Sonya walked down the stairs to the kitchen, thinking her mom would be in there, but remembered she was gone with her dad on a month business trip, she shook her head of lonely thoughts and grabbed a bowl of golden grahams and poured milk in them, after she was done making her breakfast, she headed to the kitchen table curled up in the big comfy chair and ate her cereal.

Just as she went to put her bowl down for a minuet to adjust herself she saw a Blue envelope on the table written in some weird langue she could some how understand it read her name , but not only understanding the odd langue was odd but the fact it said "Queen" before her name.

Sonya shook her head...

"This is just getting weirder and weirder by the minuet damn...."

She opened it and pulled out the letter addressed to her...


                      "                                                        Dear Queen Sonya

              For decades upon decades, we have been trying to find you and await for the return of the true heir, i do apologize for this way of greeting towards you my lady, but the time will be upon us soon after the 12th day of December..."

Sonya thought for a minuet then looked at her phone calendar....she thought to herself...

"wait ...December 12th is my birthday??? what in the hell is going on?!"

Sonya read on , she wanted to know what else the letter had said...

    "On/After that day things will be awakened, and for certain you will have questions, questions that you will feel no one here can tell you, or ever understand that my dear is where i will come in but not just yet,but soon...Stay strong and stay brave, 11 months from now, things will come together, and you must be ready and willing to except anything and everything.

For now my dear Queen, i and a few others shall watch over you until you grow, for now....please do your best to take care and stay well safe and aware of who is beside you.

I bid you good-morrow my dear Queen, till we speak again.

    Signed: Unknown Protector.                                                                                                                                    "

Sonya set the letter down and looked at her half full cereal , she picked her bowl up and just now sat there in complete and utter silence , eating the rest of her breakfast.....she didn't know what was going on or going to happen after her birthday next year.....all she knew was, she was one hundred percent sure, she needed to protect herself, and not let some unknown person or her family or whoever else do it, it was time she took a stand and became the fighting force she knows she can be if she try's her hardest, and shell be damned if someone knocks her down a peg, she was tired of others making her out to be the outcast, to be the weak one, to be nothing more than a mere problem in there lives because she was different, but what she fails to see and will see soon enough was she was more than different she was far more special than anyone knew, and her time to come fourth and awaken , yes it may be quite some time away but not to far out...who she was truly and what she'll learn about herself, will be more than an eye opener from'll change her life as she knew it forever.