
Six Years Later

"Mommy! Why are we in a graveyard?" My four year old daughter Jessamine Ridely Mason asked me.

"Shh, not so loud, Jess." My wonderful husband said lowly from behind me while putting his hand on little Jess's shoulder.

"But why are we here Daddy?" She asked Kyle, looking up at him with her brown eyes that she inherited from my side of the family.

Thanks Dad.

"It's just a special date today, Jessa." I said to her as we walked to the graves. It's been six years since they died. I haven't missed a single year since I graduated. We finally made it to their graves Kyle and I both sat down between them.

"Hey, that's my name!" Jessa pointed out. "Did I steal her name?" She asked me quietly.

"No, no. You have the same name as her to honor her. Tresure your name Jessamine. The girl buried here was a strong girl. Just like I know you will be." Kyle said to her. Jess looked up at him with her brown eyes.

"How do you know so well, Daddy?"

"Because you're your mother's daughter and she's the strongest woman I know." He said looking dead at me which caused my face to heat up. Almost six years with the man and he still happens to get to me like he did when we were teenagers.

"Mommy, are you cold?" Jess asked me even though it was the middle of November in Georgia.

"No, why?" I asked her confusedly.

"Then why is your cheeks red?" She asked me.

"N-No reason." I muttered and looked at Kyle helplessly.

"C'mon Jessa, let's give Mommy some privacy." Kyle said, picking up his daughter and walking away. He looked back at me and held up the three fingers that silently meant I love you. I mouthed it back and smiled before turning to Kasen's and Jenny's grave.

"So that's Jessa. She's quite the handful." I said aloud. "I wish you could have known her. She has my father's eyes but she was graced with my mother's blond hair and Kyle's face structure. She's every bit as stubborn and strong as I ever was. She's beautiful and just flat out amazing.'

"I'm keeping my promise to both of you. When I said I wouldn't forget you I meant you. Jessa is the start. Then if we have a boy, Kyle and I have already decided to name him Kasen James. Named exactly after you.'

"I miss you both so much. I wish you both could be here to see how everything has changed. How everything is so much better. I'll be back again soon, I promise." I said to their headstones tears rolling down my face and my voice cracking. I stood up and started to walk away when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You might want to get to the hospital. Katelin has gone into labor." Katelin's husband, Richard said into the phone. I mumbled an okay and rushed to the car where Kyle and Jessa were.

"Hospital, now." I demanded Kyle and he nodded. He drove to the hospital and dropped me off so he could babysit Jessa. I rushed into the hospital demanding to know where my best friend was. When Kyle brough Katelin to Georgia for my graduation six years ago, she was sitting next to a guy named Richard. They spoke some and it went from there. They just got married a year ago. It's quite funny how right after all the couples got married they had babies.

For example, Christina and Erik got married two and a half years ago and they just got through their pregnancy with their first children –twins- Ethan and Emma ; Sara married Camden and they got pregnant with her first child, Elisa after only being married for three months; Gabriella who surprisingly married Kameron—after he finally got his crap together—and they got pregnant with their second child, two days into the honeymoon.

We're not going to talk about Kyle and I.

. Getting back on track, Richard couldn't be any more perfect for Katelin though. His calm attitude fits right in with her childish hyper one. I always knew one day Katelin was going to marry a guy with an accent, I just never thought a heavy southern accent would have been her style.

"There you are!" Richard said when I got there. I was panting, but seeing his calm nature in shambles, I was more worried for him.

"Sorry, I was at the graveyard." I said looking down and I knew that Richard knew why I was there. "How's she doing?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I can answer that." I heard the doctor say from behind Richard. "Your daughter is healthy." He said to Richard and smiled warmly at him before he led Richard and I to Katelin's room. Richard gasped and walked over to where Katelin was holding her daughter. She looked up at me and said, "Meet Skylar Abigail Wilson." I walked over and smiled warmly to Skylar with tears in my eyes.

"Daddy!" I heard Caden, Katelyn's first born come bounding towards Richard and jumping in his arms.

"Did you have fun with Ryder?" Richard asked him and Caden nodded eagerly. I turned to look at the door and saw Gabriella and Kameron. I walked over to them, my heels clicking against the hospitals hardwood floors.

"Did you take Ryder to Kyle?" I asked and Gab sighed.

"He pitched such a fit." She said.

"I keep telling you that Ryder and Jess are going to get together later in life." I told her.

"Yeah, I know. You've told me this already. We've already made this bet once. I've got the same bet going with Kameron." She said. She doesn't agree with me. Neither does Kyle, but that's just because he doesn't want his little girl to fall for the spawn of Kameron Cavanagh.

"Same about me and Kyle." I said.

"Remember the bet rules, Mason?" Kameron asked me, smirking. It's nice to be able to joke with him again.

"Of course I do, Cavanagh. If Ryder and Jessa end up together in the future, all that bet against that will be the winner's servant for a month and owes the winners 50 bucks and vice versa."

"And who's going to win?" He asked.

"We are, duh." I teased, nudging him in the shoulder.

"You're on Dev." Gabriella said smirking at me and I just smirked back. I'm so going to win this.

I know my daughter. She's just like me. I fell for Cavanaugh's charm once too.

"Stop thinking you're going to win. They could end up enemies for all we know." Gabriella said.

"True. That means that they could fall for their enemies." Kameron said looking down at Gabriella.

Falling for the enemy? I never thought of that.