Chapter Three

I stirred slightly; opening my eyes, I groaned and rolled over, expecting to still be in Erik's car. I was surprised to find that I was actually in a bed. I sat up to look for my brother, but froze when I heard him talking to someone outside.

"Yes, Kyle, I got her. She's coming home with me." He sighed. I could picture him pitching the bridge of his nose like i do with a sigh like that. "You don't understand, Kyle. She doesn't remember you. She didn't remember me at first. Something happened. She is so guarded; This isn't the same Devyn. Of course we weren't expecting it to be, but we were not expecting this either!" I had so many questions as to what was going on with that phone call, but the main one was who was this Kyle character?

I got up quietly and went to the restroom while my brother continued to let out his frustrations about me not remembering anything to whoever was on the other line. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and it doesn't look like Erik brought any bags, so I guess we will be driving the rest of the way in what we had yesterday.

I glanced at myself in the mirror quickly, not happy with what I saw. But that's normal. I'm never happy with the way I look. From the scars on my face and neck to my lifeless green eyes. There's just nothing nice to look at.

I heard Erik hang up and enter the room. "Dev!" He called. I stuck my head out of the open bathroom door. His eyes lit up when he realized i was gone again, that yesterday was not some dream. I walked out and looked at him.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked him, looking at my feet.

"A friend of mine in Georgia. His name is Kyle Mason. Does that name sound familiar?" He asked me and I shook my head. He sighed. "Well since you are up we should head out. We'll get food on our way." I nodded as he turned and walked out, leaving me to follow behind.


"Hey. Devyn. Wakey wakey!" I stirred at the sound of a stranger's voice. It sounded like a voice I've only heard in my dreams.

"M...Mom?" I questioned, still half asleep. Asleep enough to question the impossible.

I heard a chuckle. "No, no. I am related to your mother but I happen to be her sister, Valery. Her twin sister to be exact."

Then my dreadful life came back to my mind. "What's up with this family and twins?" I mumbled, fully awake.

"Don't know... C'mon, I'll show you to your room." Erik said, grabbing my very small amount of luggage.

I followed Erik into a room- no, correction, my room. It has been so long since I had my own room! I started dancing out of excitement, totally forgetting Erik was still in the room. "Ahem." He coughed.

"AH!! I forgot you were there!" I jumped.

"Ha-ha I was just sticking around to say that your cell phone is sitting on the counter in the kitchen, but that, Dev, is some sick dance moves. You should try out for the dance team."

"I don't have a cell phone." I said tilting my head. " And for the record I can't dance."

"You do now thanks to Aunt. And Devyn! You totally got moves!"

"Whatever." I said going to get my new phone, flipping my hair as I walked by him.

Walked down the stairs to see an iPhone 6 box and case on the counter. I opened it and ran to my room to start setting it up. I immediately called Miss Donna to get Kasen's number. I then called my therapist to let them know I moved and to talk to them about what to do, and I also was able to get in touch with Kaitlin.


"Devyn? Is that you?" My therapist, Lily, asked me. When I called my therapist's office, I had to leave a voicemail. I did and explained that I moved and left my new mobile number. This is her now calling me back.

"Yes. I need your help." I took a deep breath in before continuing, "I think I am getting bits and pieces of my memory back." I heard her sharp intake and I began to explain to her everything that happened when I first met Erik.

"Well, Devyn, from what the way it sounds, I think you're right."

"What do I do?"

"The first thing you need to do is ask yourself if you really want to remember. You need to understand that you forgot for a reason. Until you know the answer to that, there's nothing that you can do," She explained.

"When will I know the answer?" I asked in a tiny voice. She chuckled.

"Believe me, Devyn, you'll know. Now, I have five minutes until my next patient. Is there anything else?" She asked me.

"No, thank you so much." I said.

"You're welcome, Devyn. If you need me, I'm only a phone call away," She said and then she hung up. I thought about that; Kaitlin texted me her number so I called her next.

She picked up on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kait."

"Oh hey, Devyn. How's Georgia?" She asked me.

"Uh... Well..." I explained, for the second time tonight, what happened earlier. "Lily said that I may be getting my memory back. Isn't that great?"

"But, Dev, there has to be a reason you forgot. Are you sure you want to know why? I understand you want to know who this Kyle person is and if he fits into your past like Erik does, but is it worth it." She asked me. I thought for a moment. I haven't even met this Kyle person; for all I know Erik could have just been ranting and Kyle never knew me.

"Are you sure you're not going to be a therapist?" I joked but then sighed. "I don't know if it's worth it. I just have this strange feeling that I need to know. That if I never find out, I'll never truly be me. There's so much about myself that I don't know and for a while I thought I would never know."

"Like what?" She asked.

"Like who'd I get my freckles from, my mom or my dad; how did I end up in foster care; where is my family now; was I born in Arizona or somewhere else; was I always this sarcastic; stuff like that," I said.

"Then, Devyn, I think you know whether it's worth it or not."

"Yeah, I guess," I said as I checked the time. "Hey, I have to go. It's getting late and I have my first day of school tomorrow." I said. "I can't believe i just got here and I immediately have get right into swing of things buuuut whatever." I muttered.

Kaitlin laughed. "This'll be good for you Dev. You know that. I'm just gonna miss you. If you ever need me, just call me." She said before she hung up,leaving me to think about school tomorrow and what that will bring.

Before i could get too far into my thoughts, a knock on my door caught my attention. Erik stood there looking nervous like he had to ask me a question.

"Uh—I um wanted to know if you uh wanted to go shopping for an outfit for school tomorrow to maybe ease the nervousness of your first day?" He asked shifting his weight from one foot to the other. It was almost cute in boyish way. I chuckled.

"Sure, Erik, let's go!" I said.

We got in the car and rode like 10 minutes to the mall. We searched and searched for hours when walking past American eagle, I saw it! The perfect outfit. It was a pair of slightly ripped jeans with a simple maroon shirt; I paired that with an infinity scarf and some white high top converse I already owned. My entire outfit ended up being $65; I tried to pay, but Erik insisted. By the time we found me an outfit, ate, and made it home, we were exhausted. It was 8: we decided to sleep so we could get up early to get ready for school.

"Goodnight Erik." I said walking into my room.

"Goodnight Devyn." He replied.

As i lay in bed I stare at the ceiling, unable to sleep or calm my nerves about tomorrow. I cant help but wonder if i really will fit in. If things will be different.

They have to be different, right?

I am not sure at what time, but I finally fell into a dreamless restful sleep.


The next morning, I was up early, ready to face the day and whatever came my way. I hoped at least. I was getting ready humming in my own world; I didn't know what to expect.

"Devyn, let's go! I don't want to be late!" Erik yelled, scaring me half to death.

"Coming!" I yelled back stomping down the stairs.

We rode to school in Erik's car jamming out to NeverShoutNever's song CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater.

After the song was over, Erik just looked at me and gaped.

"What?" I asked, feeling self conscious.

"Dang Dev, is there anything you can't do? You can dance and now I find out you can sing too?? What other hidden talent is my sis hiding from me?" He asks, patting me on the head since I had my beanie on.

"Eyes on the road bucko!" I yell, pointing to the road. I've always had a fear of people not paying attention when they drive, and now i guess i know why.

"Oh, sorry."He said with genuine remorse. We rode in silence after that. We made it to school not soon after that.

When I walked in with Erik, all eyes darted to me. I could hear the whispering as we walked to the office to get my schedule.

"Who is she?"

"What's up with her scars?"

"She looks like a character from a horror movie."

"You don't think that's Erik's new play toy do you?" Play toy!?

"No way! She's not pretty enough!" Okay that hurt.

That was just the girls. Wait until the guys notice.

"Daang it! Erik got the new girl first!"

"She's hot!"

"No way, look at her scars. She's freaky looking."

I was on the verge of tears when Erik looked at me. He wiped my tears that I didn't know had spilled over my eyes.

"Don't let them bother you." I nodded and we walked into the front office.

I got my schedule to see my classes. Erik took a look at my schedule. "Cool, we have every class together but Biology and English!" He said looking up with a smile on his face. "AP English huh?"

I blushed. "Yeah, English is like my strong suit."

"Well, I got to get to class. I hope you find your classes alright."

"Okay Erik."

I start looking for my locker.

Ah number 234, here it is!

I look at the combination: 0-12-24

That shouldn't be too hard.

Try one: Nope

Try two: No!

Try three: Nothing!

"You need help?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see a girl.

I sigh. At least she's offering to help,not making fun of me for not being able to open my locker. "Yes please."I tell her.

"Let me see your combination"I hand it to the girl.

She got on the first try!

She chuckles and puts her hand out in front of me "I'm Christina but most people call me Candor. I know, I know, Candor? Isn't that the name of the honest in Divergent? Yes, yes it is. Did I make it up? No, the totally original "Popular" group did. Note my sarcasm." She rolled her eyes, her hand still extended.

I shook her hand while chuckling a bit and replied "Devyn."

"Can I see your schedule again?" She asked.

"Um yeah. Sure. Here you go."

I hand it to her. "Whoa! We have every class together!"

"Cool!" Did I just make a friend within 10 minutes of being on campus?

"Want to walk to English together?" She asked me.


While walking we kept talking.

"What's your last name again?" she asks me.

"Walters." This makes her stop dead in her tracks.

"Walters, as in Erik Walters?!" She squeals, a smiling blush creeping onto her face.

"Umm yeah he is my twin brother."I was kind of confused, what kind of reputation does he have?

"Okay you didn't hear it from me but your brother... He's what this school calls a player. Rumor has it that he has never been in a committed relationship ever." Erik's words replayed in my head.

There's something about how Christina talked about him that made me ask a shaky question.

"Christina, do you like Erik?" I whispered so that it wasn't loud.

"What? Erik? No way!" She walks a little faster but turns to look at me.

"Okay, yes, I like your brother. I like Erik. Now can we get to class?" She said walking away.