"Where did you go last night?" Jenna asked me right after she met me in the cafeteria...
"I got drunk and went home very late" I lied.
I hesitated to tell her the truth since I know the way how she thinks. I just can't imagine to what extent her imagination will go once I told her that I woke up in someone else's bed.
"Well, you should have a good reason to forget your class in the morning and came to school during lunch break."
"I do... I have a terrible hangover this morning... I'm still not over it until now." I said as my massage my temple with both hands.
"And things got even worse... My mother scolded me for being drunk and I'm grounded for a week." I sloped my chin on my hand, "She didn't even allow me to go to my part-time job this week," I added as I tousled my hair.
I know there's more because I haven't talked to my brother. I hate this day.
"You had it coming... If I'm your mom I will give you a couple of slaps and hang you by your feet." She said with matching actions and it scared me. She's worse than my mom. "What were you thinking? Getting drunk the night before your morning class?"
"I didn't mean to... Things... just got out of hand." I said looking at her feeling sorry. Then she noticed the bruise.
"Are you telling me the truth? It seemed like you've been in a fight."
"I got into a little trouble last night at the bar but it's nothing serious."
"Oh my God, Tope... Since when did you learn to fight?"
"I didn't... That's why I got this... I got knocked out with one punch."
"Oh shit! Really? Wait... If you got knocked out how did you get home..."
"Uhm... Ah... I regained consciousness after a while... Then I went home... That's it."
She's giving me the side-eye. I just gave her a fake smile.
"Whatever... I got so worried after Luke came to me and asked about you."
"Did you tell him anything?"
"Uhm... Nothing..." She's not looking at me. What did you do this time, Jen? Now, I'm giving her the scorn look.
"Kris!" Someone called me from behind and I was startled to see Chad walking closer to us.
"Shit!" I uttered.
What is he doing here? If Jenna found out what really happened, she will definitely get mad at me for lying about it.
"Who is he?" Jenna asked as Chad stopped right in front of us.
"I'm Chad..." He cordially introduced himself to Jenna. Then reached out for a handshake. Jenna took his hand with her mouth agape as she gazed on Chad's face.
"Uhm... Ah... Chad... this is Jenna, my friend... Jenna... this is Chad, Claire's brother." I introduced them to each other hoping that it would end there. I don't want any more trouble today.
"What? No way! No wonder he's hot... like his sister!" Jenna was still stunned with what she's seeing right now.
"Why do you always got to meet the hottest guys first? It's not fair!" She said acting grumpy.
I just let out a snort-laugh then faced Chad giving him a 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing-here' eyes. He didn't seem to get it so I just asked him.
"What are you doing here?"
"I got your clothes back after you left this morning but I didn't know your address so I came here to find you and give you this," He said as he handed over a paper bag with my clothes from yesterday.
Geez! Why did I even ask? I clicked my tongue and slowly looked at Jen. She seemed so shocked by what she had heard.
"You mean... You're with him... this morning?" She asked me. I didn't know how to answer her.
"Yes, he slept in my unit after we had enough drink last night He passed out after beaten down," Chad answered her, and I knew that didn't translate well to Jenna. With her malicious mind, it would sound like it could be anything else.
"You slept with him?" She blurted out and I was right. "So you never made it home, and lied to me about it?"
She's making my hang-over even worse.
"Jen... Let me explain..."
"How could you! I'm your best friend..." She's being frantic.
"It's not what you think," I said trying to convince her to listen.
"How could you hide something like this to me..." She kept ongoing.
"This kind of real-life experience is a good addition to my novel! A great inspiration! The lost prince got carried away by a stranger who happened to be a prince as well. He was imprisoned in the highest tower of the castle. The stranger can no longer hold his carnal desire so he took the lost prince's clothes off with force. The lost prince can't fight back so he let the stranger do whatever he wants with his fragile body!"
"Huh?" I just want somebody to slice her head off.
I guess I don't need to worry about her. I just heard Chad giggled at Jenna's overly ingenious imagination.
I thought it was the end but terrible things just kept on coming.
"Hey! Get away from him!" Luke exclaimed as he pushed Chad strong enough to make him moved a few steps back.
"Luke! No!" What's going on?
I tried to stop him but I saw his eyes that were pinned on Chad, they were not the usual eyes that I always see. He's mad.
Chad composed himself and walked closer to Luke.
"So... You're Luke, huh?" Chad looked at him assertively.
"What did you do to him?" Luke said then grabbed Chad by his shirt.
"What are you talking about?" I'm confused.
"Stay away from Kris, " Luke said those words with gritted teeth and clenched fists.
"You can't tell me what to do," Chad pushed Luke's arm away and stepped even closer to him. They both look ready to take each other down.
"I won't go easy on you," Luke said trying to intimidate Chad.
"Haha... You don't scare me punk," Chad gave him a smirk and his eyes became sharper.
" Try me..." Luke provoked him.
"Bes, do something!" I heard Jenna whimpered from behind me. I was just as scared as she was with the tension that both Luke and Chad are sending out right now. I don't know what's going on but I have to stop them before things get out of control.
"Stop!" I exclaimed and got in between to separate them. "Both of you! Stop it!" I looked to both of them infuriated by their childishness.
"Chad, thank you for bringing my stuff but I think you should go..."
"And you!" I glanced at Luke.
"..come with me." I grabbed him by the arm and yanked him away.
"What are you doing?" I asked Luke after I let go of him. I want to understand what's going on.
"Me?... You should ask that to yourself... What are you doing?", His eyes were still mad and his voice shook with anger.
"I don't understand why you're so mad, and why did you do that to Chad." I raised my voice to demand answers from him.
"Look at this!" He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture. It was me being carried by Chad on the way out from the bar.
"What the?"
"Mike send me that picture, he happened to meet someone at that bar when he saw you on your way out." He explained with his eyes glaring... with pain?
I pressed my hands on my head and felt a gush of pain as I realized that like Jenna, he concluded... something else had happened between me and Chad.
"Why did you let him do that?" He asked still got his eyes mixed with anger and pain.
"You don't understand... It's not what you think!" I tried to explain everything but then...
"Then make me understand!... I deserve an explanation!" He raised his voice and I was terrified.
"Nothing happened! Geez! Calm down! I got beaten up and he helped get out of that place!" I got pissed off and was not able to control my temper. He noticed the bruise in my face and his expression suddenly changed from furious to worried.
"I-I'm sorry... I didn't... I didn't know." He said with a softer tone. He tried to check my bruise but I stopped him.
"Of course, you didn't know! You're not even there!" My emotion got a hold of me.
"Why am I explaining myself to you? It's my life! I'll do whatever I want. It doesn't concern you..." I'm fuming with animosity and frustration from everything that had happened today.
"You should mind your own business and spend more time with your girlfriend. So back off! You're not my boyfriend!" I said those words blatantly. I vented out all other feelings that bottled up in me. I can't help it, he started it.
I didn't hear any response from him. I looked into his eyes and I saw pure sadness and pain.
"Yeah... Your right..." He said those words like he's about to cry. Then I felt sorry for him.
"Luke... I-I'm..." I faltered.
"I get it... For you... I'm just a nobody." He slowly walked backward and before he turned around he said...
"I think you should talk to Claire"
I went back to the cafeteria to talk to Jenna. Chad went his way after I told him to go. I explained to Jenna everything and she already forgave me for lying about it.
Luke didn't show up to our classes after the lunch break and I'm really worried about him. I said things to him not thinking about what he would feel. His eyes told me he's hurt but I got hurt too. Don't I have the right to get mad for assuming I did something that clearly never taken place?
It's just a big misunderstanding.
Another thing that bothered me was why he asked me to talk to Claire. Maybe Claire asked him to tell me to meet her once he saw me... She might just want to say her thanks to me... Probably... But why did she bother Luke for that? She can just look for me herself. I guess I will know the answer once I talk to her.
After class, I went to see Claire. I saw her walking the hallway.
"Claire!" I called out and approached her.
I just stood there in front of her waiting for her to say 'thank you'.
"What?" She uttered.
"Huh? Luke told me to talk to you, I thought you're going to thank me for yesterday," I said. I have a bad feeling about this.
"I don't think it's necessary... I had my chance but it was over."
"What? I'm confused?"
Her eyes became sad.
"When I first met Luke from last year's fair, I know I like him,"
"He was here?"
"Yes, he was introduced to me by his friends but he didn't even take a second look at me. So when I heard the news that he transferred to our school, I thought this is my chance... Niko told me about this Mr.SweetTalker in exchange for my friend's number..."
Niko did what? Wait. Could it be?
"Pam..." I mumbled.
"Offering you that deal was my biggest mistake."
"What do you mean?"
"Shortly after I finally introduced my self as part of your plan, he said something.."
"Why do you have this number?" Luke asked Claire after he dropped the call.
"It's mine..."
"It's not yours!" Luke raised his voice.
"It's true! I don't know how can I make you notice me that's why I started texting you. I didn't know how you will react if you knew it was me so I kept myself unnamed." Claire explained.
"Oh yeah? If it's you then what did we talk about? What was your first message? When did I open up to you? Can you show me our messages together?"
"Well... We talked about a lot of things. And... I... erased all messages in my inbox... So..."
"Stop lying!"
(end of flashback)
"He left me there alone. I felt ashamed of myself. Then he came back to confront me... I was appalled when he asked me about our deal. He made me confessed everything. He made me feel how pitiful I am for going too far..." She said those words with tears falling down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry... Claire... I didn't expect it would turn out that way... I know! I'll just give you back your money, " I really felt bad for her. And knowing that Luke found out about our deal, it made me guiltier.
"About that... " she wiped her tears. "He already took care of that and he wants me to stay away from him."
This is getting ridiculous! What was he thinking? If he's not into her he could have said and treated her in a nice way. But why does he need to ridicule her?
I was not able to say anything after that. I'm so mad! She walked away from me after she composed herself. I've got to talk to Luke and make him apologize to Claire. She didn't deserve it.
I went home after school as promised. I called the café's manager and explained what happened. He was very understanding that he allowed me to take the week off. A lot has happened today and I'm really tired. All of this happened because I failed. This was the first time that my plans didn't turn out my desired way. I am the reason why Claire got heartbroken.
I opened my laptop and shut down my site... This was for the better. I realized that playing as someone's shadow, not only brings two people together but also brings suffering and a broken heart. I don't want to be the reason behind someone's tears. I'm really sorry about what happened to Claire but to prevent further hearts to mourn, I decided to end my career as Mr.SweetTalker.
I laid down on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. A lot of things were running in my head, I can't sleep.
I heard a message alert on my phone and I checked on it.
-->Can you call me, please?
It's from Jenna, I wonder what's her problem now?
I call her number and right after the first ring, she answered her phone.
"Tope! Thank God you called me!"
"What's wrong?"
"I can no longer hold my peace!"
"Say it."
"Remember when I called you yesterday? I was actually in speakerphone and Luke heard everything you've said about your deal with Claire. He begged me to tell him what I know about it... and I did. I even gave him your personal number." She explained.
"Sorry, Bes!"
I let out a sigh.
"Well, that's what I figured. We can't do anything about it now. It's over..." I said normally.
"You're not mad?" She asked.
"No... I'm done with so much resentment for today. So we're good."
"Thanks, Tope! Now I can sleep!" She sounded so relieved.
"Sure... Go ahead. I'll see you at school tomorrow... Good night, Bes!"
"Okay! Good night Bes!"
Right after I dropped the call, my mother knocked on my door and opened it.
"Yes, Ma?"
"A guy came here and asked me to give you this." She said as she handed over something.
I was surprised to see what it was. It's a bolster pillow!
"Wow! I've always wanted to have one of these!" I'm so excited at the moment and just hugged it tightly like a child.
At last, something good happened before the day ends!
"Wait, Ma... Did you recognize who gave it to you?" I asked.
"No... He was in a hurry so I wasn't able to ask for his name." She said then went off.
Who could it be? Who would give me this bolster? I held it up then I noticed a printed star in the center with my name written on it.
"Whoa! It was custom-made..." I murmured. Then I remember yesterday at the fair, I saw this kind of bolster that you can personalize by printing anything you like on the pillowcase. The person I'm with during that time was... Could it be Luke?
I stood up abruptly and head outside our house hoping I could see him. I looked around but he's nowhere to be found. I know! Let me call him.
I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up the phone. I got no luck. I dialed again and this time he answered it.
"Hi!" I greeted.
"What?" He sounded not in the mood to talk.
"Did you... Uhm... Are you the one who got me the pillow?" I asked.
"What pillow?"
"Remember yesterday, I mentioned I want to have one... at the tin can alley game... Yeah! You were there with me," I explained. Please say 'yes'.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He's being cold as usual.
"And why would I give something after what you did, huh?"
That hit me hard deep inside. He was right.
"Sorry... You're right... Sorry to bother you..." I concluded then dropped the call.
He's really annoying! But... If it's not from him... Who would give me such a nice present? Whoever it is, thanks to him, he turned my day complete 360 degrees. I walked back into our house smiling.
Luke's POV:
I saw him smiling as he walked back into their house. I wanted to say sorry to him but I don't know how? Good thing I saw those guys who set up the tin can alley game. They were wrapping up when I saw one of them piling up the bolster pillows. I remember Kris wanted to have one of his own. I pleaded for them to allow me to buy it and they did. They asked me if I want to have something printed on it and an idea came into my mind.
I'm just happy that I was able to see him smile. I may have done things that upset him but I did that for him... For us.
I started the engine of my car and before I went my way, I looked at my side and smiled to see my own bolster pillow...
..with the same star and my name written on it.