My wife

At paradise club

Si Yehan, Bo yan and Mu Feng sitting inside the private rooms which specifically reserved for them

How was your meeting asked Bo Yan to Si yehan?

The black organization is now alerted. They suspect someone is collecting evidence against them.

So what will be their next plan? Asked Mu Feng

They have doubts, but they don't know whose is behind this.

This is good news for us said Mu Feng. But this also bad news for us said Bo Yan, and he continued because they know don't know whose behind this.

And they probably suspect all the people who have power to investigate about them because they are protected by foreign powers.

And they will keep eye on those people who have attended the meeting in D city. And they will doubt on Si Cooperation because they know Si cooperation is the strongest cooperation in the whole country which is not good news for them.

Now probably they will send spy among us said Si Yehan

So bro what is your next plan asked Mu Feng I will beat them in their own game said Si Yehan while smirking

Be careful said Bo Yan. Hmm mm ok.ok bro Yan you finally got married to your sweetheart so how your first night hmm mm…

Nothing happened between us said Bo Yan I think I should give her some time to adjust in her in life.

The opportunity for which you have waiting for years has now come in your hands and you are being saint Si Yehan mock him

At least I didn't get bitten my fiancée while kissing some people never understood haaaa Bo Yan also mock him

Mu Feng its looking like your guts are increasing day by day. No Bro Yehan I have some matters to attend so I leaving said Mu Feng trying to escape from Si Yehan warmth

Take me with you, I am little bit of drunk so probably I can't drive said Bo Yan but bro Yan you are not going to office said Mu Feng

You don't understand I have wife which waiting for me at home, I'm a married man so of course will return back to my home

Ok bro Yehan we're leaving goodbye Bo Yan and Mu Feng bid farewell to Si Yehan.


After completing hee revision Lu Ning then returned to her room and lay in her bed, yet for some reason, sleep completely eluded her.

Her phone suddenly rang. Holding it up, she saw the lit screen flash 'Si Yehan '.

Caught in a daze, she recalled when they had bumped into each other at the D city . There was a lump in her throat even now. She tapped the screen to reject his call in her frustration.

Within a few seconds, her phone rang again. She hung up right away.Her phone rang time after time, seemingly testing her patience. Going back and forth between her hanging up and him calling again, her fury sprang into life. She eventually accepted the call and snapped, "What are you trying to do?!"

"Get out!" Having over 20 calls of his being rejected by her, his voice was similarly filled with resentment.

She was confused and asked in distaste, "What are you barking at in the middle of the night?"

"I'm outside your college dorm ."

She rushed to the window and was shocked to see an Aston Martin parked outside. Si Yehan was supporting a phone to his ear and leaning his rangy figure against the hood of his car. He had a cigarette held at the corner of his lips.

The flickering and imperishable flames on his stick were particularly striking in this darkness.

Gazing from afar, the man had his head inclined, and his entire being radiated an indefinable loneliness.

For some reason, the him now was stripped off his past high feather and appeared a little distressed. This sight somehow pierced through her heart.

She ended the call and returned to her bed. This time, her ringtone did not buzz anew. She was baffled by this.

Was he gone?

She felt an inexplicable unease spread in her heart, and before she could think further on her action, she was already beside the window once again. She lifted a corner of the curtains and looked in to the distance, only to see him still present. Besides smoking a new stick, his posture was unchanged.

He seemed rather distressed tonight as he lit up one cigarette after another.

He took a drag on his smoke and raised his head in her direction.

She put down the curtain in a hurry, her heartbeat becoming slightly irregular.

She hesitated for a while, then she finally put on an outerwear and headed outside.

The passing late-night breeze sent a chill coursing through her body.

Feeling a little uneasy, she stood at the door and lightly tugged at her clothes. She glanced over at the man leaning against the front of his car. A long silence was held between them.

Seemingly a century later, she spoke.

"Why are you here?"

He peered at her face; his eyes were indecipherable as he stayed silent.

"If you have nothing to say, then I'm going back in!" she said in a fit of pique. Turning around and pushing the door open, she was about to enter her house when his voice rang out. "Stay there!"

She stopped her steps but did not turn to face him.She had just arrived before him when he suddenly stretched his arm out and drew her into his chest. He hugged her tightly.

His arms increasingly tightened around her, and he appeared to be quite in a frenzy. It was as though he were dying to fuse her into his blood and bones; his embrace was nearly suffocating!

Feeling a little uncomfortable, she struggled a little.

His forbearing voice reverberated from the crown of her head at this point. "Don't move!"

"Si Yehan …"

She lifted her eyes, just in time to see his handsome face inch close to hers