Chapter 4: Yes I do the texting!

I woke up around 8:00 AM. I stood up from my bed and opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. I grabbed my towel and had a shower. I'm fixing my hair when my phone got an alert. I checked on it and it is from Jenna. She tagged me on a photo. I clicked on the link and it shows the picture she took from yesterday with me and Luke. I just hit 'like' on the picture and prepared myself for a big day ahead.

I was walking towards the café when I recalled what happened yesterday. I smiled. Wait? What? Why did I do that? I shook my head to get the image out of my mind then suddenly two girls stumbled after they passed through me. They seemed to be in a hurry running towards the café.

"What's going on?" I said to myself scratching my head.

I was just two blocks away from where I'm heading to but there's already a long line of girls building up. I looked at them and they seem excited about the shop to open. I went inside through the back door.

I put on my uniform and head to the counter. I can hear the crowd screaming Luke's name when I stepped out of the locker room. Luke was already there wiping glasses clean. I was astonished seeing these girls taking pictures, recording, and screaming his name.

"Are you a celebrity?" I asked in awe. He just kept on cleaning the glasses.

The manager came in from the front door seemed aghast. He fixed his necktie and said, "Seems like we're having the very busy day". He walked towards us, "Well done boys! Get yourselves ready.. we will be open in 5 minutes." then gave us both taps on our shoulders.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked Luke. He just shrugged his shoulders. "How did they.." then I remembered Jenna's post.

I took out my phone. I checked her post. I didn't pay attention to her caption on that picture earlier.

'Met these two Princes at Goloso Café- I'm crying with joy'


"Tope, I got more than two thousand likes on my post! Check it out!" Jenna was so delighted from what she did then took a sip from her smoothie.

"Congrats," I said in a flat tone.

"Wait... why are you here with me? Why are you not helping out?" She asked.

"Well.. it happens that all these girls came here to see and be served by Luke," I answered feeling like a loser.

"I saw you served someone earlier," she said.

"Yeah. That queer guy from school." I pointed out to the corner table and the guy waived hello and blew a kiss. I smiled in dismay.

I looked around the cafe and saw familiar faces from the school, Luke's friends, Mike and Jessie were on the far right side, Niko and Miya just next to them, and Luke's zombie fans. Luke was doing a good job serving each customer. He smiles when he greeted them and waves goodbye when he's about to leave.

"Just a little bit more and he will surely melt.. like this smoothie," Jenna said trying to tease.

"Will you stop that please?" I asked Jenna feeling so done with her teasing.

I heard the bell tinkled as the door opened, someone came inside, it's Claire. She and her friend joined Miya and Niko on their table.

"Bes! That's Claire, right? Are you still going to move forward with your plan for her?". She asked.

"I don't know Jen. Maybe. The homecoming is still months away, I still have time," I answered.

The manager called for my assistance.

"Okay, Jen, I have to go."


"Table number 6, the name is written on the cup." He said, then grab a glass for the next order. It was a busy day.

I paced towards the customers and looked for table 6. There! It's where Niko and Miya are sitting. I saw Claire looked at me. Wait. Why she didn't ask Luke to serve her? Why me?

"Uhm, Here's your Strawberry and Cream Frappuccino, Claire."

"That's not mine", she said with her pompous tone. I was a bit confused, did the manager got the wrong table?

"That's mine.." I heard a sweet voice coming from the girl sitting beside her. I looked at her and I recognize her from before. She pointed a finger onto the cup I'm holding, telling me to check the name on it.

"Pam," I uttered.

I looked to my friend Niko and he leaned forward and whispered, "That's her.."

Oh, I got it. The name on the paper with her cellphone number. I recalled sending her a message but I got no response. I handed over her drink and she just smiled at me. It's the first time I had a chance to actually look at her, she got a sweet smile, beautiful eyes, and subtle lips. Her cheeks are turning red. She's blushing?

"Uhm. Kristofer.," she said as she looked back at me. "Sorry if I haven't replied to you yet. I just don't know what to say." her sweet voice made my heart warm.

"That's okay Pam, I'll text you again some time.." I said sounded nervous. "Can I call you?" I asked.

"Sure! That would be great," she said smiling back at me.

"I'll call you then," I said, I looked over to Niko and he gave me thumbs up.

"Chocolate Banana Smoothie for.. Claire?" Luke said as he approached the table as well.

"That's me," Claire said flirtatiously. Luke placed her drink on the table and moved back to the counter, he didn't even look at Claire. I saw Claire's expression as it changed. What's wrong with him?

"Sorry about that," I told Claire

"Can I talk to you outside?" she said.

We were a block away from the café. She took out an envelope from her purse and handed it over to me. I opened the envelope and there's cash in it.

"Take it," she said then crossed her arms over her chest. "That's my advance payment for our deal," she added.

"Uhm Sorry... But why are you giving this right now?" I asked puzzled.

"I heard from my friend who heard it from your friend that you need the money that's why you work part-time," she answered.

Niko! You asshole!

"..And since you're working with Luke, I'm pretty sure it would be easier for you to work on our deal," she added.

"Uhm. Why don't you try to ask him out?" I asked out of curiosity.

"He never made eye contact with me so obviously for him I'm just an ordinary girl," she answered with a mild tone.

For someone as beautiful as Claire, I can't believe she can be insecure about herself. Other boys are dying to take her on a date. I wonder why Luke feels the other way.

"But.." I tried to give her back the money but she cut me off.

"No buts. You already accepted the money and I want my date as soon as possible." and just like that she turned around and head back to the cafe.


We were done for today. The manager promised to pay us extra for today's work. I can't believe social media can be that powerful. Luke and I were in the locker room preparing ourselves to go home. He did not talk to me after he served Claire.

"you did a great job out there," I said trying to start a conversation.

He ignored me and took out his bag and cellphone from the locker. What's his problem? He was not like that earlier and I haven't done anything to him that may have caused this.

"Uhm Luke, can I talk to you for a second?" the manager called him out. He put down his bag and cellphone on the desk beside the cupboard and followed the manager to his office.

I thought it could be a perfect chance to hack his phone and get his number. I picked up his phone. Good thing his phone doesn't have any passcode. I dialed my number to his phone and gave it a call then I quickly delete the call history so he won't find it out.

Alas! I got his number. Stage Two will commence.


I was already prepared to go to school. I grabbed my bag on the table and saw the envelope that Claire gave me yesterday. I'd thought of my mom and I grabbed it. My mother was so happy when I gave her the money. Now she will be able to pay her debt from the bank. I just told her that the manager of Goloso Café was generous enough to let me get cash advance. After that, I went my way to school.

Jenna was already in our classroom when I arrived. I went over to her.

"Jen, Stage Two of Project #16 will start," I told her then sat beside her.

"You got his number?" she seemed shocked.

"Yes! I do." showing her my phone flashing Luke's number

She just screamed like crazy and asked, "How did you get it?"

"I.. just got it. I told you I have my ways." I said.

"Can I have it too? Please.." she begged.

"No! You will just interfere with our plan." I explained.

"Oh come on! You are selfish you know that?" she just pouted her lips and act like a kid who can't have candy. "Send him a message now. Let's see how will he respond." she proposed. She's back being nosy again.

I opened a messaging app, but I couldn't think of anything to type yet.

"What should I tell him?" I asked.

"Work your magic, Mr.SweetTalker. you've been doing this for a while, you should know what to say to him," she said.

Of course, I've done this so many times but somehow I can't think of anything or any topic that he might be interested in. Then an idea came into my mind.

<--Hi Luke, you don't know who I am, but I was there yesterday. You may haven't noticed me but it's enough for me to see your smile from afar.

"That's a bit cheesy," Jenna said a bit disappointed.

"This works every time! A true man can never resist the charm of someone admiring them anonymously... It's mysterious.. and what moves in mysterious ways?" I asked her expecting her to know the answer but instead...

"a poltergeist?" she answered.

"yes! it.. does.." I can't believe you, Jen! You're so clueless. "..but not as mysterious as Love, right?" I added giving her a scornful look.

"Right!" she agreed in embarrassment.

"Uhm... Let me just change some of the words, to make it less cheesy" she tried to take the phone out of my hand but I accidentally hit on 'Send'.

"So... what now?" she asked a bit sorry for being so pesky.

"I guess we just have to wait." I took a sigh and put down my phone on the desk.

Then, suddenly, my phone rang. Luke was calling in. I forgot to set my phone in silence and it was so loud that I panicked. Jen told me not to answer it and I was able to turn it off in time. Not so long after that, Luke came into the classroom. I hid my phone feeling so shaky. Did we just get busted? He stood in front of me. I slowly raised my head and looked at him. My heart was racing in fear, please God help me.

"Move," he uttered. He didn't sound mad at all. "You're sitting in my chair, Kris," he added then gave out a faint smile.

Whew! That was close. I moved to my seat and I felt so relieved.


"I really thought he had caught us, I was so nervous!" Jenna said while taking out yogurt drink from the cafeteria cooler.

"Me too.., good thing I got amazing reflexes.." I said while Jen handed over the yogurt drink.

"Did you got any reply from him?" she asked. We sat at a table near the corner.

"Not yet," I answered then took my phone out of my pocket.

She looked around then said, "Send him another one, he's not around so we're safe from him."

"Okay." I obeyed.

<--If only I can be your friend, then it doesn't matter where you are... I will be there when you need me.

Sent. Before I even put my phone down, I got a reply from him.

-->May I know who's this?

Jenna was so busy on her phone checking IG, so I didn't bother her.

<--At last, you noticed me, Luke. I can't tell you yet who I am but I promised to reveal myself when its the right time.

--> =)

Just a smiley? This guy is hopeless.

<--That's cute. Just like you.

<--I really want to know more about you.

<--If you're interested too. Just reply once more.

But I didn't get another response from him. Maybe Jenna was right, I'm being too cheesy. I guess I need to think of another way for Claire to get that date with Luke.


It's been three days and I still did not get any reply from him. What's worse is that I haven't come out of any alternative plans. I thought 'Stage Two' would be easy for me but it drained me out. This was really a big challenge for my career as Mr.SweetTalker but I will not give up. I just need to dig deeper.

"Kristofer, are you okay?" Niko asked me. We were hanging out at one of the benches in school. "you looked tired.." he added.

"I wasn't able to get enough rest these past days..(yawned) I never thought working after school would be so hard."

The manager told me that Luke won't make it after school this week and will work next weekend, so I was on my own during weekdays. It was already late when I get home.

"Don't wear yourself out too much bro." he put his arm over my shoulder

"I know pandas are cute but try not to look like them" he chuckled.

"and I really thought you care for your bro!" I teased back.

"By the way, how's it going with Pam?" His eyes told me to check on Pam in a distance.

"Well, we talked about things over the phone, but nothing serious really..". I saw Pam looked our way and she waved hello to us.

"She's perfect for you bro!" He said trying to convince me.

"I'm not looking for any commitment, I got a lot on my plate already," I explained.

He just said, "Well, if I were you... I'll grab this chance because one day when you lose it, you won't get it back."


(The School bell rang)

"Tomorrow, I expect your business research in my office before 3:00 PM. I will not accept any late submission." Mr. Ferrer mentioned it while fixing his things. Then it hit me...

"Shoot!" I blurted out. I was busy the whole week and I totally have forgotten about our project! Why didn't Luke remind me about it? I totally let my guard down, now I must face the consequence of failing a major subject.

I looked at Luke feeling agitated. This asshole! I stood up and started to confront him.

"Why didn't you remind me about it?" I asked him, I'm really furious. "Now, we're doomed. We don't have enough time for this research paper." I'm pacing back and forth. "My brother will not be happy about this..". I can feel my ears turning red. "I know you did this in purpose."

"Will you calm down!" He exclaimed. The classroom became quiet and everyone is looking at us.

"We do have time.." he said looking straight to my eyes.

"How?" I asked.

"Come with me to my apartment tonight.."

Then all the girls screamed.


On our way to his apartment, he explained that he spent the week doing the research by himself. That's why he can't report to work in the past days. He didn't ask for my help because he knew I was too busy and he doesn't want me to add this research to my worries. He asked me to come with him tonight to do the last editing and get my approval.

We arrived at a residential building 'La Place Suites'. He parked his car and we headed to his apartment on the second floor of the building. He opened the door with a card key and let me in. He put down his things on his couch and went to the bathroom.

His apartment is not bad for a single person. Once you enter the room, you'll see his living room. There's a comfort room on the right side with his wardrobe next to it and his kitchen on the right. At the far back, he got his bed and study table. The pieces of furniture are modern in style. His father got a good taste. Overall, the place is unbelievable and I'm envious.

I was checking the stuff on his shelf when I saw a bottle of a yogurt drink.

"I thought you're allergic to dairy?" I asked loud enough for him to hear me.

"What?" his voice echoed from the bathroom.

He stepped out of the bathroom to check on me.

"Did you drink this? It's empty." I said as I shook the bottle.

He walked closer and said, "It's from one of my friends, maybe they left it there when they visited me last time." He took the bottle out of my hand and he walked to his bedroom.

I put down my bag on his couch and followed him to his bedroom. He turned on his laptop and began to look for the file.

"Your friends?" I asked as I sat on his bed.

"Mike and Jessie", he answered. I remember them. They seem to be really close to each other.

"Oh, I see. How long you've been friends?" I asked trying to know their story.

"Since grade school," he answered while checking files on his laptop

"Really? Hmmm. Why did you choose to study in a different school then?" I asked being nosy.

"There are things that you don't need to know so don't ask too much," he said, he seemed a bit agitated by me.

I felt sleepy sitting on his soft bed, my body wanted to lay down so bad. I felt nauseated for a bit. I guessed my body was paying the price for all the hard work from the past days.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I stood up and went to get my phone in my bag.

I called my mom and told her I might get home really late since this project is due tomorrow.

Luke prepared the files for me to check. I looked at him and he looks serious in front of his laptop. He got a beautiful profile from my point of view. His defined nose and lips really heightened his appearance not to mention his eyes. The light from the screen makes his skin so radiant like I'm staring at an angel.

"Uhm, sorry if I yelled at you earlier." I really felt bad at what I did.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not mad," he said still facing his laptop. He looked at me and said, "I'll never get mad at you."

I just looked into his eyes, quite puzzled by what he meant. I don't know how to respond to that.

He turned to his laptop and showed me the research paper.

"You can check it now." He stood up and let me sit on the chair.

"I'll go ahead and get us food from the convenience store across the street," he said while putting on his jacket.

"You want something?" he asked.

"I want something spicy to help me stay awake," I suggested. He just nodded and made his way out.

I checked on the research paper that he worked on and I'm impressed. He actually did a pretty good job. He really doesn't need me at all for this. While reading some parts of the report, I felt queasy inside. I tried to keep my focus on but my sight is getting blurry. I touch my forehead with the back of the hand and I felt hot. I looked at the doorway hoping Luke will be back. I tried to stand but I passed out.
