I'm Khadra, I'm an alter in the Masquerade system. I'm currently in co-con with Tea.
Co-conciousness is when two alters are in the front. Tea is driving the body and I am in the passengers seat. She's writing this for me.
My role in the system is System Communicator. I can communicate with majority of alters in the system. I'm not really sure why I have this role, but I enjoy it. Even though it gets overwhelming at points.
I can communicate with non-human alters. They can be mythical creatures like dragons. They can be animals like dogs or cats. They can be androids or AI. There's a huge range of alters I communicate with.
There's even inanimate object alters that our alter, Luna, could communicate with. She was an elderly woman who talked to walls and chairs a lot. Nobody really understood why till pretty recent. The host finally understood alters can be inanimate objects.
I hope you have enjoyed learning about my role in the system. I hope to write more when I'm fully fronting.
Thank you for your time.
–Khadra (The Masquerade System)