A Lovely Night

Dion moved towards Ennet first. He was a bit confused about why this big sister of Cilia would turn herself to him. The windows were open, and there were a few dim rays of light came from the moon. Dion wanted to check on the moon if it looked the same or not. But the moon would come out forever while this seemed too attractive to miss.

Dion touched Ennet's legs gently. From the way these two girls slept here, it seems that they came into an agreement with each other. And considering how deep their sleep was, they were too tired. Maybe they stood guard for a long time before falling asleep? How they were palace guards, this also seemed unlikely. Whatever the reason, Dion is going to enjoy the treat he was given.

Touching the legs, Ennet reacted and slowly opened her eyes. Both eyes met, and Ennet's face flushed red.

"Your majesty, you are awake." She said with a lot of difficulties. She crossed her legs. The posture made a specific lower part of Dion's body get hotter. He is no longer a virgin anymore. He already got the taste of what two genders can offer each other.

"Yes! Why both of you are here? And like this?" Dion gulped and said.

"We thought you could use some help after you wake up," Ennet said embarrassedly. Doing something awkward was one thing, but talking about it was too painful. "If your majesty doesn't feel too good, we can leave you to sleep alone."

Dion's face fell. He spoke too much. He went forward and grabbed onto Ennet's neck and tried to pull her over to him. He knew that coming to this didn't mean that he had just to waste time with girls all day and night. He needed to learn about the world and his responsibilities. These girls were too good to him. He doesn't deserve this much respect unless he can earn it.

"I am glad you two stayed behind," Dion said while taking Ennets head to rest on his chest. "Tell me about this world. I want to know more about my position and what I need to do."

"That would be my pleasure." Ennet was slightly surprised and disappointed at why the Emperor didn't start right away and told her this. But she thought it was okay as she saw the hands of Dion made way towards her open chests and began to play with them. It seemed like the Emperor was going to do it slowly and benefit in every way from the situation.

"Our Cafeld Empire is the largest empire of the continent. There are many kingdoms and countries under the banner of the empire. They follow us loyally. Although there are some problems, we usually solve them with ease." Ennet said.

"How about the shape of this continent and other empires and independent countries?" Dion asked as he moved a bit closer to Ennet and grabbed both of the towering peaks with his hands. They were a little too big to catch on the palm, but that made him even happier.

"Ummm" Ennet moaned slightly but quickly controlled her voice, "There are six more empires and few independent countries and kingdoms. The other empires mostly rule the great plains. There are forest areas but too small to contain too many magical beasts. There are a few strong independent nations, the Fey Kingdom, for example. Their strength only bellow us, but they never left the western rain forest. They love to stay in the woods and keep it as an advantage for their defense. Even the Dark Fey back then were defeated by them while they successfully defended their kingdom. They are also the oldest to live in the continent. Their heritage runs very deep."

"If they are the oldest, then why they didn't take the Heart Crystal?" Dion was slightly curious about this situation. If they are this strong and also the oldest here, why not occupy the Heart Crystal?

"Your majesty, you underestimate the Heart Crystal. 'It' chooses who can wield its power, not the other way around." She said while slightly opening up her legs. She felt getting that place too wet and wanted to get things started, but the Emperor wasn't moving past the chest.

"Woo, you are getting hotter," Dion said as he slapped gently at the side of her thighs. "Should we start?"

"Your wish, your majesty." Ennet blushed and looked away.

"Okay!" Dion moved on top of her.

"What about her?" Ennet asked.

"She can join in soon." Dion laughed as he kissed Ennet. The shaking of the bed soon waked Cilia up from sleep. She rubbed her eyes for a moment before coming to join up. She kissed Dion and took over from her sister. Ennet didn't mind. There were still a few hours of darkness before the sun comes out. They can even do it the whole day if they were too crazy.

The system gave Dion a task, but it wasn't too stingy. Dion received few new perks, 'Always On' and 'Ready again' were the two most important ones that allowed him to continue as long as the girls can handle. He was very gentle with them and loved the feeling.

The girls were battle mages. One of them even was a Berserker. Also, if Dion wanted to go crazy, he couldn't, as these two can beat the daylight out of him if they wanted. Dion already felt a few times these girls grabbed onto him; he wasn't able to struggle at all.

"Wait till I get stronger." Dion thought as they continued till the sun came out.

After the fun was over, Dion laid on the bed again, and Ennet left the chamber after a while. Only Cilia was there alone with Dion. They talked a few minutes before going to sleep once again. Cilia was asleep before Dion. He caressed her face one last time before going to sleep himself.

Ennet came back after five hours. Sunlight went into the chamber and illuminated it whole. The white magic stones which are used to decorate the ceiling and the walls stopped their glow after the sun came out.

Ennet found the two still asleep. The smile on her little sister's face made her skip a beat. When was the last time Cilia could sleep like this?

She removed whatever curtains left on the window to block the sunlight.

Dion slowly opened his eyes as the sunlight hit his face. He saw Ennet on her uniform, standing there with a look full of smile.

"How late am I?" He asked

"Everything can be delayed for you. Besides, today there are no important things." Ennet said, "Only that tomorrow is the day of the full moon. Your Enthronement ceremony will be held tomorrow evening. All the nobles of the empire are already informed. Many of them will arrive today at the capital. You might even meet them today. The thing you can do to prepare is, head to the royal library and read about the ceremony and other things about the empire."

"Reading books? That's a tough job." Dion said, "How about you tell me about them?"

"I would be glad to, but I also have a lot of work that needs to be done due to the preparation of the ceremony." Ennet said with a lovely smile, "Besides, you are new to this world, you need to learn many things and get familiar with the world. There so many things to learn that even I don't know about. I am not the Emperor, and my knowledge is limited."

"Okay! I will take a trip there." Dion got down from the bed and went towards the bath.

Ennet looked at the back of her Emperor, and she smiled. This smile was a bit different. There was love all over her face. She didn't wish Dion to see it. Maybe the position of Empress was best suited for her sister. Being a concubine and sister of the Empress didn't sound very bad.

Cilia also woke up a got dressed. The sisters talked a while. Cilia looked at her sister with a new light after yesterday night. Although they were sisters, she never saw her older sister's body before. She felt a bit jealous about sharing the same man with her sister, but that quickly got thrown away after thinking what her older sister has done for her and the family so far. They were not nobles, but whatever they have today was due to her sister's hard work.

Dion came out of the bath and got dressed. They left his chambers and went towards the library. They had to leave the main palace for the library. It was on a separate keep near the sea. There were twenty guards behind and front of Dion. Cilia walked by his side. This made some of the other captains jealous, but they can only blame their luck at not being on Cilia's place when the Emperor arrived there.

Dion checked the system. He still had to do it a few more times to complete the quest and get the reward. The reward was two God points. He even doesn't know how valuable are these God points and how he can use them.

They walked towards the library as it was too close to the palace.

Dion soon arrived along with the squad of guards before an ancient keep that seemed to have survived thousands of years.