Chapter 27 - A Ploy to Ruin the Seventh Prince

As dawn passed, the reflections of sunlight mended into the spring water idling in Jing manor, causing the mildly warm liquid to appear as though made of gold. Walking past this splendorous lake, Jing Wen came to an unassuming artificial mountain with Mingzhu. He squatted down, lowered himself to the same level as the young man wearing a weimao (帷帽 - Chinese veil hat). He tilted his head and asked, "Why did you not return right after distracting Mo Xi?"

The man wearing the weimao was naturally Gao Shu. He looked at Jing Wen and smiled, though the veil made it impossible to see his expression. "Captain, after I fled Mo Xi, I happened to notice weasel seducing an unsuspecting girl. If it were any other case, I would have simply taught a lesson to the man; however, I noticed the weasel was actually the famous Fang Hui (方惠) who had tricked over two-hundred young women."

Jing Wen was aware of Gao Shu's good nature and had an idea on his actions after seeing such an infamous figure. After sending off Mingzhu, he said, "So you captured Fang Hui?"

Gao Shu nodded. "After a day of chasing, I managed to apprehend Fang Hui. While his crimes were immoral, they do not warrant death. As I am afraid of authorities recognising my identity, I brought Fang Hui here so that captain can bring him to yamen (衙门 - local administrative building) so that he may be dealt with. The person currently has his acupuncture sealed and his limbs tied, so captain needn't worry."

Jing Wen did not respond immediately. Instead, he remained silent for a long moment, before opening his mouth, "I wish to use this person."

Gao Shu was confused. How can a weasel be used? Glancing at Jing Wen, he asked curiously, "Captain, this sort of person is only skilled in seduction and nothing else. His martial arts is mediocre, and his scheming abilities are non-existent. How can he be of any use for us?"

"He has none to us," Jing Wen did not hesitate, "If he were to advise anyone, I'm afraid that individual would soon be ruined by him. Fang Hui is well known for his gibbed tongue, and could easily sway a man with enough time."

"Indeed. So how does captain want to use him?"

"Fang Hui is an ideal candidate to serve as a chest piece. It is possible to plant him by the side of the Seventh Prince, especially considering his love of gathering talents. With his gibed tongue Fang Hui could easily integrate himself as the Seventh Prince's close confidant." Jing Wen said calmly.

Gao Shu's brows were pulled together tightly. His breathing deepened slightly. It was no wonder. No matter how arrogant or rebellious, no one dared to target the princes themselves when attacking their factions.

However, Jing Wen had said this and done so in front of him, forcing him to hear it. Naturally, Jing Wen had been so outspoken because he knew Gao Shu's life and future was tightly bound to his, so Jing Wen was not in the slightest worried that he would betray him. Zhou Aimin had previously involved him in the plot against Mo Xi for the same reason.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "Captain, you must remember, this person is unrestrained by nature. If he is planted as a mole, I'm afraid our connections to him will be found out immediately."

Jing Wen shook his head. "You misunderstood my meaning."

Gao Shu looked at him and didn't say anything.

"We will not use Fang Hui as a mole." Jing Wen lowered his hand into the lake, dipping into the brilliant liquid. "We will use him to ruin the Seventh Prince."

Gao Shu's brows tightened even more. He did not understand why Jing Wen suddenly thought of such a strange plot. After hesitating for a long time, he quietly said, "Why? Given my understanding of the Seventh Prince, he is strong-willed and not so wanton with his desire. Even if he is slightly lecherous, he would not so easily distract himself from his ambitions to spend time with women."

Jing Wen 'looked' at Gao Shu and explained coldly, "Even the sharpest sword will bend. Nowadays, with the pressure from Consort Li and him still not being confirmed as crown prince, the stress the Seventh Prince is under is far more than what most can picture."

Gao Shu thought what Jing Wen said was reasonable. Then, he asked with the curiosity of a child, "But why target the Seventh Prince first? Two-thirds of the Imperial Court directly back him, while the Thirteenth Prince only has Consort Li backing him."

Jing Wen paused for a moment, before explaining, "The Thirteen Prince is only backed by Consort Li and the Jianghu sects that support her. The power on their hand is far less significant to the various ministers and armies that are within the Seventh Prince's factions. If we wish to remove as much of the possible powderkegs of the Empire in a month's time, it is best to aim big."

Jing Wen quickly stood up. Patting his robes, he said, "Time and tide wait for no man."


Fang Hui had never been so frightened. He was by nature frivolous and often impulsive, but that does not mean he was a fool. To ensure that he did not offend those he should not, the women he seduced were all neither children of minor nobles or ordinary folks, so he had never thought some powerful expert would suddenly come and case after him.

With over two hundred past flames, Fang Hui was skilled at running and speaking more than anything else. He had thought after escaping the initial chase, that he would be free to roam about once more. In an effort to vent the stress from the pursuit, he had wanted to indulge himself in the local courtesans, yet just as he was taking off his clothes, that expert found him once more, forcing him to flee the inn without his pants on.

After running for a day and a night, he was thoroughly exhausted, yet that strange monster seemed to be inhuman in his endurance, not slowing down but becoming even faster. In the end, he could only succumb to the will of that mysterious expert, forcibly suppressing his tears as his acupuncture was blocked and his body bound.

After his limbs felt numb, and his limb body carried over mountains and rivers like a bag of rice, he only felt an urge to vomit but could not, as his mouth was gagged. Once he reached Lin'an, he was casually thrown onto a straw bed, his acupuncture still blocked and his limbs still bound. By now, he was more than willing to pay any price to move his body.

In other words, his will to resist has long disappeared.

Finally, he could hear the sound of footsteps. Wiggling his body towards the origin of the sound, he saw that mysterious expert and another man whose eyes were covered by a piece of cloth.

Seeing the blind man walking before the expert, Fang Hui already had some presumptions on the identity of Jing Wen. However, judging by the fact that Jing Wen was blind and wearing somewhat coarse cloth, Fang Hui did not view this strange young master as someone with any martial prowess, and simply someone with some wealth and status. Still, he remained cautious and prepared for a battle of the wits with this young master.

Jing Wen stopped before Fang Hui, before removing the rag in his mouth. Fang Hui took a deep breath and suppressed his urge to vomit. He said respectfully, "His commoner greets Your Excellency."

Such a respectful attitude was out of Jing Wen's expectations; no matter what, a blind person was only pitied, not revered. To be able to separate oneself from biases was something few could do. "Drifter Fang, from what I understand, you come from a prominent merchant family. If you want women, you can simply arrange for yourself a few concubines. Why abandon a life of luxury to enter Jianghu?"

Fang Hui raised his head and looked at Jing Wen, straightforwardly answering, "Your Excellency, while I could have many concubines and maids, they are unable to raise their heads and deny me. Perhaps such actions may be interesting at first, but it quickly becomes dull. As a wanderer of jianghu, few know my identity, and each girl is different. There is much more enjoyment in pursuing it than having it come effortlessly."

Jing Wen was surprised there was such an abnormal reason behind Fang Hui's activities. Interested in testing Fang Hui's character a little further, Jing Wen placed his finger on the loose-lipped weasel's wrist, sending a strand of Qi into it. He asked, "Drifter Fang, give me a reason to let you off."

Fang Hui immediately felt the cold Qi entering his bloodstream like a snake poised to kill. He uttered, "Your Excellency, don't be hasty! I have an idea… judging by Your Excellency's complexion, you have yet to marry a wife. I can tell that your bearing and appearance is beyond ordinary, no different from saints. Even if Your Excellency does not hail from a great family, you deserve nothing less than an obedient and virtuous wife from a great family. After all, you are a gift to the women of the world! I may not have many abilities, but I am no bad at chasing women. Hehe, I already know some outstanding women that can be recommended to Your Excellency. If Your Excellency has no objections, there's no harm in allowing me to give some advice on taking a beautiful wife…"

Jing Wen 'looked' at Fang Hui, who, under the threat of death, held no reservation in his bootlicking. Moreover, these words were indeed very pleasant to listen to. Aside from becoming more interested in Fang Hui, Jing Wen was more certain that his plans to lead the Seventh Prince onto a dark path would succeed.

Retracting his fingers, Jing Wen looked at Fang Hui seriously and indifferently said, "I have no desire for a wife. What I need is a chess piece. It is best if this chess piece has its own ideas and thoughts, nimble in action and clever in thought. You are very suitable."

Feeling the strand of cold Qi retracting, Fang Hui suddenly revealed a splendid smile. "Then, I don��t need to die if I serve as your chest piece?"

Jing Wen revealed a rare smile and responded nonchalantly.
