
Just as what the title implies, Kane called it Astronite after discovering it. He tried to see if it is suitable for weapons and armors and started his many attempts and different smithing technique he had learned throughout the years.

*KNOCK* 3x

Someone knocked on his door with a perfect rhythm which made it look like the one who knocks is a perfectionist.

Kane opened the door and was surprised who it was, it was Albert who visited him today. After all, he mostly spends his time with his wife and Ais, who was born a few weeks ago, and almost have no time to visit him as he is a father now.

"Hello, Albert. Is there anything I can help?" Kane started with his famous "business" line.

"Hey, um... I know that you are great and better than other blacksmith I knew but..." Albert said but was continued by Kane.

"But it wasn't enough? Is there a disaster coming?" Kane asked with his stoic faced.

"How did you know there is a disaster coming? No... I don't think you know." Albert muttered which was clearly heard by Kane.

"I can sense your emotion. It felt like, you are worried about something— no, about someone or two. They are most probably Aria-san and Ais-chan." Man esaid with honorifics.

"Well, you are good at reading people's emotions... Wait! Did you just add -san and -chan to their names? Is that a nickname or something?" Albert asked as he had not heard Kane add those on their names.

"No. It's not a nickname. It is a system in Far East in which they add honorifics on their names. -san was mostly used for respecting people who are older than them by their names. Anyway, I'll just tell you that later but for now, what kind of disaster are you talking about?" Kane asked with a serious face.

"Well..." Albert breathes in and breathes out before continuing, "The Four Great Spirits sensed a very malicious power that descended somewhere in the east, near the Great Fire Spirit King's territory."

Kane nodded and gestured Albert to sit down on the chair near the mini-table while he go into his kitchen and brewed a coffee. After brewing, he came back with two cups of coffee in hand and giving Albert his coffee.

"When will we depart?" Kane abruptly asked.

"We will depart after 4 weeks. They needed to know what it is first before doing anything." Albert said and stopped his coffee.

"That's enough for my next new sword. I'll be working ten times more hard than the last time for this sword." Kane had reached the B-rank.

Reaching B-rank means reading all the 4 books with 7 volumes each about smithing. Those books are ranked by Beginner, Advanced, Intermediate, and Master which are F, E, D, and C respectively. There is no book for B-rank as it was for Grandmasters who doesn't need a guide and can craft any weapon or armor they want in their own way. But there's still higher than that.

"Great! By the way, Holly was a good sword, 'she' is the only one who didn't break when I used my full strength." Albert said and pulled out the sword in his sheath and showed 'her' sharpness.

Kane nodded and after they finished drinking coffee, they said their farewell to each other as they started what they should do.

Kane started with Astronite and removed the impurities inside it. Then, he started doing another r thing that would surely help him. Using his [Materialization], he produce a few Orichalcum as he will be busy and made more than enough that he needed.

After a few days, he was done at doing all those process. Next, it will be the real forging. He wanted to create a sword that is strong and sturdy enough to survive an attack from a nuclear bomb, but that was still too far and it seems impossible in this world. Luckily, there's no need to do so as there was no nuclear bomb.

After a week, Kane stopped and bought some high-quality materials for the handle. He decided to use gold for the pommel and add a red gem at the guard that was intended to lock with the handle. The red gem was a ruby, but since he doesn't have one, he used the strange transparent crystal that seems to be able to absorb mana that he picked up before coming to the west.

At last, after a 2 days of designing the guard, handle and the pommel, he finally finished it! All he needed now is to sharpen it more and make it shiny and usable in battle. When he sharpened the blade, his hands are light and moved gracefully as he sharpened the edge.

The sword was designed to look like a cross, but it was a double edged sword. The handle has some gold as well as the scabbard. When he showed it to Albert, he only said the words that made Kane, once again, smile.

"You overdid it this time!" Albert then unsheathes the sword and sliced the air, which it did and said, "Wow, this is the sharpest I've ever seen!"

The reason why it took him a few weeks was because he himself needed some training, and if he didn't, he will get rust like a sword that was not used. So, it is better to train daily like how he sharpen his weapons daily. Actually, he sharpened 100 different kinds of swords everyday.

[ Status ]

Name: Kodaiichi Kane (Nate Vanderbilt)

Age: 7 years

Race: Ancient Saiyan

PL: 850 (8,500÷10pg)

Skill(s): [Zenkai: EX], [Ki Sense: C+], [Ki Control: C], [Mana Sense: E+], [Mana Control: E+], [Fire Element: E], [Lightning Element: D+], [Aura Sense: F+], [Power Ball: EX]

Personal Skill(s): [Smithing: B-], [Swordsmanship: D-], [Staffmaster: C-], [Carpentry: D]

Martial Arts: [Hokuto Shinken (N): E+]

Sword Style: [Hiten Mitsurugi ryu: E]

Ki Technique(s): [Ki Sword: C], [Ki Enhance: C], [Flight: D], [Afterimage: E]

Magic: [Fire Ball: F+], [Spark Gun: D], [Materialization: C-]

Transformation(s): [Oozaru: E-](10x,20x)

Ki Types: [Lightning Ki], [Legendary Ki], [Normal Ki]

( Note - Current strength is equal to a High Class (Level 2) Adventurer with average status rank of [SS], or a High Class (Level 2) Adventurer with average status rank of [SSS] as level 1 and with an average of [C]. )