
Pain! She opened her eyes she was alive Lu Ning looked around her she was in unfamiliar place Where was this she tried to sit up but her body was too weak.after a while she realised that she was in hospital room.

Ah! She hissed in pain when needle in her hand was pressed as she tried to get up. A nurse who fell asleep woke up when she sensed some movements.

Miss are you alright. She hurriedly pressed the bell to call the doctor. The head doctor hurriedly started to examine her

The doctor asked the nurse to get her temperature and he started checking her pulse with stethoscope

Lu Ning eyes widened, she was sure this wasn't heaven. The people before her this the hospitals room the place where her grandfather had died 3 yrs ago

Lu Ning was murdered when she was 24 yrs old on that bloody night now she is reborn when she was 19 yrs old

Its the year when she is on her way to home with her grandfather after leaving ling mansion. But they realised too late that car breaks stopped working and the car crashed into a building and her grandfather died while saving her.

But its is not an simple accident it is well planned by her father and step mother to kill her and her grandfather to get remaining properties.

The relation between Lu Ning and her father Ling Tao has been estranged since he brought his mistress Guai Rouxi home. After Lu Ning mother died not only that he also brought his daughter Ling Liqian who he had with Guai Rouxi

She got to know he had married her mother just for her inheritance. After that her step mother started torchering her

Only her maternal grandfather loves her only. When her grandfather came to know about this he became very angry and took Lu Ning with him, but then the accident happened

Her grandfather already knew that his life was in danger thats why he arranged her marriage with Si Yehan with his friend old master Si who was grandfather of Si Yehan.

To save her he made a will according to which Lu Ning only inheritance when she was 24 year old. After she get married in Si family

All this time she trusted Qin Feng, believed she was her friend. Yet she scheming behind her back. Lu Ning had been stupid she always listen her so called friend and this led to running her reputation.

Qin Feng had made her out jealous spoiled shrew in front of everyone. Because she loved Si Yehan

Even though her husband had no love for her he had never cheated on her, after he had married her only because of his grandfather pressuring him

She had clung on him even though he wanted to divorce her. After all she had his grandfather backing

Qin Feng murdered grandfather and put blam on her. He event not hear her explanation immediately divorced her and send her into prison.

She left alone. She had not know how her friend and so called family had ruined her life. If Qin Feng not told her everything while torturing her to death. She would never had known.

Lu Ning finally realised she was reincarnated a week after her grandfather 's funeral and before when she met old master si and agreed to marry Si Yehan

She had loved him for many years but he had never even glanced at her once . Lu Ning knew she still love him, but she also knew it was better to part now.

This time she would not make mistakes as she had done in her past life, she will make Qin Feng and so called family to pay for the deeds they have done. She will take revenge for her grandfather's death and also for ruining her life.

Lu Ning took deep breath There must a way

At least she was no longer that same stupid, mindless and impulsive teenager.

Can you get me a mirror Lu Ning asked the nurse. She saw her reflection on the mirror her stable black hair flowed down her waist, her ears and nose screamed perfect her face was pale but it make her pitiful and lonely

After a few days Lu Ning got discharge Meanwhile nobody come from ling family to trouble her. Probably they all blocked by Si family.

When she stepped out hospital A black maybach suddenly appeared of front of the pair and blocked her way before someone opened the door and step out

Hello young miss i am Zhou Min the butler of Si family you may not know us but your grandfather old master Lu is friend of our master . Before he died he had given your responsibility to our old master so please come with us.

Lu Ning started the man in dull manner. She knew who he was at same time she recalled that had happened before she was reborn

She remembered old masters Si flavors her as she was his choice and granddaughter of his best friend. Every one treated her well but her husband is too cold to her.

When she first saw she falls in love with him. And started trying every way to please him by clicking on him or by learning cooking for him, or playing piano. She was good in marshal arts but men did not like strong women so she tried to act week in front of him.

Under the influence of Qin feng she quit her college give up her studies and try everyway to please him. She strated misbehaving with everyone and in the end everyone starts distancing himself from her.


Lu Ning snapped out her thoughts . Ok Lets go said Lu Ning When the chauffeur opened the door she bent down and entered in the car.

She was returning to Si family home once again. But she definitely not repeat her mistake She will not cause trouble that cold man now theirs paths are different.