frustrations within minutes.

A short while later, Lila emerged, dressed in an Egyptian attire that perfectly matched the evening's theme, "The Eyes of the Egyptian Eagle."

Kevin, adorned as an Egyptian prince, couldn't help but be captivated by her ethereal appearance. She approached him with a gentle smile, and he couldn't help but smile back, a mixture of admiration and happiness in his gaze. With their preparations complete, they set out for the event.

In the car, Lila found herself occasionally stealing glances at Kevin, fascinated by his features. Kevin, sensing her gaze, turned toward her and playfully questioned, "What's capturing your attention, my goddess?"

Lila blushed, feeling slightly embarassed, but before she could fully comprehend her feelings, a sudden exclamation escaped her lips, "Kevin, watch out!"

Before Kevin could even process her warning, a massive tractor appeared out of nowhere and collided with their car. The impact was so abrupt that Kevin lost control, and their vehicle crashed into the tractor.

The collision was so intense that any possibility of survival seemed implausible. The accident left their lives hanging by a thread.


In the realm of XIA Empire, Wang Xia's presence commanded attention as he sat in his office, reviewing documents related to their latest perfume creation, 'Depth.' The perfume had astoundingly gained immense popularity in just a month of its launch, becoming a symbol of the empire due to its distinctive and captivating scent, reminiscent of ocean salt. It was a versatile fragrance that could complement any occasion or attire.

For Wang Xia, 'Depth' held a special significance, as it was now considered the empire's signature fragrance. He marveled at its success, recognizing that its uniqueness rivaled even the renowned 'Magma' from two decades ago. However, his thoughts inevitably drifted to his late wife, Luna Gomez, the driving force behind 'Magma's' exceptional creation.

As Wang Xia's mind linked 'Depth' to 'Magma,' a sigh escaped him, and he paused in his work, his gaze turning to a framed photograph on his desk. The photograph captured Luna and their two cherished daughters, embodying their family's happiness and unity. A bittersweet smile touched his lips as he whispered his feelings aloud, "Luna, my love, I wish you were here. You would be so proud of our girls. They have grown into the vision you had for them."

Resuming his task, Wang Xia delved into the documents before him. Just then, a knock at his office door interrupted his concentration. His secretary, Mu Tang, entered with a concerned and slightly anxious demeanor. Wang Xia's cold gaze landed on him, questioning the interruption beyond working hours.

Without wasting words, Mu Tang began to speak, his tone hesitant yet respectful, "President Xia, I have unfortunate news to deliver." Wang Xia's eyebrow furrowed, and he motioned for Mu Tang to continue.

Gatheringg himself, Mu Tang adjusted his glasses and said, "President Xia, our agents who monitor the Xia twins' activities have reported a grave incident. CEO Lila Xia and Kevin Mar, CEO of Mar Wine, were involved in a serious accident. They have been rushed to MC Hospital in critical condition."

Before Mu Tang could finish relaying the information, Wang Xia's sharp voice cut through, "Prepare the private jet within the next 30 minutes."

"Understood, sir," Mu Tang acknowledged before hastening out of the room, leaving Wang Xia alone with his thoughts.

Sitting in his office, Wang Xia's expression turned intense as he considered the situation. A fire of determination ignited within him, and he muttered to himself, "Daniel Tang, if this is one of your schemes, you won't escape this time."

With a forceful bang of his hand on the desk, Wang Xia's resolute intent was palpable as he prepared to confront the unfolding crisis, ready to protect those under his care and bring justice to any possible malevolence that might be lurking in the shadows.


Inside MC Hospital in country M, the atmosphere was heavy with worry and tension. In one of the lavish hospital rooms, Justin Mar sat by Skylar Xia's side, holding her hand and gently placing kisses on it as he prayed for her to regain consciousness. He couldn't bear to see her like this, and he desperately longed for her to wake up from her unconscious state.

The accident that had involved her sister Lila Xia and Kevin Mar had shaken Skylar deeply. She blamed herself for the mishap, believing that her revelation of their secret was the cause of it all. Her heartache and guilt had overwhelmed her, leading to her collapsing and losing consciousness shortly after receiving the news.

Justin's efforts to calm Skylar had proven fruitless, as her cries of anguish and despair echoed in the room. He held her close, trying to soothe her, but it seemed as though her emotions had taken over completely. The situation had taken a toll on both Justin and Skylar, with the weight of the accident and its potential consequences bearing down on them.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Mrs. Mar, Lily Mar, and even Justin himself were dealing with their own emotions. Mrs. Mar appeared composed, but the underlying pain in her eyes was apparent to those who knew her well. Lily Mar, Justin's sister, stepped forward to offer words of reassurance to him. She spoke in a low and calming voice, trying to provide comfort amidst the chaos.

"Justin ge, trust me on this," Lily said, using an endearing term for her older brother. "Please don't worry too much. Everything will be alright. Dad is already looking into the situation, and Feng Ting is helping as well."

"Yes, my dear Justy," Mrs. Mar addded, using the same affectionate term for Justin. "We are all working together to ensure that everything will be fine. And I promise you, Skylar will wake up soon."

Justin nodded, trying to take solace in their words, even though his concern for Skylar was still profound. He was on the edge, torn between his worry for both Lila and Skylar, and the responsibility he felt for their safety.

Then, as if responding to the hope and reassurance around her, Skylar Xia slowly stirred. Her eyelids fluttered open, and her first words were fragmented, filled with urgency, "Purmel… where is my sister Purmel? I need to see Purmel, Justilia, please!"

Confusion filled the room at Skylar's words. Both Lily Mar and Mrs. Mar exchanged bewildered glances. The name "Purmel" held no meaning to them, and they were left puzzled by its significance to Skylar. .