Tricking the Trickster




Prince Aspen began, "Faeries are bound to speak only the literal truth."

  Unfortunately, Apollyon was aware of that fact, but that didn't make it any easier.

  "Faeries can still be devious and tricky even if they couldn't lie."

Apollyon remembered that when dealing with Faerie captives, they had to be specific and meticulous with their questions.

"Fair Folk can mislead and manipulate." Prince Aspen nodded in agreement as he slowed his pace to match Apollyon now that the forest had cleared up a little bit. "Many fairies are tremendously adept at leading others astray while never speaking a false word."

As his lips curved upward, Apollyon could only shake his head in amusement as he watched his step carefully. "This is why I don't trust the Fair Folk, Aspen."