Chapter Four

Fencing Partner

"I am not in love with you. But, you are the reason, my heart starts beating fast."

Scarlett's POV

"Welcome, students."

Says an all too familiar French plus American accent.

"It's been really génial to see you, after the vacations."

Eh, excuse his grammar mixed with French.

"Today we will, review our old lessons. That is. How to engage our competitor and using his/her quality against him/her. Joie turns to your la faiblesse. To keep your mind alert at all times"

The students smile. Probably thinking, it's easy.

"But" Our teacher continues, "C'est simple, non? But no. As you already know the weakness of your last competitor, so easy to defeat. So, peu de changement de plans."

He gives us, his devilish smile.

"You are going to have new competitors." And there you go.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you. The one and only our Fencing teacher.

Mr. Leonardo.

Keep somethings in mind, before referring to him. Always get his name right. Adjust with his French accent. With him, whenever, you think your task is simple. Well then, pal. You are quite wrong. Because, he always gives you the toughest of the toughest.

And, lastly. Never. Just. Never. Argue. With him.

Anyways, my reaction after hearing his declaration was. What? No. I don't want to replace Hazel with someone else. But, it will be fun, I guess. I can work with almost everyone in this class. But, someone corporative would be lucky, I hope.

"So fencers, here are your competitors."

"Lindsey Ronald with David Tucker,-"

"Hazel Brown and Renay Richards," Hazel scowls. Not because, she got a female competitor, instead of a male one. But because, she got Renay. She is a head-aching disease. And add her, sickly competitent attitude. In-Tolerable.

Renay scowls too, but because she wanted,

"Lionel Richmond with Scarlett Holmes."

Uh oh. I'm dead. Renay will kill me. She always wanted, Lionel as her competitor, but always got someone else. As Lionel's,

First Partner: David. Was beat up, by Renay's so-called cousin. His second partner: Lindsey. Is still the victim of her endless bullying.

I shiver. That guy is bad news. Not because, he is one. But, in fact. Brings one.

He walks towards me. His blond hair shining. His gold eyes way to distracting. They make it so hard to concentrate on.


And then, fencing is all about keeping control.

"Hi, Scarlett."

He grins after greeting me.

"Hi, Lionel."

I smile a competitor smile, after greeting him.

I look over at where Hazel is standing. She gives me a thumbs up. And Renay's face is flat, portraying no emotion.

Envy, I suppose.

"Fencers, positions!"

Mr. Leonardo orders.

I stand in my position and so does he. My thoughts.

Okay, I can do this.

I'm ready.

"And, begin!"

The noise tunk, tak of swords surrounds us.

My one hand is in the air and the other one is indulged in fighting with the sword.

I'm not mighty brave. So, I'm terrified.

But, on the other hand, Lionel looks relaxed. Fighting with one hand on the back, of the waist. The other hand, fencing.

Curtious position.

I know, he is fighting but he keeps on looking at me.

Eye in eye.

"So, Scarlett. How's life?" He says. Breaking the silence.

I chuckle at his unsuccessful attempt of trying to make conversation.

"Am I amusing you?"

He says, with a weird tone in his voice.

"No, not at all." I say.

"So?" He asks yet again.

"My life? Really? Well, filled with my besties." I answer for him.

"Oh, sorry. I meant to ask. How is your love life?" He asks.

"I don't have a love life."

I say straight forwardly.

"Okay, then what about your boyfriend status?"

"You know, I don't do the boyfriend thing."

"Why? You are nice, pretty and humble. I'm sure, someone would have asked you out."

What do I say to that?

"Well, I'd gladly date. If I come across someone, who can suffice my best friends. Seriously, they should be entitled with 'Scarlett Holmes' personal guardians'."

I answer, now earning a chuckle from him.

Yup, bodyguards at service.

"Anyways, I'm in confusion here. You are not into girls, are you?" He asks in amusement.

"What? No." I exclaim.

"Okay, against all the odds."

He pauses.

"What do you really see in a guy?" He enquires.


"You did not answer the question."

He is getting desperate and his moves are getting slower. That means, he does not want to win now, he wants to know the answer.

"Uh, Lionel."

"Answer." He is getting frustratingly angry. He stops and is staring me, demanding an answer.

I look into his eyes. Gold. His magic is working. Just like that, we stand.

"Scarlett, I want an answer."

Too bossy.

And just like that, without thinking properly, the word.


Slips out of my mouth.


He smiles sweetly. I notice, sunshine reach his face, his eyes make a bond with it. They shine gloriously. A jewel gold.

Then, as I was distracted with his question. I did not realize the feeling come inside me.

Something's wrong.

I come back to fencing. Maybe he is just alluring me. Maybe, he is not. But, I don't want to take any risks.

So, I quickly make my move, of fighting his sword and twisting it with mine, so that it drops from his hand. And reaches the ground.

God, look at his picture perfect face that holds a frown due to confusion.

This sight is totally worthy of a selfie.

Anyway, anyone who thinks he's innocent. Well, sorry to break this to you. You are wrong. He actually was alluring me. The major evidence, is that, if I had not payed attention. He would have won. By moving his sword in the upward direction; so that he catches me off guard. But fortunately, his trick against me, backfired.

Now, he is looking at me with his hands in a surrendered position, and his body a bit bent. The next thing, I hear is Hazel is cheering for me. Following her the rest of the fencing crowd is.

Did I just?

Win? Did I just had a victory against the great undefeatable Lionel Richmond?

Oh yes.

"Neatly struck, Miss Holmes. Congratulations."

Our teacher compliments me.

"Mr.Richmond, you have to concentrate harder, on your goals, than on something else." He points out to the Blond Prince in front of me.

"Forgive me, Mr.Leonard. But what can I do? If my competitor is so swift with her sword, and not to mention manipulative with not just her moves, but also with other things."

Lionel gives some pressure to

a-d-er things. To which I smile shyly.

"Well, she has all the right to be. Fencing, is not just about swiftness and grace. But also, tricks help you in a victory. And the smartest trick here is, allurance."

Our teacher turns to leave and says,

"That's all for today. I want you students, ready for your next class, next week."

He's almost going to exit the door. When looks back,

"And Lionel, most importantly it's Leonardo not Leonard."

Lionel nods embarrassed and then turns to me.

Okay, now. I feel guilty. For winning against him. He just never lost a match. And now, I..well defeated him.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Don't be. But, the answer to your question, really 'eyes'?" He asks.

He asks about his organ.

"Nope, the way you were staring me, made me say it. The actual answer is heart." I answer.

"Not in the literal way, right?"

He asks with humor in his voice.

"Of course, not. The derogatory way." I say and we both chuckle.

"Now, I'd take my leave from here. See you in the next class, partner." He winks at me.

"You bet, competitor." I smile and he leaves.

From the back, I hear someone say, "Stop flirting with him."

And that's, Renay.

"Renay, I did not-" I try to reason, but am cut off by none other Hazel.

"Renay, back off. She's not the flirting type." And puts her hands protectively on my shoulders.

"You think, I care? I just want this squirrel off my man's neck." She says, whilst glaring at me.

Me? A squirrel?

Renay turns to me and says,

"Listen here, mouse. Stay away from my baby. That's an order."

I open my mouth to protest, but Hazel here. Thinks she's in charge.

"No, you listen here, leech. If you even as much say a word to my sister. Then, beware. You won't know, what will hit you next." She warns, with a voice that can easily cower, Miss Blame-Me-Because-I-Am-A-Threat-To-Her-Non-Existent-Love-Story.

After a curt reply from my part time bodyguard, Renay storms off to where she came from. And, here I am left with Hazel and my regret of her, being so intruding in my matters.

Gosh, why can't she get it, that it's my fight?

"Hazel, you didn't have to." I argue.

"Be quiet, Scarlett. She deserved it." She snaps at me, in a useless attempt of calmness.

I don't need protection. I know, I am the youngest in our group. But, I'm the youngest with the age of seventeen. That is not little, in my dictionary.

I mean, I-am-so-not-a-kid.

Just why don't they understand?