Chapter Seventeen

I groaned in my sleep at the sound of yelling. By the time I had made it home yesterday, Kyle didn't want to talk about it with me, and I was too tired to argue. We watched movies for the rest of the day, refusing to speak of lunch.

"Sara! How could you not tell me?!" I heard Kyle yell at Sara. I turned over and opened my eyes.

"Tell you what?! That for the first time since I went into that coma I'm actually happy?!" Sara yelled back equally upset. Kyle stepped back looking shocked. "Tell you that when I'm with Camden, I don't feel smothered for the first time since I woke up?!" She yelled, taking a step towards her brother. "That I feel like someone doesn't treat me like I'm going to break at the smallest of touches!"

"Sara... I didn't mean it-,"

"Oh no, of course you didn't! You're Kyle fucking Mason! You never do anything wrong! You never screw anything up!" She screamed, cutting him off.

"Never do anything wrong?! Never screw anything up?! Do you not remember the real reason why you went into that coma?! I'm the one who brought the bitch home! I'm the one who thought you were okay with her! I'm the one who notices everything five minutes too late!" He yelled back at her and all I could do is pretend not to be intrigued by the comment 'I'm the one who brought the bitch home!'

"You know what, I do remember, but I also remember you getting all the attention. I remember you getting everything. What did I get? I got the responsibility of being 'Kyle's perfect little sister.' I was expected to be just like you. Perfect to the eye of everyone around us. I took one step out of line and I screwed everything up. Imagine having that kind of responsibility over your head, Kyle. Can you imagine it?" she explained and when Kyle shook his head 'no' she huffed. "Exactly. I'm out of here!" She said storming out. Kyle started to run after her but I had to stop him.

"Kyle, stop. Let her go." I said getting up. He turned around and instantly looked guilty. He walked over to me and pulled me to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face in my neck. We stayed like this for I don't know how long.

"I don't mean to smother her." He whispered. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"I know you don't. That's just how you come across. You're protective of what you love." I told him.

"Like you? Are you saying I'm over protective of you?" He asked me and pulled away completely from me.

"No, no. You just worry. There's nothing wrong with that." I assured him. He nodded slowly and then smiled like a ten year old on a sugar high.

"What?" I asked him and before I had time to think I was pinned down to the bed and Kyle was hovered over me.

"Kyle, what are-," I started to ask but he cut me off by tickling my side. "Kyle!" I shrieked. He then moved from tickling my sides to my stomach. I cackled and shrieked which only made Kyle smile more and keep tickling me. It wasn't until he reached my neck that I flinched and he stopped.

"Oh shit. Devyn, are you okay?" he asked, his eyes instantly filling with regret and worry. He moved away from me and ran his fingers through his hair. He slowly stood up and went to walk away when I stopped him.

"Where're you going?"

"I need to clear my head. It seems every time I touch you, you flinch." He said with his back facing me.

"You know I don't mean to. If I could stop I would." I whisper. He glanced back once and then looked at the door once more.

"I know. I just hate that he was the reason and I couldn't be there to stop him." he said gritting his teeth and walking out slamming his door behind him. I sighed and grabbed my phone.

With shaky hands, I dialed the only place i knew Sara would have been. "Hello, thank you for calling Romano's. This is Camden speaking. What can I get you?"

I chuckled slightly, not knowing how to explain whoI was, but started rambling anyway. "Hey Camden, its Devyn. Kyle's girlfriend. You know Sara's brother?"

" Ohhh yeah! What's up? What can I do for ya?" He asked.

"Is Sara there?" I asked and he sighed.

"Yeah, hold on." I heard the shuffling of feet and the exchange of the phone.

"Hey Devyn, what's up?" she asked.

"Can you meet me somewhere?" I asked her, my voice breaking.

"Uh sure. Mall? Thirty minutes?"

"Yeah. See you soon." I told her and hung up. I grabbed my keys and one of Kyle's hoodies and left, heading to my house. I walked in and went straight to Erik's room. I went to knock once and then stopped when I heard talking. I pulled my phone out and recorded what I heard so I could listen to it again later.

"Erik, what am I supposed to do? We can't even have an innocent tickle fight without her flinching! Sometimes I honestly wonder why I even try anymore." Kyle said.

"Dude, do you love her?" My brother asked him.

"I don't think I've loved someone more, but it's so hard. I hate what he did to her. I hate how because of him, she can't even trust any guy around her!" he said. "I hate that she can't trust me." He said, his voice lower.

"Kyle, she trusts you. Believe me, she does. It's just she's not used to people being gentle with her like you. I mean think about it, Kameron took advantage of her and basically left her to fend for herself. Gabriella gave her the hardest time. Hell, she's the reason why she ran. If you give up on her now, think. What's that going to do to her? Or to you? You both have come too far for you to just throw in the towel because a few people made her question trust." Erik said to him.

"I just don't know what to do! Should I go talk to her?" he asked and that was my queue to leave. I ran quietly to my room and threw on my skinny jeans and black vans that matched Kyle's hoodie and went out the door. I made it to the mall food court right as Sara did.

"Okay girl. Spill your guts. What did my brother do this time?" She asked, sighing and I just chuckled and started to explain.


"So let me get this straight... Just because you flinch when someone touches you above the shoulders, he just wants to give up?" Sara asked and I just nodded. Her nose flared up and I could tell she was pissed.

"Oh hell no!" She yelled and got up. I went to stop her but she just pointed behind me. I looked behind me and gasped. Walking in the mall was Kyle. And there was a beach blonde slut clutching my boyfriend's arm.

If this is his way of breaking up with me, I can hear it loud and clear.

To say I was pissed would be the understatement of the century. I just stood in shock of what was going on in front of me.

"Kyle Isaac Mason!" Sara roared, catching his attention as they entered the food court. He began making his way over to us. Sara slammed her fist down on the table so hard it broke me from my trance when Kyle and the she- devil stopped at our table. I was hid slightly behind Sara, but he could still clearly see me if he wanted to.

"Sara Michelle Mason!" He growled back, eyes darkening out of anger.

"Who the fuck is this?" She asked, snarling her nose up.

"Oh her? Just a friend." He said nonchalantly. This is when I spoke up. The way she clutched him... I took a step out from behind Sara and placed a hand on her shoulder, letting her know it was okay.

"Really Kyle? You expect us to believe that?" I asked him quietly. He turned to me and his eyes widened. I realized then he didn't even notice I was here; his pupils were dilated and his body language was slow. This was a side of him I'd never seen.

"D-D-Devyn?" he asked, stuttering out my name.

"Who is this?" The slut asked Kyle, gesturing to me with a judgemental scowl on her face.

Kyle looked to his feet before speaking, "Uhh..." He didn't know what to say so I spoke for him.

"I was his girlfriend." I said to her and walked off, just ready to get out of here. That seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Devyn wait!" I heard him call after me. I sped up. I heard him running after me and I ran to the closest store. I went all the way to the back before I finally broke down. I slid against the wall and felt my walls I had built come crashing to the ground. If this is what it feels like to be heartbroken, I don't want to feel this anymore. I don't want to feel pain anymore. I stayed there and cried until somebody finally spoke up.

"I didn't cheat on you, Princess." He said to me.

"Devyn." I corrected him. I couldn't hear that name anymore; he didn't have the right to call me that.

"I still didn't cheat." He said and I laughed humorlessly, looking at him, letting him see the look in my— the broken girl I keep hidden.

"Oh really? Then who was that blonde bimbo who looked either to give you head or had already had?" I asked dryly. I felt him come sit beside me. He raised his hand to put in on my thigh but then changed his mind and sat it beside him.

"She's just a friend. She was once a part of my past." He whispered and I finally looked at him.

"She supplied you with weed." I stated and he nodded shamelessly. It got quiet.

"I know you listened to mine and Erik's conversation." He finally said. I took a sharp intake of breath and looked at him.

"H-H-How?" I stuttered out.

"Even with my hoodie on, which looks better on you than me, I could still smell you from the other side of the door." He said and I just gaped at him. He chuckled and looked at me. "Are we still us?" he asked and I knew what he meant. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I just don't understand. You let her touch you. Then you act like I'm not even there until I speak up. And on top of all that you said it yourself. 'You don't know why you even try anymore.' So Kyle, I really don't know." I told him.

"Princess, I'm really sorry. You just don't understand how hard it is not being able to touch you without you flinching. I feel like I'm hurting you."

"No, Kyle I do get it. But that's not the issue. The issue is that just because I had a rough life you're blaming yourself. You're blaming yourself for things you can't control. It's not your fault I flinch every time you touch me. If it's anybody's fault, it's mine. It's been years and I still let him have control over me. But the real question is, do you still want to be with me?" I asked him.

"God yes, Devyn! I don't want to lose you and showing up with Karlee was a dick move, but please don't leave me. I can't be with someone else. I love you." He said whispering the last part. I looked over at him and saw that he was crying. I scooted closer to him and interlocked our hands. The shock of electricity that shot through me made me shiver. I never broke eye contact with him as he reached with his other hand and put it on my check and rubbed my jaw with his thumb. I never flinched. I finally couldn't take it. I pulled my hand out of his and pulled his face towards mine.

"You drive me insane." I whispered right before our lips met. "But I love you." I said and crashed my lips to his. I pulled away before this could get too heated. "Let's go home." I whispered and he nodded standing up. He gave me his hand and pulled me up. When I stood up he just stood there.

"What?" I asked him. He just shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"Princess?" He asked while we were driving.


"I didn't mean to pry or anything but you got a college acceptance letter today." He said.

"What? That's impossible. I didn't apply to any." I said to no one in particular. I hadn't even thought of college or where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. More than likely i would end up just going to a technical college for a few years while I got my bearings.

But for me to get a college acceptance letter when I didn't apply—Then it hit me.

"Kyle, did you send applications for me?" I asked him and he never responded. He glanced at me, but shook his head.

"It wasn't just me. Your brother had some part in it too." He mumbled.

"Kyle! Who said I even wanted to go to college!" I claimed. I guess I can't be mad. They only had my best interest at heart.

"Don't you?" He asked.

"Well yeah I guess but still!"

"Princess, you got a full ride scholarship to NYU." He whispered and my jaw dropped. A full ride?

"W-W-What?" I stuttered out. "Kyle, I don't want to think about this right now." I said as we pulled into his house.

"Okay, Dev." He said. We walked into the house and went straight to his room like normal. As soon as the door was shut I felt his muscular arms snake around my waist.

"I really am sorry baby. I don't understand how you forgave me, but I'm glad you did. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I want to be yours forever. I don't want another girl touching, kissing, caring, or loving me. I just want you. I don't want another guy looking at you, touching, touching, kissing, caring, or loving you. That would break my heart into several unfixable pieces.'

"I promise I won't ever do something like that ever again. The look on your face on the floor of that store, almost broke me. I knew I was the reason for my girl on the floor crying and there was a way I could have prevented it. When you looked at me. That look you had. The look of a broken girl. I haven't seen that look in your eye since the first time i met you and it was a stab in the heart to know it was back because of me. I am so sorry, Princess." He whispered, kissing my nose, my face, my cheeks. I smiled, giggling every time he would kiss a new place. He picked me up and carried me to the bed and set me down in his lap. I nuzzled my face into his neck, breathing in musk. I kissed the side of his neck and whispered, "I love you." He looked down to look at me and kissed the top of my forehead.

"Can I ask you something, Baby?" He asked me.

"You just did." I stated and he chuckled.

"Devyn, will you go to Senior Prom with me?"