Chapter Eight

His chuckle stopped and I glanced up at that handsome man through my eyelashes. "Rise, my little pet." The king in front of me purred, literally purred as if he was a cat. He didn't look like a king, he wasn't wearing a crown but I wasn't about to even question him. I closed my eyes, counted to ten, and took a shaky breath as I slowly stood back up. I felt like he was a dangerous, powerful being and I wanted to give him as much distance as humanly possible. He smiled once more, but his eyes didn't. They were cold like they held a deadly secret that no one could know. I noticed that everyone in the room stayed clear of this man, and began to give us slight glances as they passed by. So maybe I am right about him being dangerous, and the way the room acted maybe he was right about being king. On top of that I felt as if I was missing something important.

"You're catching the eyes of those around, and you are whispering about the whole night. And yet, I find you here standing all alone. Like a phantom in the room, and for that I feel that is something that the two of us have in common." People wouldn't even give me a side glance and now that he stood before me they were staring now. But I knew it was not me they were looking at. And as people passed it sounded like they were speaking in hushed whispers. But that can't be about me too, can it? No one whispered or talked about me before he strolled over here, it had to be because of him. Right? "It would be pointless to travel such a distance to stand and not dance with a fair maiden such as yourself." He held his gloved hand out towards me, an offer for a dance. I had seen men do that gesture to women all night, and I secretly hoped that it would happen to me. And now that it was happening to me, I was nervous. He leaned forward, so close I held my breath thinking he would kiss me, but he only whispered in my ear. "I'll be offended if you didn't accept my proposal, princess. And I can quickly turn this room into a bloody mess."

"It's Miriam." I corrected him in a hushed whisper. A confused look passed over his beautiful face. "I don't like being called princess, or anything of the sort. My name is Miriam." I silently cursed myself, Erlking is going to be so pissed at me if he found out. But that was the truth, I am from the United States, and Americans do not have those titles. So it is something that may take a long time for me to get used to.

The corner of his lip twisted up into a predatory grin. "Such an odd girl. Most would prefer such titles. But very well." He nodded his head, strands of white fell into his golden eyes. "Though most will ignore your simple and queer request, I will uphold it. Miriam." He spoke my name slowly as if he were tasting each syllable. He paused in thought before extending his hand once more out to me. "Dance with me, pet." He was shoving his hand even closer to me. Being more obnoxious than a few seconds prior, and yet slowly I took his warm and strong hand. He bowed shallowly and brought my hand to his pale thin lips, he placed a soft kiss on each knuckle; a gesture that I had seen almost every male do before dancing with the ladies. I even watched Easton do that several times throughout the night.

He took me out to the dance floor, people murmured and stepped aside for us. He pulled me close, our chests almost touching. He slid one strong hand to the small of my back and held my hand with his other one. Each of his touches was like an electric shock, and with every touch, my heart leaped out of my chest. Quietly in my thoughts, I prayed that I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of him and all these people in the room. I rested my hand shakily on his bony shoulder. "For a human," he mumbled almost to himself. Even with such a low volume, his voice vibrated in his broad chest. "You're not that bad of a dancer as I thought -no- as I hoped you to be." My heart skipped a beat and I stepped on his foot, on purpose. He didn't even flinch.

"Forgive me, your highness," I mumbled as I averted my gaze, my head was swarming with thoughts. I felt like Alaric was watching me like a hawk, I could tell he was watching for any mistake I could possibly make.

"No blood." He stated simply. "I'll let it go. At least this time." He pulled me into a spin and then pulled me close again, our chests touched this time. I could smell the faint sweet scent of his skin, and it was intoxicating. His heartbeat was rapid against mine, it was much faster than my already racing heart. But why? "Miriam, miriam," he murmured, staring into my eyes. His face was close to mine, I could smell his breath. It, too, was as sweet-smelling as his cologne. Everything about him drew me in, and with his face so close to mine that's when I noticed something even stranger about his eyes. The pupil of his eyes slanted like a cat, but thinner thanthen a cat had. Maybe more like a snake. They were inexplicably beautiful up close as they were from a distance, I even believed they were much lovelier then Easton's crimson eyes. "Do you know who I am, my little human pet? I'm an infamous man." He purred me softly and I shook my head. I had no idea who he could possibly be, for all I know he could be Arawn. The air of the room became tense since he entered, so I knew he was a man to fear. Didn't Tricia mention someone that would be dangerous here? I thought to myself, I looked around us and everyone stared and looked uneasy. Even the kingEven King who sat off in the distance, surrounded by guards, had a look of concern where enjoyment once had been. "I'm Rowan, more known as the Dragon, my dear. I am the Unseelie King. Surely you have heard of me."

"The Dragon?" I whispered, and it all came back to me. Yes, I heard that name before. Tricia mentioned it to me, she even told me to stay clear of him. But how was I to know who he was? The dance halted as the music the septet was playing changed to something slower. A few couples began to dance along with us, keeping a safe distance.

He smiled, pleased. "Ah, by your voice you had heard of me." He chuckled in my ear, making me shutter. Be strong Miriam, don't let him know you are afraid.

"Yeah, I heard of you." I rolled my eyes as the Unseelie King tilted his head slightly to the side. "I was told by my maid that it would be good for my health if I stayed clear of you." I cursed myself, gaging by his grin I said the things he wanted to hear.

"Of course you were. I bring fear to those around me." The corner of his mouth twisted up and I couldn't believe that he actually liked being feared. "My name brings fear, I kill you in an instant if I am soI so pleased."

"You don't look like a murderer to me, your highness." I stammered calmly as I could possibly get. But I got the feeling he could kill me faster than I could blink.

"Looks can be deceiving." He pulled me closer to him. "Take a rose as an example, it has a sweet scent and vibrant color that it pulls you in. Its beautiful petals cause you to desire it to the point you pluck it, but its thorns cause you to bleed."

"Perhaps," I mumbled, looking over his shoulder. Easton was standing on the edge of the dance floor, watching with his hand on his sword. Even Bemus had wandered off towards the tables slowly slowly ate as he watched us. "But if a rose was never to be admired or desired it wouldn't be beautiful, the thorns are there to protect it not to cause you harm. Am I right, sire?" I thought princesses in movies always had their guards on their side, and yet mine was across the room.

"Perhaps, pet." He smiled slyly at me, drawing me near. "But what do you do if it pricks your finger and causes you to bleed? Do you still dance with the rose or run to hide from its beauty."

"I don't think I follow." I frowned.

"Do you know why I really wanted to dance with you?" I shook my head, I had no idea why I was even here in this place. "I want to make you afraid of me, to see you shake in fear before me." I coughed out a lie, just like the movies he was the bad guy explaining his plan before attempting to kill the hero. "I need you to be afraid of me, it would be good if you were."

"I'm not afraid of you, I could never be afraid of you. Just as you grumbled, you're like a rose. If a rose pricks you with its thorn, do you begin to fear it?" I said it was a slight lie. I was a little proud of myself for not letting my fear show, but the more he talks the more that fear turns to annoyance. The air of the room became heavier, darker and everyone stopped dancing again. Even the Dragon and I became still. "You asked if I would keep dancing with the rose that pricked me, I would say perhaps."

"We will see about that." He stepped back, taking a step away before looking at me. The music ended, and a blush crept up my face. I hated the looks everyone was giving me. "Miriam ." His face was grim, no smile, no bright eyes, and his voice was cold as ice. "I wish to kill you, to watch your life fade from your beautiful face." I swallowed hard and crossed my arms. "So do your best, dear to not get killed by anyone else. It would be very troublesome for me if you did."

"That won't happen, your highness." I crossed my arms. Yes, Miriam you stand up to him. "I promise."

He moved closer to my ear, his breath was cool and tickled my ear lobe. "You belong to me." He whispered and straightened himself. He took a strand of my hair that had fallen in my face and twisted it around his finger before spinning on his heels. I watched him walk away, and once he was out of the room people began to dance around me and I fell to my knees. What was that about?! My brain screamed. He's going to kill me…

"Princess." A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped, luckily for me it was Easton and Bemus, both looking concerned. "King Rowan is a very dangerous man, tragedy follows wherever he goes. So do try to be careful." Easton pleaded, his voice ever so soft. Bemus then took my hand and helped me to my feet, letting my hand go quickly as he lent me it. "Stay away from him if you know what is best," Easton stated, bowed, holding his hand out for a dance. Easton's hands were warm, and they felt safe, but for some reason, Rowan's hands seemed to linger on mine.

"Oh, I plan on it. He gives me the creeps." His hands were a light touch on my back, he cocked his head when a shiver ran over me. Through the crowd, I spotted the Dragon hanging in the shadows of the room. He was there leaning against the far wall, his eyes seemed to follow me everywhere. The hairs on my arms stood, he was watching us. Watching me. His face was straight, and void of any emotions, but then when his cold gaze caught mine, he flashed me a sleepy grin. I glanced away from him for a split second, and when I looked back at the spot he stood, he was gone. Vanished like a ghost. "Easton, I have a question." He looked down at me, his face giving no emotion. "What did King Rowan do to make everyone so afraid of him?"

And like usual, Easton said nothing. And as quickly as our dance had started it too had come to a close, and just as quickly he let my hand go and left me for another dance partner. And just as I started, I stood alone in the shadows of the dance floor. And again no one paid me any attention, I was invisible to the party-goers. After a while, I grew thirsty and slowly started to walk to the table where the drinks sat. Men and women stood there, chatting amongst each other. Like the dancers, these people were different looking. Supernatural looking, something that seemed almost normal around here. "Excuse me." With downward glances, they mumbled to each other and moved aside.

"Champagne, Princess?" The maid behind the table had her head bowed and handed me a champagne flute. I smiled and took the glass from her. Mom and dad would never allow me to drink. I've had sips of alcohol before, but in secret when I was with my cousins. I was going to head back to where I was standing, but I saw the Dragon strolling towards me, and hands behind his back and his eyes searching.

"Shit." I whispered and I moved behind the bodies around me, slipping away before he could catch me and annoy me.