Chapter 29 - The Flawed Prince

Fang Hui once again had his acupuncture sealed as he was transported to someplace outside the Imperial city. After confirming Gao Shu had really left, Fang Hui opened the second envelope.

After seeing the sparse yet straightforward words on the envelope, Gao Shu's expression became unreadable and he nearly cried out, "It's that simple?"

Fortunately, he was still some distance from the Imperial Highway, and no one realised his strangeness. After tearing up the pieces of paper, Gao Shu threw it into Qiantang River, leaving it to dissolve into pulp before departing for the Imperial Highway.

On the road, countless thoughts were flashing through his head like lightning as he thought about what to do. However, each assessment led to the same conclusion; it was best to follow Jing daren's arrangements. After all, the other party had given him nothing but benefits, guiding him into the service of the Seventh Prince. Leaving that aside, his own reputation was extremely poor, and his martial arts were only mediocre… even if he revealed what had happened, who would believe him? At the moment, he was only a jianghu weasel, while Jing Wen was a figure that he cannot hope to match against.

Recalling the written pledge he had written, and the situation that would be worse than death if it was revealed, Fang Hui determined that the best path… no, the only path, was to follow Jing Wen's instructions and lead the Seventh Prince onto a dark path within the time Jing daren had given him.

It was already the beginning of dusk when he had arrived at Lin'ans' city gates. After paying a small sum of silver as the toll for entering the city, Fang Hui wandered down Long'an Avenue. When he reached the doorway of the Seventh Prince's manor, Wuwen (武文) Palace he paused for a moment, before stepping forth.

Bowing towards the door guard, Fang Hui spoke, "This brother, I heard that the Seventh Prince is looking for talents?"

The door guard expressionlessly nodded. He was extremely used to people from jianghu seeking to join the Seventh Princes household. Taking out a brush, he asked coldly, "What is your name."

"Fang Hui."

Before it could reach paper, the pen in the door guards' hand came to a stop as he questioned, "Are you insulting the dignity of the Imperial household?"

Fang Hui hurriedly shook his head. "How would this one dare? I have turned over a new leaf, and now seek to serve the virtuous Seventh Prince."

The door guard was somewhat unbelieving in Fang Hui's word but chose to continue, "What assets can you be to His Highness?"

Fang Hui smiled and took out the envelope handed to him by Jing Wen. Looking at the door guard, he said calmly, "I have some information that will be of vital interest to His Highness. Please bring this to his person."

The door guard was about to refuse, but seeing the tael of silver hidden beneath the envelope, he swallowed his words. Standing up from the chair, he looked at Fang Hui, saying, "If your information is indeed so vital, then I shall bring it to the steward. As for it's worthy of His Highness's eyes, it will be up to Lai daren's command."

Without a change in his expression, Fang Hui replied as matter-of-factly, "Of course, it's only natural that such things should be filtered before entering the eyes of His Highness. This brother, you needn't worry - if His Highness is pleased with the information I bring, I would definitely not deny your contributions."

The door guard was flattered by Fang Hui's words, and his opinion of this jianghu weasel grew many folds. After placing away some paperwork, he quickly entered the Seventh Prince's manor, his figure quickly disappeared into Wuwen Palace.

An unknown amount of time passed before the door guard and several other household guards finally emerged from Wuwen Palace. Walking before him was a man with a slightly plump face wearing a set of gorgeous robes in a subdued shade of red. On the man's belt was a collection of keys and badges that clashed together, creating a wondrous sound similar to a wind chime. Fang Hui could faintly guess, that base on the large collections of emblems that this man carried, that this individual was likely the Seventh Prince's steward, Lai Song (赖松)

Considering the identity of the steward, then the man before him must be the Seventh Prince, Zhang Ming (张明). The Seventh Prince had a rather strange appearance, for he bore a long face and a v-shaped nose. To describe it politely, the Seventh Prince's features appeared extremely similar to that of a dragon's. To say it crudely, he was definitely on the ugly side.

Fang Hui, without his heart palpitating, bowed deeply as the Seventh Prince approached him. He lowered his voice, saying, "This one has seen Your Highness."

The Seventh Prince felt that Fang Hui's actions were appropriate for someone without a status. Unchanging in his expression, he asked emotionlessly, "Where did you get this information?"

Fang Hui was neither servile nor overbearing as he replied, "Your Highness, the outskirts of Zhili is filled with jianghu vagrants, and this one happens to be one such weasel. A month ago, I happened upon a wounded individual, and nursed him back to health. On his dying breath, the told me these matters"

The Seventh Prince thought what Fang Hui said was a little suspicious. Thus, he chose to press the weasel a little. "You do not seem to be a benevolent individual. What reasons do you have to look after an unknown man?"

Fang Hui's mind quickly turned. Deliberately blushing slightly, Fang Hui said, "I dare not hide before Your Highness. In truth, this one had searched the man's body after seeing his extravagant clothing in hopes of finding coinage. However, despite the man's costly attire, I could not find a single silver. As such, I had attempted to gain his favour by nursing him back to health."

The Seventh Prince closely examined Fang Hui, but saw that the weasel's expression appeared honest and truthful. Turning to the door guard, he commanded, "Bring Fang Hui into zhen's residence and award him greatly for his deed. Zhen shall discuss some matters with Lai Song."

The door guard looked at Fang Hui and sneered, "Quick, thank His Highness for his gracefully."

Fang Hui smiled and bowed once more to the Seventh Prince. "This one thank Your Highness."

The Seventh Prince emitting a quick 'em' before racing back toward his private studies. It was clear that the Seventh Prince was impatient to take advantage of the information given to him. Seeing this, Fang Hui inwardly laughed. A good lie will always contain truthfulness within. He had indeed stayed around Zhili for the past month, and even meeting a stranger near death was a true event. However, the stranger was only an ordinary merchant that died without a word, certainly not a major character that could arouse the interest of the Seventh Prince. Naturally, the information in the letter was provided by Jing Wen and then fused with Fang Hui's own experience.


To be capable of becoming the strongest prince in the empire meant the Seventh Prince was exceptionally skilled in taking advantage of opportunities. And the opportunity that Fang Hui presents was certainly a great one. Looking anxiously at Lai Song, the Seventh Prince asked, "Lai Song, do you think the information is truthful?"

Lai Song, rotating a pair of walnuts in his hands, said leisurely, "Your Highness, the situation is clear. The remnants of the previous dynasties are unwilling to accept their current situation. Particularly the lands of the former South Wu bear a particularly strong resistance against our Great Zhu's rule. However, since their former operations took place in Lingnan, the Imperial Court turned a blind eye to their actions. In this subordinate's view, it is still not a threat that we must take seriously, as they are only capable of assassinations and other forms of terrorism."

"However, since the past month, their activities had become more brazen, assassinating nobles and Imperial officials. Worse still, their influence has spread Northward, reaching Lin'an. If they are not humbled, perhaps they would cause great difficulties for our Great Zhu. From what this subject can see, this is an excellent opportunity."

The Seventh Prince smiled and asked, "What does the loyal steward have in mind?"

Lai Song likewise smiled. He stated, "The Crown Prince is out of the capital and the Imperial Court has yet to make his decision. Why not show His Majesty that Your Highness is capable of taking the initiative, eliminating the rebels in one stroke? After the deed is done, Your Highness should petition the court to officially recognise Your Highness's deeds. With a few whispers from the Noble Consort Tong (同), and your Highness would be praised by both the officials and commoners alike."

The Seventh Prince grinned heartily as he heard Lai Song's words. "Lai Song, you truly are zhen's most worthy subordinate. Zhen trusts that you are able to act swift and discreetly, so that the Thirteenth Prince will not learn of it and take away zhen's rightful position as the future monarch of the realm."

Lai Song placed down the pair of walnuts and preemptively poured the Seventh Prince a cup of wine. After pouring another cup for himself, Lai Song saluted the Seventh Prince with a smile, saying, "Your Highness is fated to become the son of heaven. This subject preemptively congratulates His Majesty for his success."

The Seventh Prince downed the cup of wine and abruptly exploded in laughter. "Oh Zhang Kuo, Zhang Kuo! Who cares if you are the appointed heir by the Imperial Father? With your idleness, I will be able to take away that position of yours before you even returned to Lin'an. Then, you will be nothing but zhen's subject."

Towards the end, tears began pouring out of the Seventh Prince's eyes. Mixed with the later, it was a sight that could even frighten ghosts.

Lai Song gazed at the Seventh Prince who had lost self-control, contempt flashing in his eyes.