Chapter Two

Difficulties Are Bridges, That Lead You To A Destination.

Scarlett's POV

Finally, when we have reached the conference hall. We found six seats together. I settle myself in my seat, and make sure my friends are comfortable.

I gaze the hall, that I have been coming to for years, by now. And it is, still the same. Those same black blocky walls, wooden flooring and size. Mega-Large. I started admiring my school's interior from the time, I stepped foot. In this building. And I still do.

It is a place, that feels mine. As if, I belong here.

And all through this, I say my Besties. Played a hugh role in making me, a Scarlett. I am today. So if ever, I get a chance to repay them. Then I will do anything for them.

Anyways, they are so happy with their lives.

Take Bree and Ethan, Romeo and his Juliet. But I guess, with a happy ending.

No one ending up depressed or dead, right?

They are crazy for each other. So much, that in the beginning of their relationship. They fell in love. But still, hid their feelings from each other. Through enemity. But, you could always see love. Clear in their eyes.

I know, Ethan was the flirty type. Still is. And believe me, or not. I guess has the record, of dating almost every girl in this high school. But there is a quote that says,

"In a boy's life, there always comes a girl, who becomes a full stop for him."

That means, every bad boy turns good after a special girl enters his life. The special one, for him only. Same case, with Ethan. Bree entered his life, and he got so crazy for her. That he forgot all the girls with flirting, and was only there for her. So she technically, changed him.

Through love.

Ashley and Edward. The guy is best known for minding his own business. We made a joke about him that, even if the world's falling apart, he would care less.

But if, Ash and Ed are falling apart, that would be the last day of both of their lives.

I remember, when Ashley's father met Edward.

He was so not impressed by him.

Since, Edward was still in high school, without his parents. Who are actually not alive. Or any siblings, who were in established state.'Cos he had none of them.

So he thought, Ed had to struggle a lot. To be the respectable man, his daughter deserves today. As Ashley was rich and Edward struggling for a future.

Status Differences.

Ash was so angry, when she heard her father's, point of view. So she decided, to starve. Until, her father agreed.

That Ed and only Ed was the right man for her.

And so, poor Mr. Hayward, was not left with any choice. But to accept her daughter's wish happily.

Brave and Stubborn, I know.

Despite that, Ed's a future Electronical Engineer and our group's Techno-Man.

Well, actually Ed, Robby and Tony are really good friends. As Edward's into Technology, Robert's into Computer Science and Antonio's into Photography.

Yeah, photography.

He has taken a lot of 'Behind the Scene' pictures of me. When we were twelve.

Anyways, Ruby and Nerdy. Are two, who are stupidly in love with each other. Even though, they argue, almost every minute of the time, they spend together.

Sometimes, their arguments turn into fights, as they get very personal, rarely.

But my definition of personal is, without hurting someone, physically.

Those two, already without being wedded together. Look like,

A Married Couple.

Well, their bickering is like them. And so they being together. Is cute.

Hazel and Roman are engaged.

Hazel is just going to be twenty one, so she's in senior year.

Roman is the product manager in some pharmaceutical company. He was a wrestler, once.

I can never forget, how Hazel brought him back. To the real world, as his mind was still trapped in the 'wrestling' world.

She broke all his demands. Not through anger, desperation or stubbornness. But, she willed him. Into caring. Into loving.

With just pure affection.

So now, she is rewarded. Because now, he loves her. More than, anyone and anything. And is going to marry her.

Thanks to her. He is now, an 'Inner-peace' person.

As you call it.

"Hey, where have I lost you?"

"Um, I mean we, where have we lost you?" He says nervously.

I blink my eyes several times, to process the information, he is telling me.

Flashing out of your reverie, is not an easy task.

"Scarlett?" He says.

"Tony." I say.

"Is everything okay? You look pitiful." He asks.

"Yeah, just you know, I was admiring, how beautiful my best friend's lives are." I say, my voice longing and wanting.

He agrees,"Exactly, they look as if they have no problems to deal with. So, so.."

"Carefree." I say completing him.

My tone's breathless. That is my favourite word.

He smiles, making me feel. He is feeling the same way. "Exactly."

"Sometimes, I believe. That relationships and love can only bring you happiness." I say.

He objects,"Love, okay. Yeah, without it, you are not living, even though, you are alive. But, relationships not necessarily."

I point out,

"Love as in soul-mate, love."

His cheeks turn red. Oh my God, is he flushed? Okay, a second passed. And he's back to the way, he was.

"Ooh, someone is thinking about Ayla." I tease.

"Ayla?" He asks confused.

Why is his voice, filled with regret and betrayal?

What happened?

Did she do something wrong?

Okay, well. I'll kill her, if she broke him.

"Yeah, well. Your cheeks are pretty good evidence. But anyways, you can't still hide the truth from me." I say.


I cut him off,"Look, Tony. I know, how she looks at you and how you.."

I try to continue, but he just shakes his head.

"Oh." I pause."So you guys, broke up." My words don't have emotions.

He is drinking water, and he actually spills it on someone who is sitting in front of him, as I utter those words, 'broke up!'

"Hey, man. Watch where you spill!" The guy shouts.

He apologizes,"Damn, I'm so sorry."

He takes a tissue, and starts wiping the guy's jacket's behind.

"Sir, it was an accident." Clarifies Tony.

The guy in front obliges,"Dude, it's okay. No need to be so sorry."

Oh, what do I say, Tony's charms.

But he keeps on wiping, freaking out a bit.

"Tony, it's okay. Stop worrying."

I say as sweetly, as I can.

But, he is not listening to me. I mean, he has stopped wiping, but still, his face looks worried.

I put my hand, on his shoulder and say,"Tony. Look."

"Look at me, Tony." I command.

He suddenly, then looks at me, right in the eye.

"Antonio, what is it? What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

This scenario was possibly, not that bad. There is something else, worrying him.

"Scarlett, Ayla and me. We are nothing. I mean, we're really good friends. And that's only because, we have some similarities. Not some even, only one, reporting. Otherwise, we are nothing. And you know, she is dating Riley Hardwood." He says, assuring me.

From what? My inner self is confused.

"Is this all because of Riley?" I ask angrily.

Suddenly, my blood boils. Because, if she cheated on him. She will, die from my hands.

Tony starts laughing a little, in his breath and then says,

"No, don't be angry. I just don't think of her that way. I never loved her, I am not in love with her and I will never ever fall in love with her."

"So, you're happy this way. Without anyone to fall for. No reason for happiness. Single?" I ask.

"Oh yes. Good point to be happy. And anyway, I'm not the only one, single. You are too. So I ask, are you happy with your status?" He asks.

I smile and say,"That's a yes and a no. Well, look at the bright side, being single, makes you popular. Not that, I'm desperate."

"Tell me something, I don't know." He agrees.

"Guys, hush. Michi's speech is going to begin in a minute. I just got that text message from her." Ashley says, interrupting us.

That's our queue to be silent.

But, I just can't help, and accept the fact. That my friends are happy now, after a trip of problems. That they solved, to be together.

Who knew, relationships were like roller coasters?