Lost In Her Thoughts

New Chapter for the Highest Tier (May 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


Luna had the Goddess of the Underworld in her side because of the 'Mark of the Triple Moon Goddess' on her chest.

But she had no idea if she had the power to call on Hecate with it.

Only Virgin High Priestesses were capable of doing that… or not, she had no idea.

The Goddess Hecate already talked to her from time to time when she felt like it.

Maybe, the Mark of the Triple Moon Goddess only served as a conduit for clearer communication.

Luna danced with her new partner, who invited her first, and Apollyon allowed it, his Prussian Blue eyes not leaving her even if he danced with a beautiful lady who had curly dark hair and smooth chocolate skin wearing a red gown with gold cuffs adorning her forearms and legs.