Short Visit

Walking out of the portal, I teleported in the alley near the Twilight Manor. Well, I can't just appear out of nowhere.

Walking in front of the gate, one of the two guards approached me.

"Halt! What's your business?" Guard #1 asked.

"Riveria knows me! Is she here?" I asked.

"No." Guard #1 said flatly.


"No." Guard #2 finally talked.

"Are you sure?"

"NO!" both Guard #1 & #2 said.

I can only scratched the back of my head and smile wryly. Even if I could just sense Riveria, I didn't want to do so just to have interactions with people like these.

"Why are you looking for me?" Riveria asked. She arrived just now.

I turned around and gave her one of my most brightest smile.

"Well, we have some special business to deal with, aren't we?" I asked.

Despite me just looking at Riveria, I could sense many women, from age 14 to 30. Heh, even some women who already are mothers, especially the ones who lost their husband, have blushed when they saw me smile.

I'm not a narcissist, but I'm pretty sure that my maturity is what completes my charisma that made even the older women, such as Riveria, to blush. Yeah, Riveria blush... with a smile on her face.

Which shocked both the guards.

"Ah, yes, we have. We should get inside first!" She said and I trailer behind her.

The guards let us in.

In the way, the double door suddenly bursted open, revealing a rushing red head that jumped forward. Riveria dodge by stepping aside, which means she'll crash into me if I don't dodge.

Well, as much as I want to dodge, I decided to catch the red head goddess.

"Well, hello there, goddess! I hope you're not going to try that again on my girlfriend." I stated with a cold smile while carrying her in princess carry after catching her.

"O-okay!" Loki said and gulped down her saliva, then I let her stand on here feet.

Before I could even step in inside, the coin the size of my fist inside my pocket glowed. I pulled it out, and it projected a message. The message came from a future version of one of my student.

"Sorry, I gotta go! But I promise to visit again. Bye!" And I disappeared.

I've appeared on a certain building to where a certain white haired man looking at a certain place at the edge of the building.

3rd Person

"So, why did you call me, Silver Cranel? Or should I say, Silver Sterling?" Kane asked Silver.

"Well," he turned around and looked at Kane, "I want you to have your appearance tonight."

"... So, was it the canon's start?" Kane asked.

Silver only nodded, Kane jumped down from the building and quickly fell down faster than the sound. Just right before he's near the ground, his speed quickly slowed down, making him fall down slowly.

This was Vector Manipulation, but he could easily use it much better, plus a million times than Accelerator could.

Walking around with his eyes closed, he can see the surroundings via his senses along with other senses he received from different bloodlines.

On his way, he saw two teenagers who are around 15-16 years old. One male, one female. The female was wearing black and red clothes on a combat skirt. The other was wearing dark blue clothes which made it seem invisible if there are no lights as well as he is not wearing red scarf wrapped around his waist, and a cape that only covered the left side of his shoulder.

"Hm... What kind of mechashift weapon should I use? Maybe only use my fist? Yeah, I gotta go with my fist... with Hamon, that is." He muttered to himself.

He started to add some bracers to his arms just to show that he is deflecting or defending against dust bullets using his bracers.

When the two entered, he also entered. On his way, he also inspected the dust and tried to create a pearl dust, to which he is successful.

After a few minutes, Roman and Junior's men that were hired, had arrived.

One of the grunts who arrived near him where the dust are, he just ignored him though.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" He then fired.

At that moment, Ruby flew out of the shop while Kane had dodged the dust ammo instinctively.

"Dude, did you just... Did you tried to shoot me?" Kane asked him.

"I... I-I did-" he was knocked down after finishing all what he wants to say.

He then rushes outside in an instant, startling all of them.

Then, Roman raised his cane and fired a flare on which Kane had let it explode inside the bubble using Hamon.

"Your fire shall be put out, Torchwick!" Kane said.

Torchwick pulled something out from his pocket and slammed it on the ground, a smoke bomb. Kane decided to let the kids handle Roman as he will just break out by courtesy of Neo.

With just a swipe from his hand, the smoke dispersed, revealing Torchwick halfway up on the ladder on a building.

"You okay if we go after him? Let's go Blaze!" Ruby asked the old man.

Then, the two climbed up using their own way. Ruby used the recoil on her sniper-scythe to propel herself upwards, while the other used the ladder but was fast at climbing. Kane arrived at the rooftop first, then Blaze arrived next, and not even a a split second Ruby came.

The battle continued and Glynda Goodwitch arrived.

The exchanged was epic but didn't participate in the battle, he just stood there and put up a Ki Barrier with his Legendary Ki since continues usage of it means continues growth. After the battle ended...

"Can I get your autograph?" Ruby asked.

Then, after that Kane didn't do anything much, but he was still needed to be interrogated by Glynda along with the two teens.

And, he was also invited to enter Beacon Academy, and he said he'll think of it first as he was busy.

After he got out, he directly teleported into another dimension, back to DanMachi World.