
What would you do if your whole existence was based on a lie? Your whole back story belonged to someone else, and you were supposed to be someone else? I was simply a rat in a tightly neat cage, one that my birth mother hid me away. My birth father disliked girls so much she switched me for a boy who was born the same day, same hour, and almost the exact moment I was. Our lives were switched, I was living his life. Being loved by his parents, and yet she saved me from what has been my death. My birth father had no idea I even existed until after she died, and now he wants me. And for what? To do his dirty work?

I need to choose from. I need to choose, and quickly before the moon creases the ground. Do I do his bidding and return to the Natural Realm, or stay here in the Magical Realm as the Elven princess I was born to be?

Times ticking. I must choose.