Don't Leave Without Saying Goodbye (Merle's Arc)

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (November 2021)


Archangel Uriel lifted a hand to cup the side of her jaw before he let it drop back to the bed. "Good morning, Merle." 

Grinning from ear to ear, Merle knew how amazing Archangel Uriel was in that instant.

"How can you look so handsome early in the morning?" 

It was a hypothetical question that she came up with when her mind somewhat cleared from the past memories.

Nothing mattered except that slight smirk on his otherwise serious face.

The Archangel smiled sometimes but his deep, low chuckle only comes out once in a blue moon. 

Yes! She had lived for this sound.

Her lover rarely laughed.

The bedhead he had last night was now fixed as if he had combed his hair with his fingers.

"I don't know." Archangel Uriel shrugged as he kept a straight face. "You smell good, though."

Merle wasn't immune to the Archangel's charms.