Imperial College

Imperial College was biggest most advance, most famous college throughout the country all the students are from prominent families.

From children of prime minister, militories and politician to descendants of famous doctors lawyers and big business companies.

On the top, there were heirs of the world's sovereign companies in including their aids

In another words their ranking was not about how high your grades are but by how wealthy and powerful you are.

The college did give its fame justice. This really lived up to its reputation as one of the biggest schools in the country. It ground alone occupied a quarter of capital city.

The students need to travel at least 20 minutes if they have to go the next department.

Every corner was sparkling clean and luxurious.once the car parked Lu Ning came out of the car and a assistant wearing a suit from the college staff approached her.

Hello Miss Lu welcome to imperial College please come with me your admission procedures all taken care by Mr Lu Yu.

Since she is related to Lu Yu the assistant talked politely to her and started introducing the college, recommending the place wher students must go rest and places where they can sightsee.

When they arrived at certain large building the staff member turn to her. This is the dormitory some will receive you at front.

The staff member bowed slightly and discretely made his way from there. Like he said another staff assisted her from the reception the lead her to dorm.

This is your dorm young miss, then the staff member turn to leave. Each dorm assign to 2 people.

Lu Ning enter in the dorm Inside the room there are two single beads, two study tables a and a mini kitchen.

Even the cafeteria is open for 24 hrs. So if students want they can cook in the kitchen if they want


The bathroom door was open and a girl who would be same age as Lu Ning came out she is very beautiful and have large almonds eyes brown hair she was as beautiful as Lu Ning.

If Lu Ning was elegant and cold beauty she looked like classy and mature.

Hello am Bo Mian said the girl and extended

her hand for handshake. Hi I am Lu Ning she kept her polite smile.

Are we in the same major asked Lu Ning, yeah same major, same class said Bo Mian.after that Lu Ning start organizing her things in the wardrobe.

Its late now lets have meal at canteen Bo mian suggest. Yes lets go she is extremely hungry she haven't eaten the breakfast today.

They order two bowls of noodles from the canteen after they sat down and started eating.

Oh isn't that is Bo Mian adopted daughter of Bo family a voice come from their behind. Mo Fei why are you taking to this peasant.

If not for Bo family she will not able to get admission in imperial College said a friend of Mo Fei.

Bo Mian and Lu Ning ignored her and continued to eating their noodles. Bo Mian i am talking to you what do you think you are.

A peasant trying to become a princess she mocked Bo Mian. Whether i am peasant or not what it have do with you said Bo Mian in extremely cold voice.

You.... When the girl saw Lu Ning she surprised by her beauty. Bo Mian extremely beautiful before this she was the most beautiful girl in the college.

But when she came she snatched her title now this girl she is extremely beautiful she is different from Bo mian she have strong aura

Mo Fei face became green due to envy. Oh you got a new friend maybe she also a adopted daughter of any family or maybe illegitimate daughter that's why she is with you. Haaaa i think your right Fei they both are of same levels her friends started laughing while mocking them.

Are you from Mo family said Lu Ning in calm voice. What do you mean i am second daughter of Mo family not a bumpkin like you.

Ohhh i heard that Mo family is going to be bankrupt in few months that's why your father trying to sell his daughter for funds he even didn't care if his sin- in- law is 60 or 70 year old.

Pfffff Bo mian laughed. How did she know Mo family is going to be bankruptcy Mo Fei thought in her mind only her family members know the truth. That why her father take her with him to entertain his old guests.

You.... What are you talking about lets go girls. Thank you said Bo Mian politely you don't need to thank me after all we are friends

Hmm Ning Ning.. Can i call you Ning Ning if don't mind yes Mian You can call me Ning Ning. Both stated laughing lets go people staring us strangely

Lets go said Lu Ning. Lu Ning didn't meet Bo Mian in her past life but she heard about her in her past life she will become a successful business woman in future without the help of Bo family.

And there also a rumor that she is married to Bo yan the heir of Bo family he is best friend of Si Yehan they both are alike extremely cold to their enemies.

She didn't saw him. Because Si Yehan did not take her in any party. He attend all parties with Qin Feng. Surely he tought she would embarrassed him.

Qin Feng use this opportunity and send her manipulated photos . When she saw those photos she became extremely angry and when Si yeahan came back to home she start fighting with him.

That's why he started not coming back to home. only during weekends he came back to home and shut him self in study.