Chapter 30: Yes I do the signing!

Luke's POV:

I was beside the bed holding his hand hoping he could hear me...

"Kris... Please wake up..."

It's been two days. The doctor told me that he got two broken rib and received damage internally due to the blunt force of trauma. But he is safe now, we're just waiting for him to wake up.

We were supposed to meet at the park that night but he didn't come on time. I thought he was just late but this horrible thing happened to him. After the call I got from Chad, I came rushing to this hospital. Chad was with Claire who was crying a lot blaming herself for what happened. She told me what happened and I told her she doesn't have to blame herself. I'm glad that she was there and protected him with all her might or else he could have been in a worse condition.

The next day, the police brought and gave us all of his stuff. A paper bag caught my eyes, I checked what's inside and there were two boxes. I opened them and there were these bracelets with our initials on them. Claire told me that Kris bought them as a gift for me. He used the money he earned from the photoshoot that he did that day. I felt my eyes got teary but I held it in. I don't want to cry in front of Kris. If ever he opens his eyes I don't want him to see me crying.

His family came before noon and I told them what happened. They were glad that Kris was out of danger and they thanked me for taking care of him. I apologized to them for what happened during the dinner with my father, the reason why Kris left, and they told me that they understand the situation and they knew its not my intention. They made me feel that there's nothing to worry about.

Our friends came to visit as well. Jenna was so devastated and started crying by the time she got inside the room. She calmed down when Kris's mother talked to her. I do understand her emotion. For a very close friend, there's nothing more terrifying than seeing your best friend, lying on the bed with all the bruises on his body.

Chad visited in the afternoon and told me about who did this to Kris. He went to the police station to confront the guy. He knows him. He said his name was Jayson. He asked why he did that but he told him nothing. I want to see this person myself and asked him directly but Kris is my priority now. I can't leave his side. He needs me here. I want to be beside him the moment he opens his eyes. I guess, I just have to wait till he wakes up and ask him what happened.

Today, he hasn't woken up yet. I brought him flowers and I put them in a vase. His family was at the hospital's cafeteria having their breakfast. I walked up to the window and opened it. The sun has risen and it looks beautiful from up here.

"It's a beautiful day today..." I said as I sat on the chair beside the bed. I looked at Kris's face and held his hand.

"I know I've said this several times already... But I'm going to say this until I hear your voice again... I'm sorry... I swore to protect you at all cost but here you are..." I gently brushed my hand on his hair and I took a deep sigh.

"You know what... The day you left was the worst day of my life... I looked everywhere but I can't find you... That night, I didn't sleep at all... I waited and waited for you to come back... It was lonely without you, Kris..." I felt my eyes getting teary.

"Please wake up and come home with me..." As I said that I was not able to hold my emotion and started to cry.

"I'm sorry... if I made you... feel that way..."

I heard his voice. I looked at him and his eyes were on me.


"I didn't mean to hurt you... I'm sorry..."

"Kris! You're awake!" I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you finally woke up!" I said. I can't explain how happy and emotional I am.

"I'm happy as well but... You're hugging me too tight... I can't breathe..."

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I uttered as I let go of him.

He just smiled. My heart began to flutter to see his smile again.

"Let me call your mom and Lance..."



Kris's POV;

It has been hours since I woke up. A doctor came in to check on me and I was told I need to stay for another three days before I can go home. I got two broken ribs on my right and a few bruises but I was told I would be fine with enough rest and medicines.

Luke was the first person I saw when I woke up. Seeing him crying really breaks my heart and I promised not to make him sad anymore. My family was so happy, especially my mom. I made them worry so much. Luke told them what happened and I thought I would get scolded but they told me that they understand why I did that and they want me to think of my action first before I make a decision. I just swore not to cause any trouble again.

Lance went home since he only excused himself from his job for two days. My mom stayed and will take care of me until I made it out of this place. Luke will be around as well, I told him to not skip classes since final exams are coming real soon but he refused, he said he won't leave my side anymore.

My mom went out of the room when Jenna came rushing in.

"Bes! You're finally awake!" She said as she jumped over the bed and hugged me.

"Be careful, Jen... He's not totally recovered..." Alex said as he closed the door. Luke greeted him and I'm glad that they here.

"You made me so worried, Bes... Why didn't you tell me where you are? You don't even answer my calls...." She said and I can sense how hurt she was.

"I'm sorry, Jen... I thought of calling you... Believe me, I do... But I was not thinking straight during those times... I'm sorry..."

"Just don't ever do that again... Okay?" She said and I noticed her eyes getting teary.

"I promised..." I said softly.

"By the way, what really happened? Why did you get beaten up?" She asked.

"Remember... I don't ever fight back... I'll tell you the details some other time..."

"The guy who did this is already in jail... The police are not letting him go yet... They want to know if you will press charges on him..." Luke told me.

"I see..." I uttered.

We suddenly heard a knock on the door. Luke opened the door to see who it was.

"Hi... I'm Lorenzo Ortiz... I'm here to see Kris..."

"Mr. Lorenzo? Why are you here?" I asked as Luke let him in.

"Wait... I know you! You own the Orteza clothing brand!" Jenna said loudly.

"Uhm... Yes... That's me..."

"If you wouldn't mind me asking... What brings you here, Sir?" Luke asked.

"I'm here to talk to Kris..."

"You see... I had the photoshoot for his brand the day I got beaten up..." I explained.

"Whoa! Bes! You're a model now?" Jenna was surprised.

"It's just a one-time thing..." I explained.

"You did well, Kris... The Moda Mag sent me a draft of next month's issue... And I would say you present my brand so well..." Mr. Lorenzo said and seemed glad.

"Oh my! You'll be in a magazine?" Jenna was surprised as ever.

"Sort of...." I uttered.

"But I'm here for a different reason..." Mr. Lorenzo said as his tone changed.


"I know that what happened to you was cruel and unjust but I'm here to ask you to forgive Jayson..." He said as he bowed in front of me.

"Who's Jayson?" Jenna asked.

I have seen this coming. I know Jayson meant something to Mr.Lorenzo. I totally understand his reason.

"He's the one who did this to Kris..." Luke explained.

"What?" Jenna uttered.

"I'm sorry... Please forgive my nephew!" Mr. Lorenzo said still with his head down.

What? Nephew? I thought he was his lover or something like that.

"He's your nephew?" I asked.

"Yes... He's my sister's son..." He explained as he raised his head.

"So you mean..."

"Yes... I chose him as the main model in favor of my sister's request... You see... Jayson modeled for years and hasn't got his big break yet. So when I decided to launch a project... His mother asked me if I can let him represent the brand..."


"I know him well... His reckless attitude and his big ego... so I was really hesitant... But still, I let him be... I'm just returning a favor to his mother... But when the Moda Mag manager saw your pictures and compared them to him, they asked me to let you be the face of the brand since you look great in photos and my clothes..."

Now it all makes sense.

"You don't have to explain anymore, Mr.Lorenzo... I have made my decision..."

"But... Please-" He pleaded but before he said anything else I cut him off.

"I won't press charges..."

I saw everyone's reaction, they were appalled.

"Are you sure about this Kris?" Luke asked me.

"Yes! Let me tell you what happened that night..."


"Look who's here..."

I turned to my right and I saw Jayson walking towards me and a bit wobbly.

"Hey, Jayson... Are you drunk?"

"You did this... You and your dirty little tricks..."

"What? If this is about the photoshoot earlier... I have no idea they would do that... I swear..."

"Shut up! You liar! I known I'm good enough... But how dare you take that chance from me..."

"I told you... I don't have anything to do with it!"

"I know something is going on with you and my uncl-... Mr. Lorenzo!"

"That's bullshit! Let me get you a cab...  You need to go home and rest..." I said as I reached out to him and tried to calm him down.

"Don't touch me! You gold-digger..."

"What did you say?" I asked aggressively. I don't know where he's getting all this shit.

I saw him looked at my stuff.

"Huh! So you're moving in with him? That's fast..."

"What are you saying? I'm going home..."

"Shut up! I know guys like you will just leave him without saying a word once you got what you need..."

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"He got his heart broken so many times... I saw how it affected him but he never said a word to us... Not even once... I'll make you regret it..."

(End of flashback)

"Then he beat me up... In a flash, I found myself lying on the pavement. I didn't fight back because I can't... I didn't fight back because I don't know why I should... But when Mr.Lorenzo explained it... Now, I can see his reason..." I said then looked at Mr.Lorenzo.

"He just wants to protect his uncle... He may have chosen the wrong way to protect someone he loves but I do understand him now... I'll do the same too if it happens to me... So I won't press charges..."

"That's my best friend..." Jenna said.

"Thank you so much, Kris..."


Mr. Lorenzo left after a short while. I promised him not to press charges against Jayson so he can bail him out of the jail. Luke and his brother Alex, went out to buy something to drink while Jenna stayed beside me and didn't stop asking about the photoshoot.

We were waiting for Luke and Alex when Pam, Miya, and Niko came to visit me.

"So... How are you now, Kris?" Niko asked me.

"Well... I'm doing good... It just gets boring as time passes by..."

"Tell me about it... I know..." He said then let out a small laugh.

"Thank you for being here, guys..." I thanked them all.

"We could have been here sooner but Pam need to drop by somewhere..." Niko said.

"I went to my grandparents' home and got these for you!" Pam said as she offered a basket full of what I thought to be fruits but...

"Sweet potatoes? Really?" Miya asked looking at her with mockery.

"My mom told me these are good for muscle recovery..." She explained.

"Yeah... It will help him pass gas every ten minutes as well..." Niko said then everyone laughed with him.

Pam looked confused but I appreciate her concern.

"Thank you... Pam..."

She just smiled.

It's so wonderful to see everyone so happy. They were chatting and laughing when we heard a knock. The door opened and everyone was surprised to see who it was.

"Claire!" The girls blurted out.

"Hi, guys! Good to see you!"

Pam and Miya were so happy to see her. They hurriedly came to her and hugged her. They haven't seen each other for a long while. They are all good friends and it's good to see them together again.

"Why are you here?" Pam asked.

"We missed you so much!" Miya said as she hugged her again.

I can see on Claire's face that she's happy but her expression changed when she looked at me.

"Uhm... I'm here to see Kris..."

"What is it, Claire?" I asked.

"I'm here to apologize for what had happened to you... I shouldn't have bought the flowers and made you stay there to wait for me... If only I let you be on your way... This wouldn't happen..." She said as tears fell from her eyes.

Everyone stayed silent and I can see the sadness on their faces as they heard her say those words.

"It's not your fault... You don't have to blame yourself... Luke told me that you came rushing to save me... You didn't think twice even though you might get hurt as well..."

"But... still..."

"You're one true friend, Claire... Thank you for saving me..."

With that, she looked at me and wiped her tears. She smiled behind her tears.

"Thank you..." She uttered.

Then the girls came to her and hugged her tightly. They're all happy to hear what Claire did for me and I'm glad she was there to help me or else I might not be able to see those smiles on their faces ever again.


Two days had passed and tomorrow is my last day here in the hospital. I told Luke about the mini-reunion that our friends had the other day and he was happy to hear that everyone got to see each other again. He said he wanted to thank Claire for what she did for me and I have to wait sometime to see what it could be.

I'm getting better and better. The sweet potatoes that Pam brought for me may have contributed to it a lot and as expected I had to excuse myself from time to time to... you know what it is.

Luke was with me in the room when my mom came in.

"Kris... There's someone who would like to talk to you..." My mom said.

"Huh?" I uttered.

Then Luke's father came in and I was more than surprised.

"Dad... What are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"I talked to Kris's mother and I explained everything... I'm here to apologize to Kris..."

"You don't have to, Mr. Fuentabella... I already know the truth..."

"Well... Son... There's another thing that you need to know..." My mother said and I wonder what it could be.

"It's actually, Mr. Fuentabella who took care of our debt... We thought it's Luke but he said he didn't..." She explained.

"Oh... Then I must thank you, Sir..."

"That's not necessary... As long as you make my son happy then it's my pleasure to help you out..." Mr. Fuentabella said. He sounded soft, opposite of what kind of vibe I got from him that night.

"I see... For a second, I really thought you're against our relationship..." I said.

"Nah... When Luke told me about you... The way he speaks about you... I know you mean the world to him... And as his father... I don't want him to suffer as I did way back then...  The parents should always prioritize their child's happiness, no matter how everybody else sees it, as long as they can see that their child is happy, the world's point of view doesn't matter anymore... Whether it's right or wrong... I'll always support my son..."

"Thanks, dad... That really means a lot to me..." Luke said to his dad.

"Thank you, sir..." I thanked him as well.

"Just promise me one thing... Don't you ever forget to invite me to your wedding..." He said as he smiled.

"Then you must never do that kind of prank anymore..." Luke teased him.

"I promise..." He uttered.

The day ended on a good note and I'm excited to get home tomorrow.


It's been more than a week since I got home from the hospital. It's also the start of the new month. The last month of our junior year. The doctor told me to rest for another week after I got discharged and that's what I did. The final exams will happen a few weeks from now so while doing my best to recover, I also studied a lot. Jenna helped me with what lessons they had at school. She visits me here every day after class to give me her notes.

Luke has been taking good care of me. Well, that's what he promised my mom before she went back home to where they're staying.

I'm getting in my uniform and I'm excited to go to school and meet everyone. It's been two weeks and I missed a lot of classes but thanks to Jenna's notes I was able to study at home. I need to catch up with all of our subjects I can't let my family this time. I put on my shoes and took a last look at the mirror. The facial cream that Luke got me was really amazing. I can't see any trace of my bruises at all. I pressed on the area where I got broken ribs and it still hurt a bit. I guess this will take more time to fully heal on its own.

"Kris... You're ready?" Luke asked me as he opened the door.

"Yeah... I'll be right there..."

We were in his car, on our way to the university. I was looking outside the window just thinking about what happened for the past weeks and I thought it's been a hell of a ride. I've learned a lot and I will never forget every single bit of it.

"So where do you want to go this summer break?" He asked out of the blue.

"Should we think of the final exams first before we think of taking a vacation?"

"I know you will pass... You might still top the exams..." He said trying to fawn on me.

"I'm not worried about myself... I'm worried about you..." I said.

"Oh..." He uttered.

"You've been focusing on taking care of me a lot... I'm afraid you're not taking care of your studies... I've never even seen you reading a book..."

"Well... Who needs to do all that geeky stuff if I'm already taking care of my future with you..." He said sounding so cheeky. He did it again.

"Nope... Not with those cheesy lines again..." I said as I looked away for him not see me smiling.

"But I got you good with that one..."

"You're so silly... It's annoying actually..." I lied.

"You're annoyed but I can see your smile from here..."

"Stop it... Just drive... We can't be late for our class..." I said not looking at his face or else I will lose it.

He smiled and focused on driving while I'm there sitting beside him full of butterflies in my stomach.

We pulled over and parked the car. Then we went our way to our faculty building. It's just two weeks of not being here but it felt like it's my first day of school.

We were walking in the hallway when I felt eyes on me. I was greeting everyone who greeted me along the way but something is not right. Luke took notice of it too but he just told me to not mind them and keep walking.

We got inside our classroom and sat on our corresponding seats. Jenna was already there and was smiling at me from when I was at the doorstep until I sat down.

"What?" I asked her quite confused why she's acting weird.

She stood up and get something from her bag. She hid it behind her and walked up to me.

"Uhm... Kris...  Can I ask you a favor?"

"Nope... I won't do it..."

"What? I haven't even said what it is..."

"It doesn't matter... I planned to say 'No' from the start you opened your mouth..."

"You're being harsh... I just want you to sign this for me..." She said as she showed what she's hiding behind her back.

"Wait... Is this?"

"Yes... It's the Moda Mag edition for this month... I got a copy this morning..."

"You mean..."

"Yeah... I saw your pictures and you look awesome and freakishly hot!....

I turned the pages until I get to the Orteza section. Seeing my face in a magazine felt amazing. The photos turned out so well. I even felt awkward when I almost compliment myself.

"So... Can I get that signature now?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh... Are you sure? But I'm not a celebrity..."

"So what? It's pretty rare to see my best friend in a magazine spread..."

"Fine... Just stop with the flattery..."

"Okay... Here's a marker..." She said as she gave me the marker.

I signed every page with my face on it as she requested. And for the experience... it wasn't so bad.

"Done!" I uttered then put the cap back on the marker.

Jenna immediately snatched the magazine off my hand and turned around.

"Guys! I got his signature! You can have yours too!"

The moment she shouted that out loud.  The rest of the girls in our classroom screamed and it engulfed the room. They hurriedly lined up holding a copy of the magazine as well. It was shocking! I can even hear girls screaming from the hallway.

"What the..."

"See... Bes? Everybody is thrilled to have your signature as well..." Jenna said as she gestured thumbs up to all of the girls.

I can't believe what's happening right now. I gazed at Luke who was on his phone not minding the commotion in our classroom.

"Luke... Help me here..." I called out to him.

"I'm not the popular guy in here... Besides... I think I'll get a copy for myself..." He said.

"No! you won't!"  I was about to stand up when I got interrupted.

"Hi! Kris! Can you sign mine as well?" The girl in front asked me.

"Sure... Sure..." I uttered as I flashed a smile.

I don't want to be rude and disappoint these girls. It's just my signature, that's it! I thought, if this would make them happy, then I should give them what they're asking for. It's not like my signature matters at all, I'm not a celebrity. It just felt awkward seeing a long line of girls waiting for their turn to have their copies signed.


"One... Two... Three..." The girl said as she took a selfie with me.

"Thank you..." She uttered.

"Thanks..." I said then she went her way looking so happy.

"So... What's the feeling of being popular?" Jenna asked.

We were at the cafeteria taking our lunch break.

"I'm not..." I answered.

"What do you mean... That's the fourteenth person who asked for a selfie with you..."

"Well... Kris is just a bit overwhelmed with the attention he gets from everyone..."

"You should get used to it... Bes... By the way, Luke... How can you take this lightly? You're not jealous?..." Jenna asked Luke.

"Why should I? They're girls... I'm confident Kris will still pick me in the end... But if there is any guy who will try to steal him away from me... I'll probably kick his face..." He said.

"Ooooh... Possessive boyfriend..." Jenna teased him.

"But I'll ask Kris first if I can do that... I promised him that I'll stay away from trouble..." He said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"You should be..." I said raising a brow at him.

We were laughing and enjoying our lunch when...

"Kris... Can we talk?"

"Oh... Wendy..."
