Chapter Seven


Scarlett's POV

Have you ever just looked at someone and thought, that this person. That this awesomely talented person, who is the master of charms. Should be strangled to death. By taking hold of his strong neck with your small hands, and shaking it vigorously. Till the last words, he says are, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, for being such a pain in the derriere." That is what came to my mind.

When Ethan Marshall opened his mouth to make things worse. Again.

"For a wonderful day, wouldn't a coffee be a blessing?"

Everyone's eyes glare at his grinning face. That appears so carefree, as if just few minutes ago, we didn't face a lovely threat. Even, Bree gives him a look that says, Have you lost your marbles?

Ethan glances my way and as our eyes meet. I feel calm. His eyes hold warmth of affection. Such an expression, that explains,

Hey, everything's gonna be alright, don't worry.

I give him a genuine smile. He's trying to lighten up the tension in the room. In other words, he's free. I won't strangle him to death. I get up and ask,

"Who wants my blessed cup of coffee?" And the room erupts into laughter and smiles. I see nods and make my way to the kitchen.

Mixing coffee into the boiling water and the spreading brown colour. Made my thoughts drift towards Amie and her coffee brown eyes. I heard from Edward, they were on some moonlight date. Well, I hope their date was going well. The last time, I checked their date was a complete disaster. All thanks to Amie's Ex-Boyfriend.

Okay, scratch that, her Ex-fling guy. Or whatever they call it.


That's it! Could it be? Drew? Would he send me those flowers? Does he regret, what he did? Does he regret his pathetic ultimatum?

Just thinking about him, makes my heart ache. And here I go, drowning in my memory lane.

Two years ago.

"Come on, Bree. Middle school doesn't suck as much as you think it does." I console my cute best friend. Who's pouting like a four year old, even when she should be celebrating her sweet sixteen.

"Oh I'm sorry. Unlike my little goodie two shoes friend here, I hate school. Especially when Ethan Marshall, takes it as his aim to make every single day, the worst day of my freaking life." Bree exclaims, clenching and unclenching her fists.

I chuckle and add, "What did the poor soul do now?"

"Poor soul? Oh, I'll tell you how innocent, he is. That snarky clever idiot. He gave audition for the play, "Romeo and Juliet". And you know, as what?" She asks.

I shake my head. Even though, I kind of know the answer. But, let's not spoil this interesting conversation.

"As Romeo! He knew, I was taking part as Juliet. Gosh, why would he? And you know what, Scur? He even got it. I mean like, come on. How can Miss Harlan consider him? Think about it, romance with him. It's just ewe. He did this on purpose, that fox faced jerk. That fox jerk." She said, shaking her head with the idea and my laugh just got louder.

"Fox jerk? Is that even an insult?" Michelle said joining us. She eyed me and I shook my head. Which made us laugh again.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Enjoy my distress. But, I still can't believe, he got the part. He doesn't even look like 'Romeo'. I mean, Tony could still do better than him." She says. To which I slyly reply,

"You know, he wouldn't take part in a school play. It's not his thing. But, on the other hand, if we are discussing Ethan. He's perfectly charming for the role."

Bree Ashton scowls.

"Oh, but your Mr. Perfection is coming this way." Michelle whispers in my ear. And when my eyes finally made contact, with him. I'm red as a to-mah-to.

Drew Elmore, just stopped in front of me. The Earth is spinning in the wrong way.

"Can I speak to my girlfriend, for some time? Only if you girls don't mind." He says, looking at me. It's been a week, since our relationship and I'm still not used to it.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Michelle says, literally ushering me towards him.

"Lead the way." I almost mumble to him. He smiles and walks ahead, till we are in the earshot to everyone else in the building.

"I've heard, you're spending your summer holidays at Tony William's house. Is it true?" He asks, his tone changed from sweet to distant. What's wrong?

"I am. You know, me and him are not just friends. Our families are too. It was my Mom's idea. She wanted a change of scenery and Tony's aunt was very welcoming." I say.

"Okay, listen here, Scarlett. I won't like it that my girlfriend would spend her summer time with some guy, that's not me. Even the sound of it, sounds weird. Don't you think?" He says.

"But, that's the thing. He's not some guy. He's Tony, my childhood best friend. We've been together, since we were eight." I say. I mean, what's the big deal?

"But, that has to change. You are not single anymore. You're my girlfriend and WE are together." He says, emphasizing the WE.

"Drew, this. Tony. Hasn't ever been a problem before. Why now?" I ask confused, as to why he is acting this way.

"Because this much closure, isn't tolerable. If you want us to work. You have to have some distance from him." He says, something that makes dread spread all over me.

"Drew, please don't be like this. You know, me and him are just friends. And always will be. Everyone knows that. Don't do this." I plead as tears form in my eyes.

"Scarlett. It's either. Me or him. You choose." He gives me the ultimatum.

My eyes wide and my tears fall shamelessly for him to view. I can't.

I had planned to do anything for this to work. I had planned to sacrifice, what was needed. I planned to lose anything, that would help to gain something, anything in this. But, this was beyond anything, I ever thought. Drew was what I wanted most. My crush. Tony was just a friend. Always had been, always will be. But, even this was a difficult choice and my brain and heart. Said only one thing. And I just helped to voice it.

"It's Him." I answer.

"Then, run along to him, who you love so much." He said, all of the disgust in his tone. Then, mutters enough for me to hear, "What a waste of time." And walks away.

I stand still, as the endless tears keep descending and the sun grazes my back.

End of flashback.

"Oh my gosh! The coffee!" Michelle says, startling me. And oh crap, I switch off the burner. God, what in the world is wrong with me? Always distracted. Always getting distracted.

Michelle walks to stand behind me. She puts her hands on my shoulders, moving them up and down, rubbing me. And even in this tense situation, a smile lights my face. What would I have done if she won't be there? I turn around, and launch myself into a hug. I missed her so much in my two weeks long vacation. I am literally a sobbing mess now.

"Don't cry. It's okay. Everything is going to okay. I promise you, no one is going to lay their stupid bloody filthy hands ever at you. If they want to, they will have to trespass me and them." She points towards them. And I'm not sure why, but I feel strengthened and protected.

"Your Besties."