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When Eina and Misha joined the Guild, the first two person they met were none other than Soren and Silver who had just came out from dungeon diving. At this time, Silver had yet to be wanted.

When the two newly appointed Guild Employees meet them, they greeted them with energy.

Blue eyes met Pink eyes, Green eyes met Emerald eyes. (Note: Emerald is darker in color. The Green is the same shade as Artemis'.)

"Hello! Welcome to the Guild!" The two greeted.

The two thought that they were going to register as an adventurer. But when Rose arrived, she told them that the two were already registered and are already around Second Class Adventurers despite their age which shocked the two.

Who would have thought that these two handsome young men, Silver and Soren, are already at that level.

What even shocked them more was, both of them had yet to have Advisers as they don't want to. So, with the two of them having no advisers, the two decided to try and be an adviser as well as to earn some experience.

The two accepted with smile on their face, with Soren's being energetic while Silver's was restrained.

Years have passed, the two employees have handled other adventurers, however, they didn't last long as they are very cocky and thought that monsters are weak. The only two persons who didn't let them down were none other than Silver and Soren who kept them in check so they wouldn't get depressed. They knew that they need to overcome some things like these.

During those years, Eina became strict to those she handles which ended up adventurers not to choose her. The last ones who chose her all died out of ignorance except Soren.

Silver and Soren were both matured despite only being around their age. Their maturity is equal to that of a middle-aged men who saw a lot in his life, saw a lot of mistakes.

Sometimes, Lisa comes with them to exchange the magic stones they collected and met the two.

Aside from that, Silver met someone. He met his older sister... She was a member of Hera Familia. Silver's mother was from Hera Familia while his father was from Zeus Familia.

Silver was just dungeon diving along with Lisa and Soren at that time, when he saw the Astraea Familia fighting someone with struggle. It was a woman with silver hair like his, her left eye was grey while her right was green, she also have green gems on her clothes which are very similar to his.

When he saw her move at a speed that only he, Soren, and Lisa could follow, he rushed forward and blocked her magic.

When he saw who it was, he didn't speak but he stopped all the members of Astraea Familia just by raising his hand, commanding them to not to interfere.

He sucked the air and his eyes turned grey which shocked his opponent. Then, he used one of his skill which is also shocking. His right eye turned green as he activated his Mystic Eye withouth the death perception. His Mystic Eye could allow him to see something that can't be seen such as Mana and even magic that is invisible.

This skill also improves his perception of time, making everything slower in his eyes as if it was a Sharingan. It could also see through illusions and fakes as well, like fake gems.

After the fight had ended, Silver had his hand in front of her. She hesitated a bit, but she took it.

When she took his hand, Silver raised his left hand and muttered "sorry" before pulling the gemstone on her neck.

After Silver pulled it out, he pulled his face mask down, revealing the same gemstone with just a different design from where it was placed.

Silver pulled out his own necklace and compared them with his Mystic Eye which showed that they are the same type of gemstone.

Unexpectedly, the silent woman spoke and asked Silver after seeing the gemstone.

"Where did you get that?"

"It was a gift..." Silver gave her gemstone back and continued, "from my mother..."

The woman was Alfia... Alfia couldn't believe that she has a little brother because she hadn't seen her mother 2 years before the destruction of the Zeus and Hera Familia, and came back a year later.

Then, a Spartoi spawned from the dungeon wall which was about to attack Silver and Alfia from behind. But before it could swing its sword, someone arrived and cut the Spartoi in many pieces. The one who arrived was none other than Soren.

"I've found the rest of the Dungeon Orbs-degozaru!" Soren loudly said while biting the handle of the sword.

Seeing them stunned except Silver who was walking to his side, he could only said one thing.

"I know, I'm great! Praise me! Degoza-"



"Don't get cocky!" Silver said after hitting Soren's head.

Soren glared at Silver before saying, "Heh! Says the guy who have flashy moves-degozaru!"

"Sigh... Why do the two of you always argue?" Lisa appeared.

"No, we're not arguing!" Silver and Soren said in unison, but Soren added degozaru.

"... Really? Nevermind that! I've got the rest of the Dungeon Orbs."

Then, they received three wishes. Soren wished small things such as foods, Lisa only wished for her destroyed armor to be repaired, and Silver had no wishes. But, Silver looked at Alfia and had found what will be his wish. He wished that her sickness will disappear without her skill disappearing.

Their wishes finally granted, Soren just ate on a table full of foods with chairs arranged to look like a banquet.

Lisa's armor were repaired and she wore them as she is armorless.

Alfia felt something in her but didn't quite know what it was.

The Dungeon Orbs disappeared throughtout the dungeon, from 1st floor to 50th floor. It will take three years to be recharged as it might get abused as it could warp reality. Instead of a Dragon, it took a shape of a beautiful woman named Angel, a Guardian. That's what Kane called her.

Days... From days turned into weeks... From weaks turned into months, and from months turned into years. Things have changed, but it wasn't enough to alter the canon as Freya still tried to steal promising adventurers from other familia.

So, yes... She will probably still go and try to make Bell stronger and take him away from Hestia. Only fate knows, and only the future can show it.

Four years before the canon, three years after their first wish granted. During those three years, Silver moved out of Daedalus Street as Pine was not really his aunt, she's more of a maid. It's just a coincidence that she have white hair and blue eyes, or she dyed it.

Silver took care of his real blood-related person that is the only one that was left aside from Bell, which is his nephew. Bizarre, isn't it? He's only four years older than Bell, it will only be 2 years if not for the Room of Spirit and Time and a Pocket World of Kane.

Taking care of Alfia was easy since he thought that it will be hard. Thanks to his magic, which allowed him to feel emotions of others if he wants to. It's like a one-way empath powers since he couldn't send soothing feeling. But, that wasn't a problem. Whenever Alfia didn't like the food, especially some vegetables, he'll show some food, if she nods then it's ok but if not then nope, and then he'll cook the one she like. Silver wasn't surprise that she liked meat more than vegetables, but she still ate the vegetables he cooks.

Silver decided to learn how to cook food the day he met his sister. So, while he's still learning, they mostly go in Hostess of Fertility to eat earlier than other people. Then, he asked May, Syr, and Ryuu to prepare food for noon and night and he'll pay them because Alfia hates noise.

Well, he's not exactly wrong about her hating noise, but she didn't really hate the noise Silver makes. His noise produced tenderness. His steps are light yet strong, his voice was soft when waking her up, and more importantly, his mentality exceeded his own age.

Also, when the three managed to find the Dungeon Orbs, Silver wished first. He wished for a baby wolf cub since he likes anything that looks fluffy, especially wolf ears. Lisa wished for a raven, a black bird with red eyes, it looked like her. Soren wished for something unexpected, he chose a cat.

A silver baby Battle Wolf for Silver, a raven around 40 cm in height, and a very small cat that rested on top of Soren's head. Strange things happen too, the cat can't be removed from Soren's head unless he moved him away.

During those three years, they were known to have tamed monsters but they publicized that they are animals, which were also called as familiars. They were not monsters but they can help in battles.

Kane also started going out with Riveria after Silver reached level 5 since he knows.

Kane had yet to have one, so he is still that kind of person which were ridiculed by men of cultures.

Aside from that, Kane built a temple in Orario many years ago. It looked like a church, but inside was just like any normal temple. The temple had a symbol, three triangles that formed a triangle.

If ever something appeared that could destroy Orario, it will be useful for the three students he raised as he doesn't intend to help them directly as a god. So, he decided to build something like this.

This is also the reason why the sword of the Sword Champion or Mercenary King, which is Albert, had disappeared years ago.

But Kane just left everything to time, not fate. Fate can be changed, but not time. Time is still the same, you can only rewind and fast forward it, but it will still be the same.