Chapter 9 - To Bond Over a Cup of Wine

The frigid breeze continued to blow through the courtyard.

The piece of white fabric hung above the estate's door trembled.

The white robes left the reception room, and the Taoist robes followed.

The two quietly walked through the corridor, their feet not making a sound despite the lack of guests in the estate. The atmosphere between the two was more akin to guards patrolling the night, rather than that of a host and guest.

Time had passed rather quickly. It was close to midnight and Jing Village was all but asleep beneath the glow of moonlight.

Jing An finally stopped leading Zhou Aimin when they had reached the Easternmost building in the estate. She sat down on a porcelain stool, and said, "Gentleman Zhou, please explain how my young master will return to his former state of mind by committing to your cause?"

Zhou Aimin said wryly, "To say he will return to his exact person would be impossible, but I believe my method will be able to bring him out of his depression."

Zhou Aimin retrieved a folding fan from his sleeves. Placing it on his chin, he looked at Jing An and said.

"Fellow Jing has lost his ways, adrift on a piece of wood among a turbulent ocean. Thought the ocean cannot be drained, the driftwood could be replaced with a sturdier boat that can aid him to land."

Jing An massaged her templed, then said, "Is gentleman Zhou implying that these actions will give young master an external purpose great enough of aid for him to step out of his woes?"

"Indeed," a faint smile emerged upon Zhou Aimin's face as he continued, "If lady Jing would help this humble Taoist by gently influencing Fellow Jing, I will be more than satisfied."

Jing An remained silent for some time. Her slender fingers gently tapped against the porcelain surface of the as she finally responded, "Very well gentleman Zhou."

Zhou Aimin's faint smile blossomed into a grin bearing childlike disposition. He said, "The moon is high up in the heavens and the crows had begun to cry. Lady Jing, shall we continue this convention after we both have rested?"

Jing An found what Zhou Aimin said was reasonable. She leads the Little Taoist to the guest room, before return to her room.


Heavy snowfall fell around the estate, unwilling to settle at any single point, the snow brought along it the sound of hissing noise. Jing Wen leaned against a silk pillow, his body was reluctant to move in such cold weather, but despite this, not a short moment passed before he soon forced himself to depart from bed. From his earliest days, he had never been one to spend half the day in bed.

When Jing Wen had finished changing, he could not help but sigh recalling the events of the previous day. He certainly has a desire to aid in such a noble goal, but he had refused. Firstly because he truly believed he lacked the ability to do so after his martial arts had been crippled, and secondly because he had never been involved in politics in the capital. The most important reason, however, was because of his deceased parents.

Jing Wen wished to follow the final will of his father, and remain far away from the future turmoils of the capital. Jing Ping had seen much bloodshed over his life and knew that after his and his wife's death, Jing Wen would lose all pillars of support that could shield him from political fallout.

This plot was clearly what Jing Ping predicted, and wanted him to avoid. The appearance of an immortal elixir will cause many of the most prominent individuals in the capital to show their true intention and make many of them… history. Jing Wen touched the white fabric covering his eyes and felt an intangible burden weighing upon his soul.

With the great tree sheltering him gone, how will he remain rooted?

The reception room was warmed by the charcoal-burner resting atop the dining table. When Jing Wen arrived, Zhou Aimin and Jing An were both seated, with their bowls at one end of the table.

"Speak," Jing Wen spoke the moment he was seated.

From the opposite side of the table, Zhou Aimin laughed bitterly, seeing that Jing Wen had already guessed that he and Jing An had formed an alliance. Zhou Aimin subtlety said, "Fellow Jing, your father's talents were not lost from one generation to another. Although you are known for martial arts, your intellect is not one bit lacking."

Jing Wen's eyebrows shot up beneath the white cloth. He said cooly, "Thank you, Venerable Taoist, for your compliments."

From what Jing An had said earlier, Zhou Aimin understood Jing Wen to be a man deeply sentimental towards familial ties. As such, he did not accept Jing Wen's attempt to shoot down the topic, and pushed, "Fellow Jing, there is a popular saying in the capital; the nation calls and the corrupt subject answers."

Jing Wen was quiet for a moment, then asked, "I had not heard such a saying."

Zhou Aimin laughed, then shook his head. "This saying has only become popular a month ago."

Jing Wen smiled, his face containing a hint of pain. His expression faded quickly as he spoke, "Oh, that's quite interesting."

Zhou Aimin laughed and teased him, "Fellow Jing, you should practice Bian Lian (face-changing opera)."

Jing Wen did not respond but instead reached for the preserved vegetables with his chopsticks. However, after failing to pick up the dish a few times, Jing An lifted her own chopsticks and moved the dish to his bowl.

After moving her hand back, Jing An spoke nonchalantly, "I rather miss Li Tong'er."

Li Tong'er was one of Princess Kang's many maidservants and was brought on the journey in which Jing Wen's parents died. Although she was in the carriage behind the one Jing Ping and Princess Kang was in, it was very likely that she also perished in the attack.

Jing An did not have a close relationship with Li Tong'er, so it was rather clear that she had clearly brought up the manner for a reason other than simply sentimental reasons.

However, Jing Wen did not stop the motions of his hands, before he lifted the bowl to his mouth, he said, "The body of Tong'er is yet to be found. There is still a chance for you to see her again."

What Jing Wen said clearly had some deeper meaning, and Jing An's hands holding the chopstick momentarily paused mid-air before retreating. However, Zhou Aimin seemed to have not caught onto the subtly between the two, not thinking too much about the statement.

He waited until Jing Wen finished the porridge within the bowl, and lifted a terracotta jug onto the table.

Zhou Aimin unsealed the vessel, allowing the faint smell of wine permeated the air. He poured the contents into a small cup and presented it to Jing Wen, before pouring a cup for himself.

Bringing the cup before him, Zhou Aimin saluted Jing Wen, saying, "After today, I shall be departing back to the capital. Will fellow Jing honour me a cup of wine?"

Jing Wen nodded lightly and brought his cup to his lips. After having a light sip of the liquor, he hastily placed down the cup and began coughing into his sleeves.

Zhou Aimin, seeing the sight, felt slightly guilty exploiting Jing Wen's weakness to alcoholic drinks. He gently said, "My apologies fellow Jing. I had thought to bring some strong liquor to warm up the body in the cold weather. I did not expect fellow Jing to be intolerant to it."

Jing Wen waved his sleeve to signal he was fine. "I'm afraid I have embarrassed myself before Venerable Taoist."

After saying such, Jing Wen took another sip of the drink, and a clear sign of drunkenness could be seen on his face. It was clear that with a few drops of liquor, his chest had been set aflame.

Zhou Aimin cursed Jing An for understating Jing Wen's weakness to hard liquor in their exchange earlier. Feeling the guilt in his heart growing, he attempted to take the cup from Jing Wen's hand, only to be staunchly refused.

"Venerable Taoist, your distinguished presence demands me to finish this cup in your honour."

Zhou Aimin could not help but feel embarrassed sweat trickle from his back. Thinking how he had planned to exploit Jing Wen in his drunken state, he felt truly ridiculous and his face flushed with shame. He forced a smile and said, " Since fellow Jing will push himself to the limit for this one, I must finish the rest of the jug in your honour."

To these words, Jing Wen himself was shocked. In truth, he had exaggerated his weakness to liquor as to observe Zhou Aimin's true nature. Yet Zhou Aimin had proven himself to be an upright man guided by righteousness; not only unwilling for him to continue drinking any longer, but to bring harm upon himself due to guilt. He felt that he was perhaps somewhat acting too harshly towards the little Taoist.

Jing An, seeing that the two men had forgone any plots, shook her head and left the room. She herself realised that from Jing Wen's message concerning Li Tong'er, that she had not even seen the tip of the iceberg regarding her adopted mother and father's death. In truth, she had capitulated the moment Jing Wen had sat down by the table, for he was simply too familiar with her, while she was not accustomed with the new Jing Wen.

As the two drank the liquor, no words were exchanged. Yet the manner in which Zhou Aimin looked at Jing Wen noticeably became warmer, his signature smile growing more natural as the wine passed through his throat. Jing Wen was more indirect with his growing fondness of Zhou Aimin, yet it was clear that his cold aura resided greatly as he emptied the cup.

It appeared that the ancients were indeed correct; men can bond over a single cup.

After a long time, Zhou Aimin finished the massive jar in his hands. Setting the vessel onto the table with a loud 'thud', Zhou Aimin leaned back and let out a small burp of satisfaction. He looked at the red face of Jing An and said in indignation, "You… you are too stoic. It's no fun."

Jing Wen found the drunk little Taoist rather amusing. He asked with an unconscious warmth hidden within his voice, "Why can't I be stoic?"

Zhou Aimin let out a sneer, saying, "Humpfh. You're only sixteen, why act so mature?"

Jing Wen asked, "Oh? Then how old are you?"


A frown appeared on Jing Wen's face as he asked, "If you haven't even attended your capping ceremony, why are you attempting to get involved in such a large conspiracy?"

Zhou Aimin leaned back onto the back of his chair. "That's… that's because I should…," He continued after a short moment, as though searching for the most fitting words, "Because I should… as a citizen of the land beneath heavens who loves the world!"

Unknowingly, these casual words said in a drunken stupor caused Jing Wen to become shaken. He asked in a hoarse voice, "Even if that means making the ultimate sacrifice?"

Zhou Aimin's answer came quickly, "If it means saving even a single innocent life, I am willing to die a thousand death."