Chapter 25 - After All, He is Young

No matter what, an ordinary person would reject the label of 'crazy'. However, Consort Li was certainly not an ordinary individual; rather, she was the most powerful woman in the world, with capabilities second only to the Emperor.

Consort Li closed her eyes, her long eyelashes resting on her fair skin. As if drowsy, her burgundy lips parted slightly, causing it to appear as if she asked without much thought, "What does Sir Jing call me crazy?"

Jing Wen had returned from his bow position, but his hands had been placed by his sides, and his shoulders slightly slouched. This appeared to be simply something formed by habit, nothing out of the ordinary. But it was the position that allows for one to pull out their sword the fastest.

"Lady Li, please do not misunderstand. Your craziness comes not from insanity, but your ambition." Jing Wen answered respectfully, "Rather, you are crazy because of your ambition. As the head of the Imperial Harem, you should seek to ensure stability within the Inner Court, so that the Emperor may tend to the matters of the state without worry. Yet, Lady Li, you have constantly made enemies with the other consorts - even the Empress. Worse still, your support for the Eleventh Prince had disrupted normal politics."

"Hm," Consort Li's lips lowered, angered not at Jing Wen's label of 'crazy' but rather his accusation of her participating in politics. It was indeed no secret that she was the primary backer of the Eleventh Prince, the third faction in the Imperial Court. Yet, Jing Wen dared to call her ambitious for such a reason? Her frown deepened as she asked, "What difference does my support for the Eleventh Prince differ from Xin Yan backing the Seventh Prince? Why must I be restricted to the Inner Court?"

Jing Wen knew that the typically elegant and carefree Consort Li was truly angered by his words. However, he had no intention of retracting his statement. Instead, he pushed her even harder, saying, "Lady Li, who in the Imperial Court is unaware that you have kingly ambition? It is only that they look down upon your capacities as you are a woman that they do not view you as a threat. However, I am aware that you possess capacities that are unrivalled even upon man. How could I have a conscience and cooperate with you then?"


Consort Li laughed. It was a very different laugh from the elegant and spring-like sound created when Jing Wen first stepped into her bedchambers. It was certainly not the laugh of a girl her age. Rather, it was more like the hoarse laugh of an old housewife… how can it be described? Very broad and very heroic?

Jing Wen, while not scared out his wit by the sudden burst of laughter, certainly felt very shocked. Giving a slightly awkward cough, he said, "Of course, since Lady Li's action is not too severe compared to other matters, I would not actively pursue you. I only wish to remind you that of the four hundred Emperors that had ruled throughout history, none had been a woman."

Consort Li was truly in a good mood, and thus, did not pay much mind to Jing Wen's warning. After all, only a handful of people in the world recognise that a woman was capable of holding a position other than as the partner of a man.

If Consort Li were to partake in Bian Lian (变脸 - Sichuan Face Changing), she would no doubt be considered very skilled. The oppressive aura she emitted moments ago had dissipated like dust in the wind, and her face now truly appeared cheerful. Not tranquil, simply very carefree.

Her sudden change in mood appeared to be a good thing, yet it only caused Jing Wen to become more alert. A normal person naturally could not have such a drastic shift in emotions. Only someone that was crazy could change their face like changing clothes.

The scariest form of person was someone detached from any sort of sentiments, whether it be love or hate, and driven by a single purpose. Those sort of people can give up others, themselves, and even the world to achieve their ambition. And Consort Li was precisely this kind of person.

While Consort Li appeared carefree and innocent, her actions were highly vicious; she is capable of sacrificing far more than any sane person is capable of doing.

While the officials in the Inner Court viewed her only as a beautiful woman that is at most capable of becoming the Empress Dowager, and the Emperor could simply turn a blind eye to her acts, Jing Wen was aware that she was that surpassed the men of this world.

Neither of them had the mood to continue their previous conversation, but for very different reasons. The small slivers of Qi within Jing Wen's body began to move once more, expelling a frigid air from his body. The aura seemed to cause the entirety of Changchun Palace to solidify. The magpie appeared to have detected the sudden drop in temperature and unconsciously shivered.

It was at this moment that a pair of palace girls slowly walked into Changchun Palace. The two palace girls quickly arrived before Jing Wen and Consort Li. Another that entered later held a cage in her hand as she gently placed the sleeping bird into its pen.

"Sir Jing, please refresh yourself before leaving my lady's palace." From somewhere, the palace girl got him a warm towel.

Thanking the palace lady, Jing Wen took the towel from the palace girls hands. Wiping his face with the warm cloth, Jing Wen felt his spirit calmed.

"Lady Li, your bird is quite charming," Jing Wen said as he returned the towel. As his hand touched the soft and tender hands of the palace girl, his fingertips happened upon a hard object. To Jing Wen, who was familiar with all forms of assassination techniques due to his role in the Imperial Guard, he was able to recognise simply by touch that this object was in fact, a concealed crossbow, capable of piercing even the heart of a master!

Consort Li looked at stunned Jing Wen and gave a charming smile, giving a feeling similar to a young girl meeting her lower. But the situation was something completely removed from any sentiments of love.

After an unknown amount of time, Jing Wen said with a smile, "Lady Li, I shall depart now. If my sister accepts your proposal to become your disciple, I will not stop her."

Consort Li sat up straight from her daybed and walked next to one of the palace girls. Patting the palace's girls hand, she said gently, "After conversing with Sir Jing, I find that you are as interesting as your sister. Honestly, you make me… surprised."

Consort Li did not give Jing Wen any time to respect, as the palace girl she was next to abruptly took hold of his hand, and forcefully led him out of the palace.

While the girl was skilled in martial arts, Jing Wen could still overpower her with physical strength alone. However, he did not, as he was all too happy to finally leave Consort Li's presence.


"Mistress, should we end him?" After Jing Wen had made his departure, one of Consort Li's closer confidants approached her and asked.

"What good would that do?" Consort Li stretched out with the energy of a little beast. "This young man is truly different from his father, too sentimental with his thoughts. But that's not a bad thing. At least, it's very interesting."

Consort Li had never intended to kill Jing Wen this day, but upon seeing the caution he held toward her, she felt compelled to tease him a little. Although she was a woman driven by ambition, she was not unable to enjoy the many flavours of life.

To her, Jing Wen's unease was too similar to the turmoil a young man would undergo when seeing the person they love. Each action was inexperienced and overthought. But to Jing Wen, such caution was necessary when meeting with this crazy woman, after all, a crazy person's action is impossible to be understood by a normal person.

Consort Li took a brief glance and the magpie that was resting peacefully within its cage. She smiled strangely, thinking, "How could eagles care for the thoughts of sparrows? No matter his other qualities, he is still a blind man in the end."

Indeed, while Jing Wen could attract the interest of Consort Li, he could not possibly pose a threat to her. Even when he was amongst the strongest martial artists amongst the youth of the world, he could not compare to a true master like her.

That's not to mention his influence in the Imperial Court, which is completely laughable compared to that of his father.

After all, Jing Wen was only sixteen years old. What could he do?


Jing Wen was raised by his mother, Princess Kang, the only wife of Jing Ping. Officially, she held even more power than his father due to her imperial status, which has led Jing Wen to perceive women different from most other men in the Empire. This was why he viewed Consort Li as a person no different from a man with equal abilities.

Having been guided out of the Imperial Palace by Consort Li's palace girls, Jing Wen looked at the Mingzhu and said emotionlessly, "It's time to return." Then, he made his way onto the carriage with the help of Mingzhu.

As Mingzhu took off Jing Wen's robes, she noticed his back was drenched with sweat, leaving a dark mark on his white shirt.

Fortunately, due to Mo Xi's influence, Mingzhu would not have any thoughts regarding these sort of things, nor would she spread any gossip. She obediently closed the curtains on the carriage, and wordlessly drove off from the Imperial Palace.

Having left the palace complex and gotten on the carriage, Jing Wen's face was a bit pale. He placed his hand on the sword resting on his belt, unsure if his previous actions were cowardly or merely careful. If Consort Li had truly attacked him, he probably could not even resist a finger of hers in this state.

"What did the Emperor discuss with you? Why did it take so long?" Zhou Aimin looked at Jing Wen with concern as he passed the gate into Jing manor. There was naturally no way for him to know that Jing Wen had spent most of his time in Changchun Palace, and how taxing the interaction had been.

Jing Wen shook his head and quickly took off towards Jing manor's artificial lake. A short while later, he had arrived at a pavilion located at the lake's heart.

He sat down wordlessly and meditated for a long time.

At first, his heart was still in turmoil and his head full of thoughts, but after an unknown amount of time, he gradually forgot to think.

To move Qi was not a difficult task, and he had practised this countless times in the past.

It was just that he was a little out of practice.

Time went slowly, and the energetic fishes slowly sank down to the bottom of the artificial lake.

It was already late winter.

The night darkened but the clouds blocked out the light from the starlight. Still, Lin'an was full of noise.

But Jing manor was still silent as it had been for the past month.

However, there were already many residents returning.

Mists slowly gathered atop the surface of the lake, but it never obscured the figure within the pavilion.

Suddenly, the still mist began to shiver, as if a breath of wind had disturbed it.

Jing Wen's eyes were hidden by the piece of cloth, but it could not hide the joy contained within his expression.

He had finally paved a path into the mountain.

Even though compared to his previous avenue, this path was as small as a rat's burrow, Jing Wen did not worry.

After all, he was only sixteen years old. He had plenty of time to do things.