Chapter 38 - It is Such a Shameful Thing?

Naturally, Zhou Aimin's fears were merely a result of overthinking. Liu Fenfang was certainly no demoness. Her makeup was applied by the maids, and was only done so in preparation for meeting Jing Wen. Additionally, the makeup was far from as extravagant as those used by other daughters of noble families.

As Jing Wen had visited almost immediately after the Emperor prepared him those candidates, she did not have much time to prepare her cosmetics and clothing. However, to the surprise of the Liu family servants, she took the initiative to cook each meal for Jing Wen's visit personally.

As the pearl of the Liu family, she had many suitors who sought both her family's wealth and her general charm. Naturally, she could not afford to put in such a degree of effort for each individual visiting Liu manor. Matchmaking with Jing Wen was undoubtedly something special.

Aside from His Majesty's decision, it was also because she had once been an admirer of Jing Wen, admiring him for not only his exceptional martial skills but also his literary talents, which was seldomly discussed along with his cultivation.

Of course, it was not anything like love, more sort the kind of feeling one would get when reading about a great character from long ago; it was more fascination than anything else. Still, despite Jing Wen's downfall a month ago, Liu Fenfang's did not hesitate to nominate herself when the Emperor searched for a suitable wife for Jing Wen.

Acting as though she did not sense Zhou Aimin's sharp gaze, Liu Fenfang said, "Sir Jing, I have heard that Mo Xi's servants were handed to you?"

Jing Wen answered, "It was His Majesty's decree. Besides, Jing manor was lacking in servants, so I had no reason to decline."

Liu Fenfang smiled and leaned closer to Jing Wen. "Still, it shows you are a benevolent person. Most of Mo Xi's servants are scarred by his deeds, becoming as meek as a doe and unable to make their own decision. It would have been far simpler to hire new servants instead."

Jing Wen was, of course, aware of this. Ever since encountering Mingzhu, he had seen the timid demeanour resulting from Mo Xi's constant abuse. And since Mingzhu became his servants before the reports of Mo Xi's secret chambers had reached the ears of the Emperor, he had the opportunity to refuse the servants that came from Mo Xi's household.

Yet Jing Wen was reluctant to tell his reasoning to do so to Liu Fenfang.

Smelling the faint jasmine perfume Liu Fenfang wore, Jing Wen slightly retreated back. He said respectfully, "Miss Liu, you think too highly of me."

Liu Fenfang stayed quiet for a brief moment, before saying, "Sir Jing, you are unlike the tales of your past self."

Jing Wen tilted his head and asked, "What does Miss Liu mean?"

Lin Fenfang said, "All rumours says that Sir Jing was a proud person that is stubborn to the bone, unwilling to see a task unfinished. Yet the Sir Jing before me is humble and restraint."

"Of course, that is not necessarily a bad thing."

Jing Wen frowned a little, surprised Liu Fenfang would think of him so highly now, even after his great fall. Indeed, he once had a significant number of admirers, but most have, after a month of absence and no prospects of Jing Wen regaining his previous martial abilities and talents, grown indifferent towards his name. Perhaps they would occasionally look towards the sky and sigh, reminiscing Jing Wen before his undoing, but few would be genuinely faithful to Jing Wen today.

Cupping his hands towards her, he said, "Then I accept Miss Liu's praise."

Liu Fenfang covered her mouth with her sleeves before beginning to giggle. "Sir Jing, your humour is quite poor."

Jing Wen finally gave a faint smile. "What Miss Liu said is indeed true."


Finally, Jing Wen picked up the pair of ivory chopsticks next to his bowl. He ate very meaningfully and gracefully, no speaking a single word. It was as though his previous conversation with Liu Fenfang had not occurred at all, and now he was ignoring her; that the eight treasured rice was far more interesting than the members of the Liu family.

The eight treasured rice was very delicious. The gluttonous rice had a sweet flavour that was irresistible, and the eight treasures complimented each other and the gluttonous rice perfectly. Their vibrant colours made the meal appear incredibly appetising, and their flavours balanced their overpowering sweetness or bitterness.

One could tell this combination was not casually done, that each ingredient was carefully measured and placed to create a perfect eight treasured rice.

The boiled vegetables too, were appealing. Though they were boiled in a primitive manner, the steam emitted by them was very similar to the mist that would surround Jing Wen as he cultivated. The silent host and guests, paired with the ethereal mist, made the whole scene appeared like a painting.

Liu Fenfang watched Jing Wen eat with great interest, which caused Zhou Aimin, who was still monitoring her, to become suddenly alarmed. However, seeing her do nothing but gawk, Zhou Aimin reluctantly returned to poking his chopsticks at the dishes on the table, keeping one eye on her as he ate.

In this strange atmosphere, no one noticed Liu Shan's flirting with the maids, or Liu Yu silently sitting by with a wry smile.

Fortunately, Jing Wen's actions may have been elegant and complicated; the speed was not slow at all. Although he had started much later than Zhou Aimin, the two finished around the same time.

Putting the date pits on a designated dish with his chopsticks, Jing Wen calmly 'watched' as Liu Fenfang stood up from her chair and poured a cup of wine to the brim for him while a separate serving maid did so for Zhou Aimin. After cupping his hands towards her as thanks, Jing Wen raised his cup, before emptying it in a single action.

Zhou Aimin left his wine untouched, but no one inquired about it as Jing Wen placed down the cup, saying with an emotionlessly expression, "Miss Liu, I can tell that you were the one that cooked the dish."

Liu Fenfang gave a shy smile, before nodding meekly.

Jing Wen said, "If His Majesty knew that you have put in such an effort, he would surely commend you. Only, it was a shame that the date's pit was not removed, leaving the possibility of eating the date whole."

(囫囵吞枣 - To eat the date whole. Make a decision rashly.)

Hearing this, Liu Fenfang lowered her gaze and studied the now empty plates unmovingly. Only her tightening grip on the wine container showed how she truly thought.

Jing Wen gave a comforting smile, before continuing, "The vegetables, although they lack any spices, are boiled timely. One could tell you were closely tending to it as it was cooking."

"However, I would prefer if there was some radish as well."

(萝卜青菜各有所爱 - Radish and vegetables; each has their preferences.)

Liu Fenfang placed down the wine container deliberately. Forcing a smile, she said, "I will make sure to add some radishes next time."

Jing Wen shook his head. "Your best dish is the eight treasured rice. You can cook it many times more later on. Why bother about such common vegetables?"

(The eight treasured rice is often a dish to celebrate Chinese New Year. Jing Wen is suggesting Liu Fenfang has many more years in front of her.)

Liu Fenfang looked at Jing Wen's eyes, but could not see past through that strip of cloth covering it. She asked, "Is having a wife like me such a shameful thing?"

Her voice was full of seriousness. Bitter and sad.

Of course, marrying Liu Fenfang was undoubtedly not a shameful matter. She came from the ancient Liu family that is still thriving today and holds a good reputation among the people of Lin'an. Although her father is second-rate, he is still the Minister of Justice, a figure with much influence and power. The only thing one could find fault was her brother, which held a notorious reputation, drinking and whoring without end. But after marriage, the girl would enter the man's household, meaning if Jing Wen did not wish to see Liu Shan, it would be an effortless matter to avoid him.

No matter how much one emphasised on their relationship with the royal family, Jing manor was far smaller than even the most insignificant property owned by the Liu family. Additionally, Jing Wen's wealth was meagre compared to the larger families; even some merchants may hold more capital than him. No matter how one look at it, marrying Jing Wen would be akin to dooming one's future.

Not to mention that he had lost his sight.

Jing Wen was aware of this as he spoke, "No, this one doesn't dare imply that. It is just that…"

At this point, Liu Shan could no longer distract himself with the maids or to watch Jing Wen continue any further. Clenching his fists, he said, "You think my sister is undeserving of you? You blind fool can't see what's good for you!"

Jing Wen 'looked' at Liu Shan and said slowly, "Fellow Liu is mistaken. As you said, I am indeed a blind person with little prospects. You sister is a woman beloved by the capital; how can I afford to marry her?"

Liu Shan did not regard Jing Wen's word and said gravely, "Why speak so pedantically? My sister obeyed His Majesty's edict to find a bride for you without hesitation, yet you reject her so cruelly."

Taking two swords from the guard standing by the table, Liu Shan threw one to Jing Wen while unsheathing the other. He said coldly, "I don't care about other women, but my sister is not someone you can so be insolent towards."