
"Dion, open the damn door. Why the door is closed at a time like this?" Dion's mother hit the door to his room again with her fist.

"Wait!" Dion's voice came from inside the room, and along with it, a few random rushed noises. After a while, he opened the door and looked at his mother with a smile reaching from one ear to another. His mother looked at him awkwardly, what this idiot son was thinking, doing stupid things in broad daylight. She shook her head and entered the room.

"Why are you here?" Dion asked as politely as possible. Irritating her will be a regretful decision.

His mother looked at him as if she was watching a vermin. She didn't say anything and directly went to the wardrobe and opened the top drawer. She searched for a moment before taking out an envelope then turned back towards the door.

Dion stood there, amazed. How the hell she so smart? She hid the money in his room, which is the main reason he never found any even while searching for the whole house. And now she showed this to him, which means she will never keep any at this place again. Regret filled Dion's mind, only if he searched his damn room. He sighed and went to close the door.

"Don't lock it. And clean the bedsheet before you leave." His mother said before walking away from the room, not even bothering to look at his face.

Dion still locked the door before jumping into his bed. He brought out the tablet he was watching porn right now and opened it to remove all the evidence. If his mother didn't come when he did, he would have been able to finish watching that new video of a famous pornstar that came out yesterday.

Dion does not have any girl-friend. For some reason, none of the girls in his university like to stick with him. Although they act politely, none of them are interested in dating him.

He went to Instagram to check on his crash. She lives nearby, Dion parks his car outside her house every day to see her once before going to attend class.

Dion sighed and put the phone on the bed. He closed his eyes.

"Hey, who are you?" A sweet voice came into Dion's ear. He must be dreaming. He opened his eyes to blink a few times in surprise.

"Where am I?" He quickly looked around before standing up. This was a massive hallway. He looked at his surroundings, and his eyes went into the girl who was looking at him with a very serious expression. It doesn't feel like a dream, he thought.

"What the hell is your name?" The girl again asked him. Dion kept looking at her. She was gorgeous. Prettier than his crash. Her body is also well developed and attractive. Oh, the curves! He almost drolled. The girl was holding her hands on her hip.

"Hello! My name is Dion, Dion Calles." He gestured, using his hands with a face full of smile.

"How the hell did you get here?" She reached out to her belt. There was a gun there, and she lightly touched it.

Dion's smile froze when he realized what the thing she was touching now. He never saw a gun before, but he was pretty sure this thing is real. He gulped and then looked at the beauty, "I don't know! I was sleeping at my house and opened my eyes here. Maybe I am still dreaming." Dion said with as much honesty; he could muster into his voice.

The girl had an irritated look in her face. She doesn't seem to believe in him. She pulled the gun from her belts and aimed at him.

"Wait! It was the truth!" Dion panicked and looked around, but he didn't find any shelter. He gulped and looked at the girl who doesn't have any hint of kindness in her eyes.

"Cilia, wait!" A shout came from behind Dion, when he looked at the source, he saw a few dozen beautiful girls coming this way, and at the front, there was one who looked quite similar to the girl who was holding a gun at him.

"Sister, he cheated. He should be put to death right now." Cilia said towards the girl who led dozens of others here.

"Did you saw him coming from any direction?" The girl who led the group asked. Her name is Ennet; she is Cilia's older sister. She also had a gun in a holster on her hip. All the girls behind her were the same, but their uniform was different from her and Cilia's.

"No, I was looking at the throne, and after I looked back, this guy was sleeping here on the floor." Cilia also felt this weird to explain.

"Sleeping?" Ennet was also surprised and looked at Dion, who shrugged with an honest expression. She felt his gaze observing her body from time to time. This was irritating, but she had to maintain her calm in front of the potential emperor of this world. "Let's not be hasty and report it to the elders."

"Okay with me." Cilia said, then she looked at Dion, "What do we do with him? Tie him up?"

"Let's keep him locked in a room for now," Ennet said.

"What about the competition then? What would happen to all the participants?" Cilia asked curiously.

"Forget about it. None of those idiots were able even to pass half the way in the last ten years. Don't worry about them." Ennet waved his hand in disgust. "The throne has been empty for a while. Maybe the Crystal Heart has something to do with him appearing here, right in the finish line. Any male who can step beyond the finish line will be chosen as the emperor, according to the wish of the previous emperor." Ennet looked at Dion before she finished talking.

Dion stood there while the Cilia waved her gun at him and gestured him to follow. Dion did what she wanted and followed her.

Ennet looked at two of the girls behind her, "You two also go with Cilia, make sure nothing happens."

"Got it!" The two girls nodded and followed behind Dion while keeping their hands at the hip where the guns were held.

Ennet looked at their backs before making her way towards the elder hall. Today's situation is a lot different from the race from the years before.

Dion followed Cilia until they left the grand hall. She then made her way through a garden. He could see a lot of people far in far away gathered around a long road. There seems to be a lot of obstacles on the way. Perhaps the obstacle race that Ennet was talking about.

How the hell did he end up in a place like this? And if this truly is a dream, when can he be free. He tried to wake up a few times, but it doesn't seem like he is in an idea. He sighed a followed behind Cilia. At this moment, her attractive back didn't make any waves in his body. He was concerned about his near future and the place he suddenly appeared. He still measured Cilia's mass a couple of times.

Cilia could feel Dion gaze on her body. But she didn't try to do anything. If Dion ends up becoming the emperor, he could do anything. At that time, she would not be able to resist even if her whole family supported her.

She brought Dion to the palace and locked him in a room meant for a maid. Cilia stood guard outside the door while the other two girls went out—one standing outside the main window and the other near the front garden.

Cilia didn't need to wait a long time. Ennet soon arrived with a face full of smile and excitement.

"What happened?" Cilia asked her older sister.

"The elders felt the response of the Heart Crystal. That person was brought here by the Heart Crystal to be the thirty-first emperor. The enthronement ceremony will be held on the day of the next full moon." Ennet smiled. Finally, someone was chosen. She didn't care who it was. She only wanted someone to sit on that throne and order her around.

Cilia's heart fell. She almost killed the new emperor. She was a bit afraid now. What if that guy takes revenge on her after he sits on the throne?

"Go, take him to the main palace, and inform him about this world. He probably is not from this world." Ennet said after making her way towards her post near the competition area. She would now stop the competition, and the elder hall will soon release the news about the new emperor.

Cilia looked at her sisters, departing back while she was happily going on her ways. She gulped and looked at the door. Now the time to do the hard part. She slowly opened the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Cilia asked the person who was inside the room and was already halfway through the window, preparing to escape. He doesn't have any idea about the girls who were guarding the area outside the window. He never had a chance. "Come down at once!"

Dion smiled awkwardly as he slowly came in and sat on the bed.

"Now, you are selected to be the thirty-first emperor of Cafeld Empire." Cilia said with as much respect she can muster.

"What?" Dion shouted and stood up from seating. "Haha! I guessed so. How can I the great Dion Calles be some nobody in my dream?" Dion started to put airs of nobility after hearing what Cilia said.

"*Cough* This is not a dream. The Heart Crystal brought you to this world." Cilia said. She felt too awkward now.

"Ohh!" Dion stopped his smile and looked at Cilia, "Then, how am I supposed to go back?"

"I don't know about that. After your enthronement ceremony ends, you can communicate with the Heart Crystal yourself." Cilia said.

"Okay!" Dion seemed to be in deep thoughts. Cilia was slowly feeling better. The new emperor appears to be an idiot. "I am the emperor, does that mean that I can do anything?"

"Not anything, but your most wishes will be fulfilled. But your majesty, being an emperor, is not really about you living well. It's about how you govern the Empire." Cilia said respectfully.

"Ohh! If I want to enjoy some time with a girl, can I?" Dion said with curiosity. He never had sex with any girl before. Maybe now it's time to have some.

"Your majesty, that's a small matter. As an emperor, you will soon have a massive harem full of beautiful girls. Even the guards and soldiers of our Empire are girls. The percentage of males is too low here. Even commoners have three or four wives." Cilia said.

"Ohh, is that so?" Dion looked at Cilia and slowly started to look at her breast, then he began to walk behind her to check on the perfect rear. He suddenly gets the urge to touch it, but looking at the gun, he held himself back.

Cilia had a worried expression on her face. This was the first time any male got the courage to inspect her body, and she had to stand there and let him do as he pleases. What if he asks for her? She wanted to kick herself for saying what she said just now. She never fancied any male before, and looking at the new emperor, she is too unwilling.

"What's your name and occupation?" Dion asked.

"My name is Cilia. I am a captain of palace guards here in the Royal Palace." Cilia said.

"Ohh! Okay, Cilia, get on with it. Close the door, and you will get the opportunity to be my first woman." Dion smiled at Cilia.
