An unknown author

Carl POV

It's Monday and I don't get enough sleep last night because of printing some forms and making us a poster for the club

It's 7:10 am no classes because we have 2 days to recruit some members for our clubs. Of course you know what club I'm in, the two girls at the cafe called me the handsome painter right?

"You can pin your poster at the pin board" the vice president of student council said

"Your club's rooms is at the 2nd floor, room 13" he added. I thanks him and pinned the poster before I go to the club's room

Now I'm here the room is huge and only 5 chairs and one long table are in here, this might be the old room of music club

"Carl!" I know this girl

"I'll join!" she said

"I know, I know" I said and gave her a form. She is the former club president but when I transferred she's annoying me and following me until I became the club president

"Carl be the club president!!" -at the canteen

"Please!!" -at the doors of men's restroom

"You got some talents!!" -at my room

"You're better than meee" -at the bus stop

*end of flashback*

"A transfer wants to join too, she'll come here soon" she said and gave the form to me

"Y-yeah" I looked at the door and she might be the girl Ynah's talking about and she's beautiful, short hair and it's dark red

"I'm Irina, nice to meet you!!" she greeted us and bowed

"I'm Carl" I introduced myself

"Here" Ynah gave her the form and a pen. After that I told them to find members outside and gave them some forms

A minutes later, a two girls entered the club room

"U-uhm, can we join?" the girl asked

"Y-yes! Of course!" I answered with a smile and gave them forms. After they're finish they gave them back to me, so Kacey and Zerina?

"Can you help us recruiting members?" I asked them and they said yes so I also gave them some forms

A few minutes a 6 students came to the room, this will end fast huh?

"Gil" the man at the front introduced himself

"You can past you forms to me hehe" I said and the 6 of them did it

We're already 18 including me and the 4 girls who's recruiting outside, this might be enough

"Gil, can you call the girls outside?" I asked Gil and he ran right away

When the girls came I stood up

"Let's end the recruiting here because we can only have 25 members, so we will leave some space for more members" I explained

"I'm Carl, grade 10, the president of arts club. Ynah is vice president and she's grade 11. I want Irina to be secretary and Gil as treasurer. Are you okay with that, Irina and Gil?" I asked them and they both said yes

"No club tomorrow but Wednesday there'll be a meeting after class, don't be late" I said and let them leave except for the officers

"Come here tomorrow, we'll get the things that belongs to arts club but we will not display them yet" I said and locked the door of our club's room

Now I'm eating at the canteen. Kai and the others are not here, they might be busy. Kai is at the cooking club for free foods, big tums. Tres is at the manga club with his girlfriend and Aldrin is in Volleyball and Music club

"Can I join you?" Aries asked, damn this person is popping everywhere

"You're already sitting in front of me"


"You're done already?" I asked him


"Of course you're fame"

"No. you are. Want some?" he asked and feed me some french fries

"No I'm not"

"You're known as The handsome painter so you're fame" he said and feed me some french fries again

"That reminds me, why are they calling you the handsome painter?" he asked

"Cause when I was at Los Angeles I tried to write a comic then it went little fame there. But when my one friend said I'm the one who created the famous comic they started to call me "The handsome author"."

"Then my Father want me to study here in San Francisco it's just right cause my comics are not fame here. But when some visitors came here they're calling me handsome author again that's why San Francisco do it too but author into painter" I told him

"Famous comics? I kinda' heard that" he said and started to think

"My high school love?" I was shocked when he said that cause it's 3 years ago when I create comics like

"Then you're Shiranai?" he asked
