Chapter 46 - Hawthorn and Life

The bingtanghulu (candied hawthorn) appeared very vibrant, its scarlet colour even more brilliant than the banners hanging from the stall's side. Its' surface was very smooth, akin to a bright red jewel. It no doubt had an allure that caused people to want to take a bite out of it.

After paying for the bingtanghulu, Jing Wen began searching for Lei Li. Since Lei Li did not attempt to hide her departure, Jing Wen did not return to their previous position. Instead, Jing Wen instructed Gao Shu, who was following far away, to search the boulevard. At the same time, he wandered around the various street performances, searching for the girl's presence, which had disappeared among the heavy crowd.

After searching for some time, Jing Wen did not find the senseless girl, and unknowingly his pace became a little faster, though he continued to display no uneasiness on his face. He returned to the original position he had Lei Li and waited in silence.

Eventually, a young boy came up to Jing Wen. Jing Wen had initially thought the boy was attractive by the tanghulu in his hand and was thus somewhat surprised when the boy offered, "Gege can you get home? Do you need xiao Shi (石) to help?"

The boy's voice was rather immature, and judging by his awkward speech, he should be still losing his teeth.

While Jing Wen was blind, he was more than capable of tracing his path to Jing manor. But when he was about to refuse xiao Shi's aid, he thought of a certain matter. Passing the bingtanghulu, he said, "I brought this for a certain jiejie. If you see her, hand it to her… and if she does not appear after a shichen, you may do with it as you wish."

Seeing the child nodding, Jing Wen gave a slight smile before searching through the various stalls. Since the bookstore was very close to the bingtanghulu store, it was not long before Jing Wen entered the store.

There was a moderate crowd gathering before the bookstore, which was typically desolate. A few stepped forth of the crowd in an attempt to assist with what they could, but most simply stood by and watched out of curiosity. A couple who could not see through the forest of heads simply departed, disappointed they could not see the cause of the commotion.

Jing Wen quickly moved through the crowd and saw the fainted Lei Li, who was currently tended to by the storekeeper and some bystanders. Ignoring them, Jing Wen placed a finger by Lei Li's neck, and injected a strand of Qi into her body.

Immediately, Jing Wen's expression formed a frown. Lei Li's body was no different from that of a corpse. Her heart was silent, and no breathing could be sensed. Only the abundant amount of Qi indicated that she was still in the realm of the living.

Taking out a pill from his belt, Jing Wen placed it within Lei Li's mouth and hit her acupuncture in order for her to swallow it. Jing Wen's stands were remarkably precise during the process, but a few drops of sweat began to soak the piece of cloth covering his eyes.

Circulating his Qi through Lei Li's body, Jing Wen picked up the girl and, before her body was lifted upon his shoulders, he was heading to Shen Yanlin's clinic.

'Seeing' the young physician, Jing Wen swiftly passed Shen Yanlin the girl. He asked, "Is she still alive."

Shen Yanlin did not answer immediately and began inspecting Lei Li's body. As he gained a grasp on her condition, colour rapidly drained from his face, forcing him to bite his tongue as he began to concentrate on searching for the right medicine.

Eventually, Shen Yanlin retrieved a large jar containing a dozen needles soaked in some solution. Taking out three of the long and thick needle over ten cun (33.3cm) long, Shen Yanlin carefully and meticulously inserted it into Lei Li's body.

The surface of the three needles were excessively dull after being soaked for an unknown amount of time, yet the tip remains extremely sharp. Despite that Lei Li had undergone Qi Manifestation, so her body could not be penetrated by ordinary weapons, the needle went through her skin with ease, stabbing into her flesh.

Once all three needles were inserted, Shen Yanlin wiped off the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead his sleeves, before finally opening his mouth. "She is still alive."

Jing Wen breathed out a long sigh, saying, "That's good."

Shen Yanlin shook his head. "She can only continue in this state for a short time. Once the Qi in her body has been expended, she will perish."

Hearing this, Jing Wen's face became gloomy. The principle of surviving on Qi when one should be dead is not a novelty. In fact, it is precisely through this method some those of the xian and shen state are capable of such inhuman longevity, with those of the shen state capable of living forever as long as there is abundant Qi in the world.

Yet there had never before been a Qi Manifestation state cultivation capable of doing the same; even Jing Wen, when he was still at the stage of Qi Manifestation, was incapable of prolonging his life through Qi.

Abruptly, Jing Wen turned his body to depart, immensely confusing Shen Yanlin, who asked, "Why are you leaving? I may need your help to do some things."

"Gao Shu is nearby. Call out for him if you need help." After saying that, Jing Wen did not wait for a reply as he left the clinic.


Zhuxian Street was close to the Imperial Palace, so Jing Wen did not travel far to arrive at the palace walls. Still, by the time he reached the Inner Courtyard, it was already dusk, and eunuchs were going about, lighting lamps to illuminate the paths.

Ignoring the greetings of the eunuch as he walked past them, Jing Wen arrived at Changchun Palace, whose doors were tightly shut. The palace girls saw Jing Wen approaching, and after a bit of discussion amongst themselves, opened the gate.

These palace girls were no different from those Jing Wen had seen the previous time he had entered Changchun Palace, each a powerful cultivator. Under their strength, the gate made of hardwood decorated with steel plates was no different from one made of paper.

As Jing Wen entered the palace, a slight breeze greeted him. The wind was strangely warm, yet Jing Wen could not help but feel cold under its presence.

"Sir Jing, which wind has brought you here?"

Consort Li was wearing a red nightgown, exposing her bare feet. Her black hair that draped over her shoulders was slightly damp and speckled with snowflakes. It was clear that she had just come out of a bath.

Perhaps it was because Jing Wen was blind that Consort Li did not care much regarding her presentation - or maybe she was never the sort of person to bashful. Regardless, she truly bold in her actions.

However, in this situation, Jing Wen did not care for matters such as the boundaries between the sex. 'Looking' at Consort Li, he composed himself and asked, "Lady Li, are you familiar with Lei Li?"

Consort Li's calm yet carefree smile abruptly shifted to a strange expression as she faintly asked, "Has she been well?"

Jing Wen replied, "She is in a state of neither dead nor alive."

After a very long silent, Consort Li said, "I know."

Jing Wen was relieved. The most primal fear of men has always been that of the unknown. Now that at least the problem has been identified through Consort Li, half the predicament has already been resolved.

"What is the issue then?" Jing Wen asked.

Consort Li explained, "Since her birth, her body always had this problem, causing her parents to believe she was stillborn. Were it not for her talent in cultivation, she would have died at that moment."

Jing Wen had not expected even Consort Li would find the matter so severe. "What kind of problem could cause one's heartbeat to stop?"

Consort Li replied, "She was born with a hole in the chambers of her heart. Though typically, it would be screen by a layer of Qi, its not impossible to fail if she acts without caution."

"Then how can it be treated?"

Consort Li's voice grew somewhat colder. "There is no treatment for something innate to the body. Even His Majesty cannot cure certain diseases."

When Jing Wen opened his mouth to finally inquire into the relationship between Consort Li and Lei Li, the woman had already stood up, walking towards the depths of Changchun Palace.

Jing Wen thought for a moment, then quickly followed.

The warm, spring-like breeze blew once again, shaking the leaves and startling the animals playing about in the Palace.

Among the animals were a few lively squirrels. It was unknown why it had not yet gone into hibernation.

As Jing Wen followed behind Consort Li, he was astonished that Consort Li did not go to the main gate of her palace, but rather an unknown part of the Palace walls even he was not aware of. Admittedly, there were over a hundred entrances within the Imperial Palace, yet Jing Wen had once served as an Imperial Guard and should be familiar with all entries into the palace. For him to not be aware of this means that besides Consort Li, there was likely no one aware of its existence, even the Emperor.

Consort Li did not bother with the bewilder Jing Wen, nor did she particularly mind him following her. She pushed opened the old wooden door and walked in.

Jing Wen was indeed shocked by the existence of this strange door, but his steps did not slow in the slightest as he closely followed behind.

If Jing Wen could still see and coincidentally looked back, he would notice that the door had shut right after he passed through it. The gates fitted perfectly together, leaving not the slightest crack; it appeared as though the closed wooden door was somehow a part of the palace walls.

After walking for a short while, no more than two dozen steps, the two had reached Shen Yanlin's clinic. Strangely, Consort Li did not immediately search out for Lei Li and instead sat on a nearby wooden stool, making a gesture towards Jing Wen.

It was bizarre. Jing Wen clearly could not see, yet he somehow understood Lei Li's intent.

Since Consort Li was not hurried to treat Lei Li, then she should not be in immediate danger. Thus Jing Wen did not have much reluctance as he boiled a pot of tea using the herbs found in Shen Yanlin's clinic. Filling a cup to the brim, Jing Wen passed it in accordance with proper propriety to Consort Li.

Consort Li picked up the teacup and moved it close to her lips. Without caring for the temperature of the tea, she took a sip.

Jing Wen had not prepared a second teacup, so he sunk into silence.

Jing Wen felt a little uncomfortable in this silence. Even though he had no particular attachment towards Lei Li and knew she shouldn't be in any danger, it was still a little disrespect to act so leisurely while she was in an uncertain state. Even Shen Yanlin was sitting nearby, prepared to react to any crisis.

But as time passed, Jing Wen gradually adapted to this atmosphere and no longer overthought the matter. During this time in Jing village, was he not likewise as silent as he is here? Slowly, his mind calmed, and his thoughts wandered off.

In this state, time passed quickly, with the only interruptions being the few times Jing Wen poured tea for himself and Consort Li.

In the bustle of life, there are often times where the only thing one can do is wait.

It is at these moments, that one realises that they had always liked tranquil and used to the quiet.