Sugar please

As the students noisily left the school, Rin, Saki and Eiji were the next in line to get scanned. The official that came up to them was in a white body suit, mouth mask with gloves, nothing out of the ordinary. There was a gentleman off to the side with messy blonde hair and a very nice suit and tie, he didn't look much older than them (Rin thought). Eiji passed through first and it gave off a faint noise, Eiji stopped right in his tracks and so did everyone else. This was the first noise they heard from the scanner besides a low humming noise that was always present from the hand scanner. He was scanned again and asked a couple questions as to what he did on break, but they let it go at that. Then Saki got scanned and there was another faint noise, the Official that was scanning them, looked at the scanner and hit it a couple times against her hand. Saki was then scanned again and no noise this time. The messy hair guy came over to that area and was watching as it was Rin's turn. As Rin went through there was no noise, in fact it seemed as if the scanner had turned off. The guy introduced himself to Rin, but she did not pay him any mind, she was startled that the scanner would stop working when she passed through. The official that was scanning people asked for a new scanner, when she received a new scanner, she scanned Rin and kept it moving. The trio walked away, they looked back and the guy was staring at them and he had a slight smile, they didn't know why. They then decided to go get coffee to talk about the situation in more detail.

Although it was similar to the situation last year Saki said, it just felt off. Eiji stated there could've been a spill right when break started and that could've exasperated the situation. The girls looked at him in amazement, they didn't know that he knew such a big word. They laughed at him as Eiji turned red. Just then the coffee came, Rin had her standard black coffee, while Eiji had 2 packets of sugar and Saki had about half a cup of sugar. They always stared at Saki whenever she poured her sugar, she didn't care, she always just said "so what, I like sugar!". There was no guilting this one, the 2 thought at the same time.

"Did they have evidence of something bad about to happen to the school" said Eiji, he shook his head. Not at his school he thought. Most of the students were pre-occupied with school and clubs for anything really to go wrong and they couldn't think of anyone that was an "outcast". The girls looked at Eiji and cringed at what that meant. Then they looked at each other, Rin thought it could be the internet went out because the school didn't pay the bill? The other 2 laughed. They started to talk about how break went and after a little while decided it was time to go home. They left as much of a tip as they could, but they didn't have much, they felt embarrassed and left for home.