Chapter Fifteen


Scarlett's POV

Silence is all I hear, on the breakfast table.

"Pass me the salt." Amie says, looking directly at me. I put my fork down and I extend my hand more than I should, because I'm short. Michelle obliges seeing my struggle. I sit back down, as I mouth her a thank you.

"Girls, I hope you found the rooms to your liking?" Mr. Burton starts the conversation. I hear all the sighs and yeses.

"Though I do mind the early breakfast." Ashley points out.

I agree. It's only six in the morning.

"Early to bed, early to rise. Makes a man..." He leaves the sentence in the air, expecting us to complete and we do chorus, like the good girls we are.

Healthy, wealthy and wise.

"Flora, big question here." Bree speaks up and I catch a hint of her drowsy tone. I smile, as I realize that she used her family name. Though, flora doesn't seem impressed. "Yes, Briana?" I nervously keep eating. Isn't it too early to shoot guns?

She narrows her gaze but continues, "If this is a lake house." Pauses as she chews. "Where is the lake?" Good one. "Because, I don't see it."

"True. This is a lake house and yes it does not have a front view of the lake; neither is it built on one. But, there's the line that connects it to the woods. You can see it from that window." She points towards the biggest glass window, I can imagine.

"My ancestor," She chooses different set of words, as we look at her weird. "My great grandmother. She was from Italy and she loved this view. I remember her exact words,"

"Bello come quell lago." Uncle Burton chants and Florence gives him a knowing smile. Bree gives her a look.

"It means, as beautiful as that lake." Her eyes seem lost in the past, as she gazes the window. "And that's how, we started calling it the lake house. It's not been called anything else, since."

"When do we get to see it?" Ruby asks, excited. "The whole thing."

"Not now." Uncle Burton says, just as Florence says, "Soon." They share a look. "We don't go there." He continues and Florence gives out a chuckle. "You sound almost terrified, uncle." Yes, he even looks scared.

"Is everything alright?" I question.

"Yes, yes. Of course. That area is just under construction. That's why the government has banned our visits to the lake." Florence clarifies and I nod understanding their point.

"Until, then. Burton, brief them the rules." Florence commands.

"Rules?" Michelle interrogates, confused.

"Yes, girls. You are on a vacation. But, this place has established some rules, which have been followed through years." Burton adds. "To avoid any unusual circumstances, it has been requested that you abide in them."

"What kind of circumstances?" Hazel asks, because this has started going downhill. "Purely for your safety." Mr. Burton assures. What does that mean?

"Hold up. Are you saying that, there might be a threat? To us?" Hazel keeps up the tension that has been built. She faces Nista, "Florence, you said this place was safe." Florence is going to say something, before Amie cuts her off. "Yeah, there were no rules the last time, we were here."

"Things have changed." Burton announces.

"He means, that due to this construction business. We have to be more careful than before. We don't need legal pursuit interference, that's all." She looks at Hazel, "There is no threat. Just to be careful of our whereabouts. Calm down."

"Okay." Hazel and I say in unison. Then, we sigh in unison.

"One person walks, only till daylight.

If there is a reunion after sun down, I suggest it will be with more than a person.

Do not look back to the moving bushes.

If you feel a living presence with no one around, try locating a friend.

Do not trespass unknown territory.

Animal hazards to be taken seriously.

Do not take risks in the name of adventure.

Lastly and most importantly, do not underestimate the beauty that allures you. All that glitters might not just be gold."

"Moving bushes? Living presence? Is there a second meaning to this?" I ask, finally finding my voice after staring so long at him. This is pure madness. "No." That's all he says and laughs.

"Why don't we see the lake, as much as we can?" Florence suggests, as soon as, she sees us all eaten and done. Or most likely avoiding the awkward tension in the room. I get up last to follow her out.

As the fresh air goes past my skin and my eyes catch sight of the beautiful sunrise, over the horizon and just the line that separates the thin stream of the lake, my tensed muscles start to relax and I breathe like, I'm the fish who was taken away from the sea. How much beauty have I not seen?

"A wonder, indeed." Bree gushes and I see, how Florence teaches Ashley how to say the famous Italian words of her great grandmother. Ruby, Hazel and Michelle settle down. Amie whistles and I give her a thumbs up. I'm just going to settle myself on the turf of the mini garden.

When all of a sudden, my line of sight meets something red. I get up without a thought and follow it. Completely forgetting all about the rules and staying together. It's not a biggie, he said not to be alone after dark and not to be alone outside the house. The sun's up and I'm in the territory. So what to worry?

Now, you justify yourself from yourself? My subconscious mocks. I ignore it.

Unexpectedly, the word "Wow" escapes my throat. Because, what I see are flowers. But, not just any flowers.

They are Poppies. Little ones. Red.

By seeing the soil beneath, I come to realization they were planted here and I smile, as if they have infatuated me.

"Beautiful." I hear someone say behind me and I turn to see Uncle Burton. "Aren't they?" He continues. I grin looking back at the flowers, "Most definitely."

I try to walk up to one of them, but he stops me before I have a chance to enter their small field. "Don't. You'll hurt her." I frown, but I don't question. They have already said so many strange things, I wonder how many will they answer.

He sits down near the end and pats the land beside him, motioning me to do so too. "You really do like Poppies." I say, as I stare at each one of them. What's not to like about them? "Yes, they are my favourite." He says, as he grins at me. That expression, makes me feel such comfort. That might be the same warm smile, he gave to Ruby to make her feel at home. "Well, I'm honored to be called one then." I add.

He scans my face and then looks away lost.

When I see his face. I wonder, if my dad was alive, would he have looked at me with that same smile? Would he have called me, Poppy? I swallow up those emotions. I don't want to cry.

"Can I tell you a secret, Poppy?" He says, snapping me out of my reverie. "One you'll promise to not share to anyone?"

"It's a secret, uncle Burton." Pause. "I promise."

He nods quickly and then reaches in his jacket to pull out a wallet. He opens it and takes out a small photograph. I look at the girl and I can't help, but smile so wide. Her grin is contagious.

"She's so pretty." I compliment. Her auburn waves, perfect pale skin and green eyes. It's like, all that I have but prettier. Burton grins too, but this time, there is sorrow in his eyes. "Who is she?" I ask.

"This is my Poppy." He says, his voice on edge. Is he going to cry? "She died three years ago." His voice breaks. I feel so bad to see him like that, I pat his arm.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I say, as I truly feel pity for such a young sunshine and her care taker.

"No, no. Don't be." He's got tragedy in his eyes, but he's not crying. "I've got another Poppy." He smiles through the pain and I believe the quote, the most beautiful smile that struggles through tears.

"I'm glad to be one, now." I answer. "From now on, they are my favourite too." We laugh together and I feel like, maybe dad would have been this amazing. I think, I like uncle Burton now.

He stops laughing and then gazes a thousand of miles away. He's lost again. What's up with people here, who feel lost as they admire? I want to know this, more than anything. Honestly, I would have said a penny for your thoughts. But he spoke too soon.

"Scarlett," He starts. "That's your name, isn't it?" I don't know, whether to smile or disapprove. He didn't call me poppy and called me by my name for the first time. So, I simply nod.

"If you ever feel like there is no end to a destruction. Then that isn't the end of it. You end what started it and you'll end it."

"I don't understand." I ask, puzzled. What?

"You will. You are smarter and this time, they are weak." He speaks.

"Who is weak, uncle Burton?" I ask. He laughs, all of a sudden and this safe-dad-like person begins to sound scary. He stops mid laugh and looks at me, "I'm sorry, Poppy. What?"

"You said, they are weaker. Who are 'they'?"

"Poppy, what are you talking about? I haven't said a word in the last five minutes, we sat down." Silence. I gulp.

He just shocked me to the core. And I instinctively get up to leave.

"Either you're a liar or you're just crazy." I half shout, as I walk backwards as quick as I can, to get away from him. "Poppy, wait. Poppy?"

"Don't call me that!" Because this word doesn't sound sweet and honey anymore, it sounds creepy and those flowers mortify me. I bump into someone, on my way back. Florence. I hug her with all my might. As she caresses my hair.

"Is everything okay?" Florence asks me, as she looks at him. "Does Poppy day dream?" Burton asks her, as innocently as nothing happened. "Ask him not to call me that." I say, a bit carried away. As I notice all the girls are not outside anymore. Florence takes me inside.

I'm in my room. Lying on my bed; when I am notified that he left. I didn't dare come downstairs. Not even to bid him good bye.

My ridiculous excuse of lunch, was of no use, because I threw up all the contents in the toilet. So, I decided to skip dinner tonight. I had already lost my appetite, after today's events. Apparently, Bree kept bashing my door and Florence kept pleading. Hazel told me, better health benefits. But, I wasn't just in the mood to eat. My stomach felt sick, like if I swallow anything. I would throw up. When the persuasion wasn't getting them anywhere, they gave up and I didn't move a muscle after that. Hours had passed. I glanced at the antique clock and saw it was 1 a.m. midnight. Finally, finding some renewed strength. I got up.

The weird part was, where was the strength coming from? If food wasn't the reason. Sleep wasn't too. Because, twelve hours in bed and I didn't even close my eyes.

I made my way to the rest room. Deciding to brush my teeth, because taking a bath sounded too hectic for me now. I grabbed my brush and did the trick. Thinking about all the events of today.


"If you ever feel like there is no end to a destruction. Then that isn't the end of it. You end what started it and you'll end it."

I haven't said a word in the last five minutes.

The word Poppy kept bouncing in my ears.

Poppy, poppy, poppy, poppy...

Stop, I command my memory.

Poppy, poppy, poppy, poppy...

I said, Stop!

I spit it all out in the sink. Then, cough like I ate poison.

This is too much. The tooth paste acid was stronger than my regular one. Or was it just me weak? I check the label. Nah, just Colgate. Cursing myself for purposely putting myself in the situation, to remember things I should forget. I shake my head, as I look out the bathroom window.

Wait, is that?

Why didn't I, see this before? I move the entire curtain aside, to give myself a better view. My bathroom window, had the front view of the mini poppy field. I frown, how had I missed this?

One and a half day, that's how long you've been here. It's not such a shocking detail. My inner self justifies and I feel a maybe.

The next thing I see, wouldn't sound as believable. But, then again what has sounded believable this entire day? I make out, the lining of a shadow of someone sitting. Just the way, Mr. Burton and I sat today. At the same place in the same way. Arms folded around the knees, looking ahead. When I focus, I notice the shine of her auburn hair.

I have auburn hair. But, if I'm standing here. Who's...that?

Realization hits me like a truck and I think, I have lost my ability to breathe. When I notice how light her hair is. Poppy. My Poppy.

I push myself away from the window. No. It couldn't be. She's dead. She can't. I move to the sink. I open the tap and splash a handful of water on my face. Poppy is dead. It must have been some trick of the moon light. I close the tap. I take a deep breath. My eyes closed.

Don't panic. Calm down, Scarlett. You've just got her in your head. You need to relax. I counsel myself. Yes, yes. Exactly.

But, when I open my eyes. She's here. Right in front of me. In the mirror. She looks at me and then gives me a hollow haunting smile.

"Poppy." She utters and I run back.

My back hits the door. I turn to unlock it. But, it doesn't. I keep turning the damn handle, but it doesn't budge. She continues her rant,

"Poppy, poppy, poppy, poppy..."

I bash the door. Screaming. She gets louder.

"Poppy! Poppy! Poppy!"

"Someone please open the door!" I shout and thud so hard. It flies open in a second and I fall outside on the bedroom carpet, with the pressure. I scramble quickly to my feet and run to exit this room. But, all of my friends have already made it inside. They see me in this state and wrap themselves around me.

I don't know, when? But, I start crying.

I keep on pointing to the rest room.

Bree is closer to me than the others and she hugs me and refuses to let go. Michelle doesn't move from beside me. Florence is searching the bathroom and comes back to check on me. Amie pats my back and Ashley has my hands in hers, as she draws circles. Ruby got the tissue box. Hazel and Florence look so worried, they'll give me a heart ache.

It's okay, now. Isn't it? This comfort. This much love. They'll never let anyone or anything hurt me. Oh, heck they don't even ask what happened. Because, they know it'll disturb me.

Finally, when Florence convinces everybody that I'm fine and I keep on nodding, so that they could go to their separate rooms to go back to sleep. Bree doesn't budge still.

"I'll sleep on the floor. But, I'm not leaving her." Bree says, in a tone no one dares to argue, not even Florence. I nod. "I'll sleep on the floor too, then." I say and she wants to disagree. But, she sees how weak I am. So, she grabs another pillow for me.

The bed remains untouched, because Florence takes the couch. She said that, it'll be highly disgraceful if she did otherwise. Though, it makes no sense or logic. I have lost my ability to think.

When I arrange myself to sleep. I close my eyes.

But not before, I glance at that bathroom door.

I hear, Florence shuffling in her place and then she asks, the thing that makes her uncomfortable. Not the place, but the curiosity.

"Scarlett?" She asks. "Yeah." I hum. Making sure, we don't wake up my partner who's sleeping soundly beside me. She must have been immensely sleepy, because the moment she hit the pillow. She was out.

I look at Florence through the dim light of the night stand. She's contemplating her words.

"Do you really day dream?"

And just this one time, I feel like.

"I don't know."

Because, I really don't.