A celebrate

Carl POV

"What are you doing here?" Tres sounded angry but the same thing as yesterday, he's not facing Near and look sad but Near is not answering

"What are you doing here!!" Tres shouted and clenched his fists

"Why are you talking to me like nothing happened?" the sound of his voice suddenly came down and Near is facing down and tears are falling down from her eyes

"I want to think that nothing happened cause you didn't meant those words r-right? You still love me but break up with me because of my mom, right?" Tres's face is schocked

"Well, I love you too! I want to have spend a years with you!" Near lift his face up and tears fall into his eyes too, he faced Near but still looking down

"N-no.. N--n-near you don't understa--" Near cut Tres's words and slap him hard

"Be a man you idiot!! Don't do what mom said! Don't give up for you love!..."

"..Don't give up on me" because of what Near said and Tres looked at Near's eyes

"Your mother will take you away.."

"If my mom will take me away from you, I'll choose to run away with you" Tres is stunned because of that and more tears fell down from his eye but still smiled

"Y-you're annoying.." before Tres that he hugged Near right away

"...Stubborn, silly, noisy" even Tres said that Near just smiled and hugged back

"But I can't stop loving you because of that, you're just making me love you even more" after Tres said that Kai suddenly stood up, you idiot

"You guys are making me cry" Kai said and clapped his eyes. Tres is stunned after he saw Kai

"I feel you bro" Aldrin stood up to so Aries and me do the same

"Y-you guys" Tres seems shocked after he saw us and make him tear a little, Near just smiled

"I'll stop" Tres said and wiped his tears away and smiled with Near

"What a cry baby, buy us some beer" Kai said and we just laughed

"Okay" Tres agreed

"Let's celebrate!!" Kai and Aldrin shouted

"Let's go, Carl" Aldrin is letting me join, I look at Tobias

"You can go, I'll need to punish Aziel for starting a fight" Tobias said, wow this couple is wild

"Oh Aries, why are you having a fight with Aziel earlier?" Kai asked, I forgot about that

"His boyfriend is flirting with my boyfriend" Aries answered

"H-hey" I'm making Aries stop but hi didn't listen to me

"Boyfriend? Who? Carl?" Kai asked again and Aries just nodded

"N-no wai--" they're still not listening to me, Aries you bastard!

"Then come celebrate with us" Aldrin asked Aries to join he's even smiling

"Let's just go" Tres said and go out with Near, Kai and Aldrin followed him

"I'll change first" I said and go to the restroom

While I'm changing Aries suddenly shouted from the outside

"Why are you not coming out yet? Are you making yourself beautiful?" Aries shouted

"Idiot!" I shouted and I just heard him laughed

A few seconds I'm done changing my clothes

"You idiot! Why are you keep saying I'm your boyfriend!" I said

"I'm just advanced so when we're official we don't have to say it again to them" Aries answered calmly

"Are you dreaming??" I asked him

"Hey stop flirting! Come out faster!" Kai shouted from the outside of the shop so I walked faster