Imminent Danger

One day, Kane was stitching some leather armors in case some people can't afford higher grade armors, plus he can't just throw away those animal skins that he got from hunting animals for food.

Kane sighed as he finished stitching the leather armor. He had learned how to create armors as well, and he needed to learn how to stitch for both practical uses as well as to make leather armors, or something like leather jackets.

"So, how's business?" Albert asked as he entered.

"Here, earning money as usual! How about you?" Kane said and asked.

"Well... I'm okay. But the question is, what are you gonna do about those money you earned? After all, it can last for decades, you know!" Albert asked.

"Hm... I have a plan. Though, we need the village chief's permission. After all, it is him who decides for the betterment of the village. Aside from that, we can also donate some acceptable amount of money to churches and orphanages from nearby villages and ours as well. Too much, or they will either won't taker it or a corrupt person will use them in the wrong way." Kane said like a sage.

"We?" Albert asked then Kane nodded, "Well, it's good that you are the one who earned those. If it was other people, it will be spent on unnecessary things."

Kane: "So, how's the school? Are there any problems?"

Albert: "No, there are no problems! The kids are learning steadily and they are more happy than the last time I saw them 3 years ago. Because of you, all the parents that are poor and are illiterate are happy to have their children to learn what they haven't."

Kane: "You know, you've also helped with this, right? Plus, I just want help because it is the best for these people. My knowledge far surpasses my own age, and I want to pass them to the new generations. Man, I sound like an old man..." (Well, I am older by soul. But I'm not an old man.)

Albert could only smile at this. He sighed in harmony, smiling while looking through the window, looking at his precious daughter playing with other kids.

Meanwhile, Kane pulled out a coin. The coin was aimed directly at Albert's cheek. Then, his hand began to radiate yellowish energy around. With a flick at the coin, an energy flew out of the coin and hit Albert who was pushed back a little.

Albert: "Oi! What was that for!?"

Kane: "You sound like you're gonna die soon."

Albert: "..."

Kane: "Hey, don't give me that look!... By the way, do you want to accompany me to deliver the weapons to Northern Kingdom?"

Albert: "Well, sure."

Kane then placed his two finger on his forehead. This was naturally the instant transmission. But since he can't just teleport inside the castle, he can teleport to the energy crystal balls be place at the entrance of the kingdom since he told them that he can only teleport onto a certain energy. He didn't lie, he just gave vague information in which no one can tell if he was lying.

Then, Kane instant transmissioned on front of the kingdom.

What appeared in front of them was-
















- a kingdom-















- in... RUINS...

"W-what happened here!?" Albert reacted first.

Meanwhile, Kane tried to sense the whole kingdom... Only to sense nothing in the end. This made him furious as to who did this, but he forced himself to calm down.

He tried to expand his senses and tried to search for anyone who was able to flee. After searching for a few seconds since he's taking advantage of [Thought Partition], searching from different directions at once. He sensed a ki signature, it was slowly moving.

"Grab on!" Kane told Albert.

Albert placed his hand on Kane's shoulder. The utwo teleported and appeared somewhere.

Meanwhile, on a certain place, a man was bleeding from all over his body. Despite the injuries, he kept walking, using his sword as a support.

"Vengeance... Payback for that monster... That overgrown black lizard... I must live, for vengeance..."

And he collapsed on the ground.

At the same time, Kane and Albert heard him talk because the two have enhanced their senses. The two quickly ran to the figure and turned him, making him face the sky.

Kane & Albert: "King Calder!"

Calder: "The Black Dragon... Vengeance... for the Northern Kingdom, Ghelgath..."

King Calder's eyes lost its life. Kane saw this, however, he can't heal him because he had yet to master hit. At most, he can only prolong his suffering, and he's already at the death's door. There's nothing he can do.