Status Boards

A portal opened in a certain room in Folkvangr, and two figures emerged from it. Those two were Kane and Silver.

"So, how do you feel now? You should go and try to update your status. I'm just gonna go and check the other two who also became a member of their respective familia." Kane said as he opened a portal to an alley.

"Okay! I feel a lot stronger. Wait, what is the time difference again?" Silver asked.

"It's a year inside, it's a day outside. So, you've been missing for a day now." Kane said with a smirk.

"Oh, sh*t!!!" Silver screamed while clutching the sides of his face.

"Oi! No JoJo references!" Kane said while pointing at Silver.

"You're doing it too!" Silver retorted.

"Now that I think about it, how about I add JJBA in here? Nah, I'll just do that in an Alternate Universe." Kane muttered.

Walking to a certain pharmacy, Kane had yet to look at Soren's status, what was his skill if ever have as a start. The same goes with Lisa as he is very busy, or just his lazyness.

Upon entering, a voice greeted him.

"Oh? Kane-san, you're here." Miach greeted.

"Did something happen?" Kane asked.

"Ah, no, nothing happened. It's just that you quickly left, and you haven't seen your student's skills and an unexpected development ability." Miach said as he pulled out a paper.

"Really?" Kane then received the paper.



Soren Sagiri

Level: 1






Magic Swordsman: H


Shinzen no Shinzui, Rank H - can control the power of nature itself, can heal any kind injuries, and can summon Nature Guardians. This magic grows along the user.


Hydrangea, Rank S - can imbue one enhancement in weapons with different effects like poison. When activated, weapons will have different colors glowing around it based on the effect


"His skill is very... ironic. Despite being in a familia that creates potions, he got the opposite which can inflict his enemies with different effects like poison." Kane muttered loudly.

"Yeah... But, I hope he won't use it on people." Miach said while frowning.

"Don't worry about him. The skill seems to be able to change its effect like paralysis." Then he looked at Miach in the eyes, "That means, he can still use it while not killing them."

"Is that so? Well, I'm relieved that it can also be used in non lethal way..." Miach sighed in relief.

"I'm gonna go somewhere, I'm just here to look at his status." Kane said and placed his two fingers on his forehead.

"Bye, Kane-san!" Miach waved his hands for a goodbye.

"Wait-" voice of Aiko was heard.

But she's too late and so Kane had already departed with Instant Transmission. When she saw him teleport in front of her, she became sad as she wants to tell him something but couldn't the other day.

Appearing out of nowhere...

"Oof." Yep, literally roblox.

"Are you okay, kid?" Kane saw the boy who was tripped.

"I'm okay, mister!" then, the kid tried to stand up but, "Ow, it hurts!"

The kid has a huge wound from tripping. Kane then touched the wound and said some words.

"There's a wound, right? Well, here's a magic." Kane then removed his hand over the wound, "Viola! No more wound, no more sermon from your mom!"

"Thank you, mister!" The kid smiled brightly.

Then, the kid ran back to his home.

"Now, then..." Kane then turned around.

He walked past few houses, and then stopped in front of the biggest house. And then he knocked on it.

The door was opened by a young girl, who is none other than Lisa. Despite being a girl, she's taller most of girls at her age as she stood at 141cm.

"Morning, Lisa-chan. I'm here to look at your status, the paper." Kane said with a smile.

"Come in, Master! I'll go get Brigid-sama!" Lisa said and then walked to where is her goddess.

Kane entered as he was left in the entrance, and he already got the 'ok' to go in.

Going in the living room, he sat on one of the chairs.

Brigid then came with a paper in hand, it was a paper with status of Lisa.

"Here it is! I'm sure you'll be shocked at her magic." Brigid said with her smile.


Lisa Weaver

Level: 1






Pole Master: H


Sacred Flames, Rank S - fire that came from the ancient times. The fire has gold in color as it can pretty much burn and melt as it can reach past the heat of the surface of the sun. It can also heal people.


Blitz, Rank A - while active, all attacks, magical or physical, will deal double the damage. It also uses twice the amount of mana and stamina.


"Sacred Flames and Blitz, huh?" Kane then looked at Lisa, "You're more overpowered than the other two."

Lisa lowered her head as she was blushing because she was praised.

"Alright, I'm gonna go back now. I need to make sure to see Silver's stat update."