Chapter 20: Yes I do the wishing!

Days came by so fast and the homecoming party will be held this coming Saturday. Every girl in our classroom was very excited about it, especially Jenna. She can't wait to wear the dress that Alex prepared for her with the help of Kim, his father's secretary. She can't hide her happiness every time we talked about it. I haven't seen the dress yet, she wants to surprise me on the event itself. But I do know, she will be beautiful that night. I can tell by the glow on her face because of being in love. Alex has been an excellent boyfriend so far and I commended him for taking good care of my best friend.

Niko and Miya were doing good. Miya has been fully recovered but Niko still needs to wear the cast for three more months until his arm fully healed.

Luke was with his buddies, Mike and Jessie, enjoying their lunch at the cafeteria. These past days he had been so sweet to me. He's really serious about hitting and flirting on me. I appreciate every moment he's with me that I almost say 'Yes' to him. But Jenna told me to wait... I just hope he won't get tired of me.

Me... I'm fine...

I received a call from my brother this morning. He told me they won't be able to see me on my birthday. He needs to attend a seminar and my mother will be left at home. But he told me they sent me a gift and it will be delivered tomorrow. I know I am supposed to be sad but somehow I'm fine with it. I don't want to bother them so much besides I'm an adult now. A birthday celebration is no longer a big deal, right? I'm turning twenty-one this coming Sunday and I'm not that excited... and I can't tell the reason why.

I closed the book that I'm reading and put it back on the shelf. I grabbed my guitar and walked out of the library to meet Jenna at our favorite spot on the university grounds. From a distance, I saw her chatting with Pam.

"What took you so long, Tope?" Jenna asked as I walked closer to them.

"I was in the library and did some reading for our business class later on..." I answered as I sat on the bench and put down my guitar beside me.

"You really are so studious, no wonder why you're so smart..." Pam complimented me.

"I just make sure I won't fail any subjects... That's it."

"I wish I have a brain like yours... All the business research and philosophy really make me dizzy." Jenna said.

"Just tell me and I will help you, Jen... I can tutor you if you want..." I offered.

"You can tutor me..." Pam blurted out.

"Pam, you're not a business major. I don't know anything about accounting..." I told her.

"Nice try, Pam..." Jenna teased as she laughed at her.

I can't help it but smile on how she sulked about it.

"Pam! Practice in 15 minutes!" Miya called out on Pam from afar.

I waved my hand to greet her and she waved back.  I'm happy that she's back on track practicing.

"I'll be right there!" Pam shouted loud enough for Miya to hear her.

"Okay! Be quick!" Miya waved goodbye to us and walked away.

"Sorry guys... But I have to go... Chat you later!" Pam picked up her bag and skipped her way out away from us.

"She's really a high-spirited girl," I said out of awe.

"I know, right! Too bad she's into someone who's going to have a boyfriend soon..." Now, Jen is teasing me.

"Shut up, Jen."

"So... Any plans yet?" She asked.

"Negative. I can't think of any way to do it."

"Hmmm... I know!" She blurted out and picked up my guitar.

"Why don't you express it through music? You're good with that." She said as she handed over the guitar to me.

"Not bad... But what song?"

"Well... You still have three days to think and prepare for it..."

"But do you think a song would be enough?" I'm still unsure about her idea.

"Of course it is... Wait... I know someone from the organizers of the homecoming this Saturday..." She sounded enthusiastic about it.

"Oh... So what?"

"I thought of a way that will make your song special."


I was practicing with my guitar on our couch when Luke got home from work. I immediately stopped and greeted him.

"Hey, how's your day at the café?"

"As usual, it's busy tonight. Ben and I stretched ourselves to serve everyone." He said as he walked right through the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"If only you let me work with you this week... you won't be tired like this... An extra hand will help a lot, you know." I said.

Last Monday, he asked me to stay at home after school for the whole week. He won't allow me to help them at the café. He said it would benefit me. I was skeptical but still agreed to him.

"Nah... I'm keeping you away from stress for the homecoming... I want you to look fresh." He drank his water and put down the glass on the sink.

"Ah... So you mean I look like a wilted vegetable... You look like one yourself." I tried to poke fun at him to make him smile and ease up his stress.

"Oh really? I thought someone told me I look handsome as always last night." He said as he walked closer and leaned on the couch.

"You're with someone else? Who was it?" I asked thinking who could it be.

"It's you... silly." He said as he sat on the couch as well.

"Did I say that?" I really can't recall it.

"Remember, last night, you fell asleep while studying... I went into your room to give you a cup of coffee... I was a bit startled when you talked." He explained.

"Well... It's my subconscious self... It may not what I meant." I said to make an excuse. It's embarrassing to know I talked while I'm asleep.

"You clearly said my name..."

"Whatever..." I uttered.

"You're being sulky again... I'm sorry." He rubbed my hair with his hand.

I just smiled.

"It seems you're practicing something?" He implored as he saw the guitar on my side.

"Not really... I just missed playing my guitar." I can't tell him that I'm preparing something for him.

"May I hear you play a song now?"

"Nope... I'm tired already." I said as I stood up and picked up my guitar.

"Huh? That's not fair."

"Then... You've got to wait." I said as I gave him a smirk and went inside my room.

The next day I decided to skipped classes and stayed at home to wait for the package that my family sent me. I told Luke about it and he let me. I was waiting patiently in our living room until I heard the doorbell rang.

I hurriedly opened the door and was surprised to see Chad.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Package for Kristofer Blanco?"


I was in the kitchen and poured out cold water into a glass. I walked towards our living room and gave Chad the glass of water.

"Thanks." He uttered.

I sat down across him and began to ask.

"So... Tell me how this happened?"

"Well... I found a part-time job as a courier for a logistics company. It just so happen that I was assigned for this package... To be honest, I was hesitant when I saw your name but my boss would not be happy if I didn't do my job."

"I see... What a coincidence..."

"There is no such thing as 'coincidence'... everything happens for a reason."

I felt a bit anxious when he said that

"So this is where you live with that guy, Luke." He asked as he looked around our house.

"Yes, originally, my family lived here but Luke bought this home and I somehow lived with him."

"I see..."

We were quiet for a moment and it started to get really awkward.

"Okay... Anything else?" I asked to break the silence.

He took a deep breath and flashed a smile.

"You're anxious, aren't you?"

I didn't answer him.

"You don't have to be, Kris... I know it hasn't been that long but I'm steadily getting over you and I'm putting my life back together."

"The 'coincidence' thing pushed me back a bit," I said not trying to hide the real reason.

"Haist... What I mean is... Maybe it's the fate for us to see each other now and talk like mature people." He does sound like a different person.

"That makes sense..."

"So how are you? I mean... You and Luke..." He asked.

"We're taking it slow... We're not there yet... And Uhm... We just enjoy each other's company for now..."

"That's good... Do you remember what I asked you that day?"


"I wasn't brave enough back then to hear your answer but would you answer it for me, now? I think I'm ready to hear it... And maybe it will help me to go forward with my life."

"I'm sorry... I can't recall it. What was it?"

"Do you love him?" He asked straightforwardly.

"I... Uh..."

"Come on, Kris... You know the answer already... I just want to hear it from you..."

"I do..." I uttered.

"Thanks... Now... I can live peacefully again..." He said as he stood up and grabbed his bag. I saw his face lit up like a burden was lifted off his shoulder.

"Oh... You're leaving?"

"Yes... I still have some packages to deliver..."


I walked him towards our door but he suddenly turned to face me.

"By the way, you said something back then that I want you to reconsider..."


"I still want to be your friend... I can be your drinking buddy..."


"Don't worry... I won't bring you to my apartment when you pass out."

"I... Uh..."

"Please... Think about it one more time... I promise not to do anything stupid again... That's all I ask from you..."

He looked so sincere and I started to feel bad that I told him to stay away from me.

"Okay... Sure... I'll think about it."

"Yes! Thanks, Kris."

He smiled and came closer to give me a hug but he stopped and gave me a handshake instead.

He gave me one last smile before he went his way out.

Maybe... It would be better that way. He seemed so happy and somehow I felt relieved. I moved back to our living room to check the package that my family sent me. I can't wait to see what's inside.

I went to the kitchen to grab a knife and sat on our couch and readied to open the package.

I gently cut through the tape and bubble wrap. I opened the box and saw what seemed to be a box for a watch. I opened it and I was so amused by what's inside. It's a Timex Steel analog watch. It was so cool. I never had a watch before so this is my first and I love it so much especially it was from my family. I immediately wore the watch and I feel so cool with it.

I looked inside the box and saw a letter. I opened it and it's from my mom and my brother, Lance.

Advance Happy Birthday Kristofer!

We're very sorry that we won't be there with you to celebrate your birthday. But we will definitely make up for it once your brother's schedule has been fixed.

We got you this watch as a gift. We wish you all the best in life. Focus on your studies okay?

We miss you! We love you!

Mom & Lance

My eyes got a bit stingy after I read it. I miss them so much. I understand their situation but I still wished deep inside that I'll be with them on my birthday.

I wiped the tears in my eyes and just smiled. I will treasure this gift forever that's for sure.


Luke came home that night and as usual, he was pretty tired from a busy shift at the café. He carried a white box as he came in and put it on the couch. He sat on the couch and laid his back to rest.

I joined him and offered him my favorite yogurt drink.


"Next week... You have to let me help you at the café... You can't go on like this."

"You will... It's just temporary... I told you I want you to look at your best for the homecoming, right?"

"But I'm concerned about you... Look at you... You came home worn out for the past days..."

"You don't need to worry about me..." He rubbed my hair again.

"I'll be fine..."

Then he noticed the watch that I'm wearing.

"Is that the gift from your family?"


"That's so cool... That will definitely look good with this." He said as he grabbed the white box and handed it over to me.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

I opened it and I was amazed by what's inside... a dark gray tuxedo and slacks.

"I want you to wear that on the homecoming..."

"It looks nice but this is too much... I have a pair of formal wear in my wardrobe... I can wear that."

"Just take it as an advance birthday gift... Please?" He pleaded.

"How did you kn-... Jen told you...  right?"

"Yeah... She did..."

He leaned closer to me until his face was inches away from mine.

"Remember I told you I wanted you to look good this Saturday... No... I want you to be the most good looking guy at that party...."

He stared at me for a while until I can't take his handsomeness anymore.

"Fine... I'll accept it... Thank you so much..." I said as I gave him a smile and he smiled back.

Then I remembered something.

"Uhm... Actually... There something I need to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"Chad was here this morning."

"What? That bastard! Did he do something to you?" His voice sounded angry.

"No... He's actually the courier who delivered the package." I explained.


"Yes, he happens to be a part-timer at the logistics company."

"I see..."

"And... He asked me to still be friends with him."

"Hell, No!" He's definitely mad now.

"But he already apologized and he was so sincere when he asked me about it."

"He can't be trusted." He insisted.

"You don't know that."

"After what he did to you? Wake up, Kris!" He was really tensed up.

"He already admitted he's wrong and I believe him." I tried to defend my side.

"You're unbelievable. That's being stupid."

My ear perked up right after he said that.

"Huh? Did you just call me stupid?"

"No! Not you! But what you're about to do."

"You can't tell me who should I be friends with... You're not m-" I gagged on what I'm about to say when I realized it wasn't right. But it might be too late.

"Really? Kris? You're willing to go that far just for that guy."

He scoffed and stood up.

"Wait... I didn't mean to."

"Of course you do..."

"I just want things to be the same way as before..." I said trying to calm him down.

"And I just want to protect you." He said those words while looking directly to my eyes.

I was dumbfounded by what he said that I was not able to say anything. His eyes showed he's hurt and it hurts me too.

"Don't bother to prepare dinner I'm not hungry anymore..."

He went straight to his room and shut the door.

All I want is for everyone to be happy. Why can't it be?


The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I prepared breakfast for both of us. I really want to say sorry to him for what I did last night. I don't want him to hate me.

I finished preparing the dishes when he came out of his room.

"Good morning! Breakfast is served."

He just looked at me and did not say anything.

He sat with me at the dining table and he began munching on his breakfast. It felt awkward since he's not looking at me at all.

"Luke... I'm sorry..."

He stopped and took a quick glance at me.

"I didn't mean to hurt you... It's just... I felt like I can't make a decision for myself."

He took a sip on his cup of coffee but still didn't respond.

"But I'm going to stick with my decision... If anything bad happens because of it... I'll take full responsibility..."

He gave me a scornful look. But I went on with my gut.

"I got this feeling that Chad really cares about our friendship and I know that you oppose it. But you don't have to worry about me. I've learned my lesson and this is a new beginning for both of us."

I noticed his eyebrows narrowing. Please, Luke, don't get mad.

"I promised I won't do anything that might hurt you and if Chad ever broke his promise... I know you're there for me to beat him to death."

"I want to beat him, now."

"Haist." I uttered.

"I just want you to trust me on this... That's all I want." I asked for it as a favor.

"I'll think about it... Thanks for the breakfast."


It's Saturday morning and the homecoming party will start later this afternoon.

Luke went out to see his brother Alex. He told me that Alex asked for his help with some preparations for tonight, probably with what to wear. Alex was more excited to be at the party as Jenna's date than I am. I'm actually getting nervous as time goes by. I kept practicing on my guitar to make sure I won't mess up with my surprise for Luke. Especially now that Luke has been cold to me for the last twenty-four hours.

I'm starting to get anxious so I called Jenna.

"Hello, Jen"

"Hi, Bes, why did you call?"

"I'm just feeling a bit anxious... He's still mad at me and I'm not sure if he's going to like it."

"Don't worry, Tope, once he sees your performance... he will definitely like it for sure."

"I really hope so..."

"Just relax... You still have time to chill out... Shake those nerves away... Wait... Alex told me he's with his brother now... Would that mean you will go to the party on your own?"

"Probably... Yes..."

"Oh! Geez! Would you like to drop by here? We can go there together."

"No... I don't want to ruin your moment with Alex. Besides... I'll be fine by myself."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay... If that's what you said. Uhm... The makeup artist just arrived here... I got to go Bes..."

"Yeah... Sure..."

"Bye! See you later!"

"Bye!" I said as I ended the call.

I took a deep breath to relax and closed my eyes for a moment. I can do this.

I took a shower and prepared myself as well. I'm wearing a dark gray notch lapel tuxedo and dark gray slacks. Luke got me this outfit the other day. It's really slick and fits me perfectly. I set my hair backward like those models in the magazine. And to complete my fabulous look I wore the watch that my family gave me. Luke was right, it totally complements the suit.

I took a final look at myself in the mirror. Even I was amazed at how I look. I grabbed my cellphone, wallet, and my guitar and I'm ready to go.

As I closed my bedroom door behind me, I heard someone's voice that inexplicably made me happy.

"You look really good..." Luke said while standing on the doorway.

He looked gorgeous in his midnight blue tuxedo with black lapels and modern details. It's like I'm looking at a celebrity inside our house. I admit... He looked hot.

He snapped his fingers and it brought me back to my senses.

"You're spacing out... Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine. I'm just surprised to see you. I thought you're tagging along with Alex." I said as I walked closer to him.

"Well, I want to be the first person to see how gorgeous you are..." He said as he took a step towards me.

"You're not bad yourself, Mr. Hotness Overload..."

"You like it?" He asked as he stood up properly in front of me.

"I won't lie... I do like it." I said as I fixed his bowtie.

"There..." I uttered and flashed a smile.

"Thank you... Let's go?"


We were in his car on our way to the homecoming party. I can't stop myself from taking glances at him while he was driving. His beauty really amused me.

"Uhm... Luke... Are you still mad at me?"

"If I am... You would be on your own now..."

"I see... Thanks for understanding."

"I thought about it really hard... I asked Jessie and Mike's opinion and even Alex's."

"What did they say?"

"Well... They told me I'm being unreasonable, strict, and unfair to you..."

"They did?"

"Yeah... And it made me realized that you were right... But once he did something to you like last time... I'll forget he's your friend... I will totally destroy his face."

"That a bit over the top but still... Thank you!"

I felt so relieved now. I gained his trust and I promised to myself not to break it.

"Kris..." He called my attention.

"Yes?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Why are you bringing your guitar with you?"

I glanced on my guitar that was in the back seat.

"I just felt like I should bring it in any case I got bored... You know..."

"Will you get bored with me?"

"No... I mean when the party gets kind of boring then maybe we can just sing along with my guitar."

"Okay... We'll see."

Whew! Good thing I was fast enough to think of an excuse. I want to surprise him with a song and that would be in front of all the people on that party. This time, I will make an effort for the person who have done a lot of things for me. I want him to know how much I appreciate every moment with him. I want him to know that I feel the same way.

I really hope this night would end up the way I want it to be.

A happy ending maybe...
