Chapter 6: Yes I do the thinking!

It has been three days after what happened and I never been this depressed in my whole life. Every time that I see Luke at the café, it always reminded me of what happened so I tried to evade any conversation with him and just ignored him the whole weekend. It was hard for me since we were getting along as friends. At school, everyone was staring at me everywhere I go. Jenna asked me to eat the stress out so we went to the cafeteria to grab some food.

We were in line to pay at the counter when...

"Kristofer Blanco!" someone called my name and when I turned around there were these girls standing in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Is there anything going on between you and our prince, Luke?" She asked. Prince Luke? Then I saw some of them wearing pins that say '#LukeIsMine' and bands that have Luke's name on it. They are his zombie fans.

"What?" I asked feeling confused.

"You're always together, you work in the same place and he even liked your picture together"

"Huh? What picture?". I asked again and more confused than before.

"Don't be too discursive and go straight to the point.." The girl asked rigorously.

"We're just friends", I answered promptly, then I saw their expression shifted to being so delighted.

"Okay... That's good... But we will still keep our eyes on you.." She said it as a warning. Then all of them walked away happily.


"What's going on?" I asked Jenna.

"I think it has something to do with this..", she said then she showed me her phone and there it was. I was in shock when I saw it. A photo of me on top of Luke. That incident happened last Friday night. Someone took a shot of that awkward moment and posted it online with the caption, 'when fate finds it's own way..'

"Shit!, Who would do this?"

"His friend, Jessie, posted it." She said then sat beside me. "Here, check the names who liked it," she handed me her phone.

"You liked it too!" I shouted then I looked at her quite disappointed. She just gave me a guilty smile.

"I can't help myself. That photo is so cute to ignore... I can see that as the cover of my story..." She said with her fanatic self again.

"Whatever... Wait... Who's this?... 'ilikeskuLKer'?"

"It's Luke.." She blurted out. "Last Friday I saw a post by Mike about them hanging out and he tagged that IG account. I checked and was surprised to realize that it was Luke for real." She added.

"Really?" I can't believe Luke really made an IG account. "..skulker... Isn't that the small ghost blob in Danny Phantom?"

"I don't know.. I didn't watch that cartoon. Besides, I don't think he meant it that way." She's said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Check this out.. See these two letters? L and K. They are both capitalized. So I'm thinking its both your initials "L" and "K". Luke and Kris.

"You really have a very imaginative mind huh?" I told her, not believing her enthusiasm.

"Well, I really got a good feeling about this." She said then checked her phone again.

"Hey! someone commented that you did it in purpose." She uttered as she browses on the comments.

"Jeez! That's nonsense. People should stop spreading rumors." I'm really agitated by how people could be mean sometimes. They didn't know the real story but they kept on assuming things and it was getting more absurd.

"Jen... What should I do?" I asked her in a low-spirited tone. "If this will go on, Luke's fans will surely put a price on my head," I added.

"Have you talked to Luke?" She asked.

"Not yet. I'm actually avoiding him." I answered then leaned back on the chair.

"But why? Well, if there's someone who can stop these rumors... that's him," she suggested.

I looked at her.

"All he needs to do is make a post explaining that it's all a misunderstanding.." She said. "His fans will definitely believe him and leave you alone." She added.

"Yeah.. you're right," I said, she got a point. "..but... I don't know if he will talk to me. I haven't said anything to him after what happened."

"But you should try it." She asserted.

"Oh God! This is stressing me out! There's a lot going on but I'm most concerned about how can I pay Claire back," I said messing my hair with both hands.

"Well... If you can persuade Luke to post an explanation... knowing that she still got a chance with Luke, then Claire will certainly go on with your deal and won't ask you to pay her back anymore." She said. She's really good at problems like this.

"But I can't face him right now," I asked feeling down once again.

"Who said you have to talk to him personally. He still doesn't know it is you... who is behind the texts, right?" She said.

Thanks to Jenna, I was able to come up with a plan that will solve the problems all at once.


I was in my room pacing from right left to right holding my phone. I'm anxious. What if he won't reply? Then I would need to think of a way to pay Claire. But I haven't figured that out. I took a deep breath and started typing.

<--Hi Luke, it's me again. Care to chat?

Please, Luke, you got to respond. Then I heard an alert.


Yes! Gotcha!

<--I saw the picture and read some comments.

<--They are being mean to your friend, Kris.

-->He deserved that.

What a jerk! What made you think I deserve that? You dimwit! He's really getting into my nerves.

<--But it was an accident, right?

-->Says who?

Now I'm furious! You need to calm down Kristofer. I can feel the heat getting up to my ear. I just took a deep breath.

<--I saw him being nagged by your fans. He got hurt pretty badly.

-->Are you sure?

-->He seems fine when I saw him.

He saw me? I haven't seen him at school for the whole day.

<--It happened after that.

-->And why are we talking about this?

This guy is as cold as ever. I had enough of his justifications.

<--Just make a post explaining its all a misunderstanding or I'll never talk to you again.

That didn't sound right. Whatever. He must get what I mean.


I didn't get any response from Luke after my last message, and it bugged me the whole night. I guess I need to think of a way now to pay back Claire. I can't ask my brother to lend me the money, he already used most of his personal savings to help our mother. I have to take care of this on my own.

I just got inside the campus when I heard someone called my name.


I saw Luke got out of his car. Suddenly I got nervous. Did he find out it's me? I became fidgety and just trotted away from him.

"Hey! Kris!" I heard him called me several times already but I just kept on going forward, not looking back to face him. I made a turn and hid behind a column. I waited for a moment to check if he's still following me. When I didn't hear his voice anymore, I felt relieved but then...


He's already behind me. I slowly turned around and saw him staring at me...

"Why are you running?" He asked

All I thought of was to apologize and hope he would understand.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... Sorry... Sorry... Please don't be mad... I will do anything... Just forgive me..." I said jittery.

"What are you blabbering about?" He asked.

"I'm saying sorry," I answered still worried.

"Sorry for what?" He said calmly.

"For what I did... Wait... You're not mad... Why are you after me then?" I asked very confusedly.

"Haist, the manager wants to know if you will make it tonight... I was about to ask you but you just ran away like nuts." He said.

"Oh... That's it?... I'm sorry... I thought otherwise," I said. Whew! That was close.

"Silly." He uttered, then he gently patted my head.

I startled when I felt his hand. His hand was warm and his touch was comforting. I felt safe all of a sudden. I still can't understand why I kept on feeling this way whenever Luke was with me. I wanted to stay this way but it didn't last long.

"See? I told you.. they're together again" a girl told the other girls that came with her. They were Luke's fans. Why now? These fans are savages. They will definitely beat the crap out of me seeing Luke together with me.

"Since you're here our prince. We want to hear it from you directly. What's the real score between you two?" The girl who seemed to be the president of his fan club asked Luke.

Luke definitely got this. Please Luke... say something right or my life in this university will be ruined.

"Kris... is... just a friend." He finally said it. I was so relieved.

His fans looked at each other happily and excitedly.

"Our prince has spoken." The president said. Then all of them took their phones out and started taking pictures and videos with Luke. I was pushed aside by one of the fans. They are really crazy about him.

"Could you do me favor?" I heard Luke asked the president.

"Anything for you, our majesty." She said bowing down.

"Can you tell everyone that everything was just a misconception. What happened was just an accident." He said with his resting face.

"Sure. We will take care of that." The president responded then went back taking pictures of him again.

Luke glanced at me then walked away. His fans followed him as normal and I was left there alone. What just happened? It's not the way I planned but it looked like my problem had been solved.


"His zombie fans are really doing a great job, Tope," Jenna said while browsing her phone. "They are rebuking anyone who will say something against Luke's statement." She added.

"Well, I didn't get Luke himself to post an explanation but his army did it on his behalf," I explained.

"It seems like you're off the hook then." She said.

"That's why I want to celebrate my freedom this Friday after school." I declared openly.

"Where?" She asked excitedly.

"My brother got tickets to spend the whole weekend in Palawan and he will bring our mom with him," I explained.

"That's great! So that means..." She sid getting pumped up.

"Yeah! We can celebrate at my house!" I blurted.

"Yey! Wait.. Have you said your thanks to Luke?" She asked suddenly cutting her excitement.

"Why would I do that? His friend started the chaos with that ridiculous post." I said.

"Really, Tope?" She sounds quite disappointed.

"Okay... okay... I guess I can thank him not as me through text.." I said, waving my phone at her.

"Whatever, just do it." She said then went back on her business.

What should I tell luke?

<--Hey Luke, thank you.

-->For what?

Hmmm. He does reply really quickly.

<--You told your fans that they are misjudging Kris. Thanks for doing that for him.

-->You don't deserve to be treated like that.

Wait. Does he already know it's me? That can't be...


-->I mean Kris. Thanks for telling me what to do.

Thank God he still doesn't have a clue.

<--Oh, so you did it for me then.


<--Don't fall for me yet, I might say yes.

-->I just did.

Luke can be cheesy sometimes. Girls will probably have their hearts melt, he got me... so it will definitely work with girls... if only he stops ignoring them. Wait... what did I just say?

I didn't reply after that because I haven't talked to Claire about pursuing my plan. But I guess, keeping him hanging like that will not deter with my plan.


My brother and my mom left in the afternoon so they're no longer at home when I arrived from school. I just gave them a call and asked for permission to have a little celebration. I told them it was for acing an exam and receiving my first salary from my part-time job. They let me throw a party but I promised to keep the house clean. I called the manager and told him I won't be able to work for tonight. I told him the same thing as I told my brother and said he's good with that. Jenna came early and helped me prepare some food. I invited Niko and Miya to come and said they will a bit late than what I intended.

"I guess it would be just the two of us for the next hour or so," I told Jen looking at the clock.

"That's okay, they will be here any time later on," she said while washing her hands.

"Yeah, you're right... so what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Let's buy some drinks. A party is not a party at all without alcohol." She implied.

"What? Do you drink now?" I asked. I didn't know that.

"Of course, what do you think I am. My sister thought me how," she explained confidently.

"Well, your sister is a wild one," I said letting out a laugh.

"But not as wild as Pam..." She said poking fun at me.

"Oh come on, don't remind me that. I'm still having nightmares of her trying to eat me alive!" I said while we're walking to the living room. "I still can't believe someone like her can be like that when drunk," I added.

"Well, it's hard liquor. You can't really control yourself when it takes over your body." She explained.

"Let's have some light beer then," I suggested.

"That's a good idea." She agreed.

We went out and buy some beer at a convenience store, on our way back I saw Jenna doodling on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to peek on her phone.

She then hid her phone and said, "Nothing..."

"By the way, why didn't you invite Claire to come? It's not like she's a stranger. She is friends with Miya." She asked all of a sudden.

"I tried earlier at school but she just gave me this stern look and left," I answered.

"Oh, I see." She uttered.

We got home and started drinking while playing some music. It was about 8:00 PM when we heard the doorbell rung.

"That must be Niko and Miya," Jenna said.

"I'll get it," I said then went to open the door.

"Niko! Miya! You made it." I greeted them then I noticed someone else behind them. "Oh, you have company." I blurted out.

"Hi, Kristofer."

The voice was familiar. It's Pam.

"Hi, Pam! It's... nice to see... you!" I said, somewhat bewildered.

"Miya invited her over to join us, she wants to tell you something," Niko explained.

Pam walked over to me and said, "I just want to say sorry for what happened last time." She's her normal self. "Actually, I can't remember what I did to you, Miya just told me I puked on your shoes. So I'm saying sorry about that." She explained.

She really can't remember what she did aside from puking in front of me. I just told her, "That's fine. You don't need to say sorry."

"Come inside!" I offered.

Jenna was laughing out loud when I told her about it. Niko got there own share of the drinks. Pam, on the other hand, refused to drink any alcohol. So we prepared juice for her.

We were laughing all the time, playing board games, and dancing to the music. I may not have a lot of friends but seeing them having fun like me made me really happy.

Then we heard the doorbell rang again.

"Do you expect someone else?" Niko asked me.

"No..." I said. I looked over to Jenna and she just looked away. What did you do this time Jen?

I stood up and walk over to the door. Who could it be? Could it be Claire? I remembered inviting her, I thought she rejected my invitation.

When I opened the door, Jessie came sweeping straight inside shouting, "Let's get the party started!".

Mike came in after him and said "We brought drinks and pizza for you guys" I just nodded and was so surprised to see them barging in my house.

"Hey.." Luke called my attention handing out a bottle of champagne.

"Hey... Luke... What's this for? What are you doing here?" I asked I am more than surprised to see them here.

"Jenna invited us to join your party and said something about a celebration... That's a gift from me." He explained.

Jenna! You got some explaining to do!

"Thanks... Come in," I offered.

He walked over to me and asked, "What exactly are you celebrating?"

I just gave him a smile and led him inside.


"Why did you invite them?" I asked Jenna almost in a whisper. We were in the kitchen preparing the food.

"I saw their post looking for a place to hang out, I thought... since we're having a party, why don't they just join us," she explained.

"We only have enough for the five of us... good thing they brought pizza with them," I said while stacking some plates to go with the food.

"It's a party, Tope. The more the merrier. So stop whining and help me get this food to them." She said then we brought out the food to the living room.

"Sorry for waiting guys... so we have here carbonara pasta, chicken pops, and Tope's favorite... pizza! Sponsored by Luke and his friends... Yehey!" Jenna said while clapping her hands.

I glanced at Luke and I caught him staring at me. I looked away and said, "Let's eat guys... Dig in.."

We were done eating and now enjoying the drinks.

Everyone is enjoying themselves. Jen and the other girls are talking about fashion and sharing pictures with each other while the boys are all laughing about Niko's impressions. I glanced at Luke again. Seeing him smiling and laughing really warms me up. It's a good feeling I guess. I opened another two bottles of beer and walked towards Luke.

I leaned forward to him and said "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" I handed over the bottle of beer.

We stepped away from our friends.

"So what's going on?" He asked.

"Uhm... I just want to say thank you for coming... I know it's not the party you expected but still, you chose to stay..." I said.

"Well, it's a pretty decent party but we're having fun," he said pointing at our friends having a good time.

"Well, you made it special," I mumbled.

"Huh?" He uttered after drinking up his beer.

"I mean.. The pizza... I love pizza... Special pizza.." I said making an excuse.

He just let out a smirk and took another sip on his bottle.

"And... Uhm... about last Friday... I wanted to say sorry about what happened." I said regretfully.

"If you want to kiss me so badly. You could have just told me," he said. His words went over and over in my head. Kiss? Is that really a kiss? So it's his lips?

"Did we?" I asked baffled.

"I'm kidding..." He said.

Whew! I felt the heat tensing up.

"But seriously, I will never forget that kiss."

It feels like a bomb exploded in my chest when he said those words. The music faded faintly and all I can see was his face... His beautiful face.

My heart pounded as I looked into his eyes. My heart pounded faster when I gazed down his nose. Then my heart wanted to get out of my chest when I'm already looking at his lips.

What's happening to me? I shouldn't be feeling this. I'm a man and Luke is a perfect specimen created by God. No! I'm a perfect specimen too just like him. I'm not sure what's going on but at this moment, I think it's wrong.

The moment was cut off by Jessie calling us. He wanted us to join everyone to play a game.

"Hey! lovebirds, let's play Truth or Dare."
