Chapter 1: Yes I do the talking!

"Hi.." a sophomore lad said as he approached a pretty freshman. " real name is Jiroh.." he introduced himself then he took out a rose that he held behind his back. The girl accepted the flower and seemed to blush.

"..sorry if it took me quite some time to finally meet you," the boy added.

The girl stepped closer to him and said, "That's okay... You already got me with all the letters and messages you sent me." She looked into his eyes with a smile on her face...

The boy took the girl's hand and they walked away happily.

I can feel the love in the air...

Project #15 was a success!!! It really makes me feel satisfied every time I helped my clients to find their happy ending. A new love story had begun right in front of my eyes and it's all because of me... my indisputable skill of capturing hearts through sweet and loving words. Yes! That's true!

I get paid for doing the sweet talks on behalf of my clients. How should I explain it? If there are diffident guys or gals who want to be noticed by their crushes, they will seek my help. I just need to get their contact information (cellphone #, e-mail, locker #, Facebook, IG, Twitter,etc.) and I will do the talking. If you will ask how do I get my hands on those kinds of information? Well, I have my own ways.

It started with my close friend Niko, he had his eyes on Miya, one of the popular girls at school and a member of the university cheerleaders. I helped him all the way until Miya agreed to be her girlfriend. He mentioned me to some other guys at school and I received requests one after another. I have one condition for every client that I deal with, me being their shadow, should be kept as a top-secret. That is just to avoid being busted actually.

I made myself a page in the social media where anyone can get my contact information if someone needs my expertise, they can just send me a message. Who would have thought that a junior in the College of Business Administration will become a promising love matchmaker? By the way... My name is...

"Tope!" A familiar voice yelled my old-time nickname...

"Oh! Jenna!" She's my best friend. She came up to me running with a big smile "Will you stop calling me 'Tope'? We're not in high school anymore." I asked her feeling annoyed.

"Kristofer, Tope, Kristof, they are all the same... Besides.. whatever it is.. I'm still calling for you," she said as she catches her breath.

"Hmmm... So.. looks like someone got a mission accomplished" she said while holding her books to her chest and acting up so nosy.

"Will you treat me for a meal.. please?.." she added.

"Huh? " I uttered.

"Come on.. share your blessings.." she said then she pouted her lips pointing to the cash I'm holding. I quickly hid it behind my back.

"I want one Ham and Cheese Sandwich and a milkshake", she acted like a child asking for a treat.

"Please?" she said with her wide puppy eyes.

I took a sigh as a sign of giving up, she knows that I can't resist her.

"Yey!" she exclaimed and clutched to my arm dragging me towards the cafeteria.


"Thanks for the free food Bes! you're very generous!" Jenna said munching on her sandwich.

"You really got a strong sense of smell as long as you can eat for free huh?". I said jokingly and took a bite on my meal.

"Of course! I'm you're best friend. I know every move you make so I knew you'll succeed today and will... get... paid!" she said.

"Ah really? So what if my magic didn't work back there, for sure you will starve like a stray dog." I said teasing her.

"You're wrong. Your magic always works. You're like a fairy godmother using your mastery in words of love and exquisite flirtation." she replied confidently.

"Fairy god-'father' you mean" I blurted out.

"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes.

"But what I can't understand is... why you can't apply your tricks to yourself... We're already in our junior year Tope, but you still don't have a girlfriend. she added but now she's teasing me.

"" I chuckled and totally ignored what she said.

It's not that I chose to be single but I haven't met yet the right person, someone who will make my heart flatter, someone who will always be there with me, someone who will never give up on me.

You're probably wondering how come I am so good with all the sweet talks when I, myself, had never been in love and never experienced falling for someone. Well, we are living in a world ruled by the internet. I just spend a whole night watching love series or movies on either Netflix or Youtube then I will surely get some ideas and tactics on how to get somebody's heart the next day.

"Hey! Bes! Why are you spacing out? Did I hit you hard?" She interrupted me from my deep thoughts.

"You're crazy! It's not my priority to be tied up with someone... I'm happy being single." I answered.

"Hmmm. Ok?" she did not believe me.

"And... I don't want anything or anyone to get in my way... especially in what I do... I don't need to worry about any nuisance... No one will disturb me every now and then... Besides..." I said leaning forward to her. "..I only focus on my clients' happiness," I added while carefully pushing my plate with french fries untouched towards her.

"Okay... whatever... Mr.SweetTalker.." she finally stopped teasing me.

"Just eat up... You're not supposed to talk when your mouth is full".. I added.


(School Bell Rung)

"Hey! Bes! Let's walk home together... I heard there's a newly open café along the way to our house, do you want to check it out?" Jenna said as we walk in the hallway.

"I know what you're up to... You just want me to treat you again." I said.

"Oh come on! Bes! I heard they also serve your favorite 'Triple Chocolate Fudge smoothie'... Please?" here she goes again with her puppy eyes.

"Haist,  what should I do with you? Okay... Okay... Sure... I'll just bring these workbooks to Mrs. Dela Peña's office then wait for me at the school's entrance," I told her.

"Yey! Let me tell Niko and his girlfriend that you will treat us... Thank you!" then she ran off immediately.

"Jen! You scumbag!." I called on her as I watched her getting away. she just waved her hand then disappeared though the student crowd.


I'm at the faculty building and when I'm about to make a turn, I bumped into something or someone. The workbooks fell on the floor and I rushed to pick them up.

"Tsk. Watch where you're going!" I said feeling agitated since I'm in a hurry. I'm waiting for a response but I heard none. "..a 'sorry' would be nice too, you know?" I added but still got no response. Now I'm pissed off. I picked up the last workbook and took a deep sigh before facing this arrogant person.

"What?" came out from his mouth with an aggressive tone.

"Wow? So you're the one who supposed to be mad now, huh?" I said. This guy was really getting into my nerves. But then I hear nothing from him again. Now I'm mad.

"You know what mister if you're the one who caused the trouble, you... should... apologize..." I told him as I poked his chest. "You should've, at least, helped me picked these workbooks, I added.

He just stood there and I can feel his eyes glaring at me. He looked mad, I guess?... He looked like he's going to punch me anytime now. But sorry.. he got the wrong person to bully so I won't back down.

"What? What are you looking at? You think you're tough, huh?" I said then I put down the workbooks and pull the sleeves up of my uniform, ready to start a fight. "You arrogant fool!" I said. But before I even get close to him he already stepped forward to me, his face close to mine. His eyes look angrier. I just swallowed the lump that formed on my throat.

"What's happening here, Mr. Blanco?" I felt so relieved hearing Mrs. Dela Peña's voice.

"Nothing ma'am,  I'm just here to deliver these workbooks," I said with a fake smile then reached out to give her the books.

"Thank you, Mr.Blanco". She said. I nodded. "..since you're here why don't you accompany Mr.Fuentabella for a while and show him around the school.." she somehow sounded nice and weird. Who was she referring to?

"What?" I asked and was really confused.

She took out a paper and handed it over to the arrogant guy. "Here, Mr.Fuentabella, it's your schedule, it has all the subjects, time periods, building names, and room numbers."

I looked over to the guy as he took the paper. Still confused.

"He will be our new student, he transferred here and will have his first day tomorrow." She said. "..good thing you're here. You will be his buddy until he got familiarized with the school premises, rules, and regulations," she added with her strict voice.

"But ma'am.." I blurted out but got cut off.

"No excuses, Mr.Blanco. You are the class representative so you are fit for this task," she said.

"But... Ma'am, I got to.." I said but she responded with wide condescending eyes. I just nodded regretfully.

She turned to this guy and switched her tone again being nice. "Ah. If you need anything else, Mr.Fuentabella, you can ask your buddy or you can go and ask me here in my office." she's becoming weird.

The guy just nodded.

"Okay... On behalf of our University, we welcome you here. Please enjoy your stay.." she said courteously then scooted back to her office.

I just scratched my head and looked over to this guy. He's showing a mischievous smirk. I really hate this guy.


I sent Jen a message apologizing that I won't make it.

-->What? We've been waiting here for a quite now.

<--Sorry, Jen, Mrs. Dela Peña asked me to show this new transferee around the university.

-->Really? Is he cute? Let me meet him.

<--Huh! He got bad manners, arrogant, prideful, sly, trouble maker.

<--Do you want me to go on with the list?

-->He's really that bad? Whatever... Niko already went their way, so I guess I'll go home then. See you tomorrow. Bye bes!

<--Sorry bes!

I just took a sigh and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Down here is the caf-.." I turned around and he's not there. That arrogant punk!!!

"You're so annoying!" I blurted out then went ahead to find him.


"Ma! I'm home," I closed the door and went straight to our kitchen.

I got myself a glass of water to get rid of my thirst.

"Why are you late?" my mom asked as she prepared our dinner at the table.

"Sorry Ma, I just took care of something after class," I answered.

"Here... I got something for you Ma! I bought it on my way home." I was so excited and gave her her favorite dessert, Mango float. I felt happy to see my Mom happy as well. She deserved these small gifts as a reward for raising us on her own. My father left us for another woman. I and my older brother had witnessed all her hardships when we were young.

She recently loses our family home due to a bank problem, so she was forced to live with me and my brother. I know how hard it is for her to raise two young kids. That's why I admire her so much. And I will do everything I can to make her happy and hopefully make her proud as much as possible.

"You shouldn't use your allowance for something like this," she said as she took a spoonful.

"Don't worry Ma, I earned that through my rackets," I sat down and started to fill my stomach.

"Hmmm. What kind of racket? Does it have something to do with you being in your laptop for several hours," she asked suspiciously.

I got distracted by her question. I need to think of a reason.

"Ah... Eh... research! Yes! for research... I do sideline jobs to do research for other students, like their thesis or any report that allows long time surfing on the internet," I answered hoping she will let me get away this time. It's too embarrassing to tell her that I stay up pretty late due to watching love series sometimes.

"Okay... Okay... As long as it's not something illegal, I'm fine with that." She said then she stood up and went to call my brother to join us for dinner.

I just smiled and continued to eat my meal.


He just stood there and I can feel his eyes glaring at me. He got these beautiful eyes, thick sexy brows. I tried to get away but he pulled my hand and now we're inches away, his face close to mine. He got a beautiful manly face, perfectly shaped nose, and his lips are so kissable. I can smell his musky perfume and it sent tickles all over my body. I put my hand over his chest and felt his heartbeat. It matches mine... He cupped my face and slowly lean forward. I can smell his fresh breath and my knees weaken. I closed my eyes and let him do whatever he wants. But there's nothing. I can't feel his hands anymore. I opened my eyes.

"What?" came out from his mouth with an aggressive tone. Then he let out a devilish laugh! Then horns formed on his forehead and fangs grew longer. He is a real devil!

I just screamed my lungs out!

"Ahhhh!" Then I woke up from my sleep. It was a nightmare. I looked for my phone and it was 2:34 AM. That punk somehow found his way into my dreams and ruined my sleep. He is really evil!

"Prepare yourself... you scumbag!"


On my way to school, my friend Jenna caught up with me.

"Hey, Bes!" She exclaimed.

"Oh?" I replied with a lifeless tone.

"What happened to you? Are you okay? You look sick?" she asked.

"Eeeh... I wasn't able to get enough sleep. I was awake from dawn until sunrise," I replied.

"Haha! You looked like you've been chased by a zombie and got bitten... And now you're transforming to one!" She teased.

"It's much worse! A horrifying demon inhabiting a human body!" I said sounded irritated.

"Oooh!  That's really scary," she said then we treaded our way to our school.

As we enter the school premises, we heard a bunch of girls screaming and swarming to a parked car in front of the admin building. They are screaming so loud like they are waiting for an idol to come out of the car.

"These girls are hopeless," I murmured.

"Bes! Could it be a celebrity visiting our school?" she said sounded so excited.

"It's impossible, just let them be," I tried to pull her to come with me to our faculty building.

"Just wait, Bes! I need to see who it is, I can't miss the chance to see a celebrity," she got out from my grip then rushed towards the crowd.

I just shooked my head and decided to make a detour to our cafeteria.


My head still hurts from lack of sleep. I bought soda to at least help me ease the pain. I sat on one of the benches near our building. We still got a few more minutes before the start of the class. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey bro! What you're doing here?" It's my friend Niko. He took a seat beside me.

"Nothing, just trying to get rid of sleepiness, I didn't sleep well last night, " I took a sip on my soda.

"I have a solution for that," he said then I cut him off.

"The sleepiness?" I asked.

"No! For you to sleep at peace every night," he then he got close to me and whispered. "All you need is a girlfriend."

"Huh? What?" I asked.

"Just think of it like this... If you have a girlfriend, there's always someone who will tell you 'goodnight Kristof' or 'sweet dreams Kristof'." He explained with matching cute gestures. "Take me as an example, ever since you helped me with Miya, every night, I sleep with a smile on my face," he added. I just looked at him, then he continued, "..and before I close my eyes, she will say... 'i.. love... you.. my baby'." he hugged himself and pretended that he is kissing her.

I just let out a small laugh, "You're creepy".

"Why don't you try it bro?... you helped me and Miya to be together, why don't you help yourself this time?" he sounded serious this time.

"Ah... Eh... I haven't found my Ms.Perfect." I answered. "and I..." before I continue he gave me a piece of paper with a name and cellphone number written. "Pam? Who is she?" I asked him.

" Just send her a message, maybe this is your chance to have your own happy ending," he answered. "Let's go... the first class is about to start," he added. I just nodded and headed to our classroom.


I took a sit on my chair and heard Jen screaming my name again.

"Kristofer! Bes! Kristof! Tope!" she exclaimed as she ran up to me. She was catching her breath. "He's so hands-... The guy-.. (took a deep breath) Aaaaah!... He's so perfect!"

"Would you settle down for a second, I didn't understand what you're trying to say!" I told her trying to calm her down.

When she seemed fine, she flashed a wide smile and said, "He's so handsome, Bes! The reason why all girls go crazy earlier. He got a perfect face. His jawline, his eyes, his nose, his lips, even his hair! He looks like an angel sent from the heavens!" She said. I just looked at her and kept listening.

"He's wearing our uniform but I never have seen him before," she was really excited to share it with me.

"Maybe he met a good doctor and had plastic surgery," I teased her.

"That's stupid! But you need to hear this.." She leaned closer. "..we followed him and saw him going into our Faculty building office, and I heard he was also a junior student taking up Business Administration!" she added. She screamed again out of excitement. "Bes! He could be our new classmate!".

I really don't get girls why they are so crazy about great-looking guys just like in those series I watched. And just like those series, great looking guys always end up with either the prettiest girl or the cutest one. Their hearts will be torn to pieces waiting for their crush to notice them. Hmmm. Wait... If there are hopelessly romantic, someone, any time from now, will ask for my help to get their special someone's attention. This is a business opportunity for Mr.SweetTalker.

"Looks like you're really interested in this guy huh! Jenna? You need my help?" I asked her raising my brows for her to know that I mean business.

"I'm not into him... I'm just a fan, besides I already have a special someone..." she answered.

"Oh really? Do I know him?" I asked.

"You don't have to know," she said then switched back talking about this new student.

Wait. A new student. That evil guy is a new student as well. The one who made yesterday a bad day. The one who got into my nerves. The one who scared the hell out of me in my dreams. But Jen said the new guy is great-looking. It couldn't be him. He is a sly, arrogant, awful person. Wait. Does he look pretty? I don't know. Then I recalled the weirdest dream I had.

"oh no", I murmured.

I saw Mrs.Dela Peña came inside the classroom but all seems to be in slow motion, I can't hear anyone. I looked at Mrs.Dela Peña, she's saying something but I can't figure it out. I read her lips, 'Please.. come.. in.. introduce.. your self..' Someone came inside the classroom. Then my senses came back hearing the loud screams from every girl in the room.

Everyone was so happy cheering for the new guy but all I was able to say was...

"Holy Sh-.."
